How to Influence People Using These 3 Powerful Tips

Learning how to Influence People in a Positive way is an extremely important area of your life and in some cases your business. These 3 easy to implement tips are going to help you to go a long way in creating more influence in your relationships.

In 2009 I read a book called ‘The Phycology of Influence’ by Robert Cialdini and it completely changed the way I conducted myself…both in Business and in my personal life.

If you actually sit back and look at life we're always influencing decisions.

If you have kids you have to learn how to Influence their actions.

If you have a job you have to learn how to influence your co-workers, customers and, the most important person of all…..your Boss. Especially when you want some vacation time.

If you own your own business you have to learn how to influence people all around you each day.

If you're in a relationship you have to influence your other half to give you back rubs and to the dishes
(or at least that’s in my house) =-)

Everyday, All the Time we are creators of Influence. Or at least we should be.

There’s Positive and Negative ways that we can employ Influence and guess which one will get us more of what we want?

Sure….Positive of course.

So how do you Increase your Influence so you can make a greater impact?

Video: How to Influence People to Create a Bigger Impact

I wanted to lay out a few simple ways that you can increase your influence with the people around you.

Being a Home Business owner, it’s important to hold a high level of positive influence because obviously the more influential you are, the more easy your results can be in making sales and enrolling new members into your business.

At least this is what I’ve found over the years.

Very simply by taking action in some of the tips that I shared in the video you can start today in increasing your influence with the people around.

These are just a few ways that can start to impact your life and your business RIGHT AWAY.

I also recommend picking up a copy of the Book Influence on Amazon right here.

It goes into describing the 6 weapons of Influence and how you can start to employ them in a positive way.

I believe that everyone needs to understand how to influence people and I also believe that everyone NEEDS to become more influential if they want to have an easier time in life and Business.

Just remember this

The More Influence you have = Easier Time in Life

If you’ve already read this book please share a comment below and let me know how it’s helped you in either your personal or Business life….

Tanya Aliza

“Helping Home Business Entrepreneurs to
Generate More Leads & Recruit More Reps”

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