Network Marketing Tips – 3 Ways to Get Your Team to Grow Fast

Network Marketing tipsIf you’re looking for some Network Marketing tips to keep your team motivated and duplicating then these tips are going to really help you out in your business.

Since 2009 I’ve been building my network marketing business and if there’s one thing I know it’s that unfortunately not everyone is going to stay motivated and active in building it as a business.

I’ve searched for a lot of Network Marketing tips on how to keep people building with me but it’s just one of those things that we can’t worry to much about and we have to understand that people quitting is just part of the business. Once we can come to terms with that we can feel better about going forward.

One of the best network marketing tips I’ve ever heard

It’s funny because at the last event my team and I were at in Las Vegas, one of the speakers asked us if we wanted to know the secret to overcoming EVERY obstacle in Network Marketing , and in my opinion this was one of the best network marketing tips I’ve ever heard, he said the secret is…….

> Someone quits – Go do another presentation
> Someone says No – Go do another presentation
> Someone takes half your downline to another company – Go do another presentation
> Someone says they need to think about it – Go do another presentation
> Someone says it’s a scam – Go do another presentation

‘Go do another presentation’ is the answer to all the obstacles that we face in Network Marketing because activity cures all problems in our business.

There are people out there than are hungry for what we have but most of us stall on the wrong people…..I would suggest moving forward with all activity rather than wasting time with the wrong people.

So Once the mind is set for success in this area of business it’s always nice to understand the basics of what you can do after you sponsor a new member to your team. How do you keep them excited and motivate for the long term with you?

Over the years I’ve been to a lot of training seminars and I’ve learned a lot from some amazing leaders in our industry and I’ve taken many notes on various different Network Marketing Tips but what are notes without action?

So whenever I learn something new for my business I’ll come home and try it out just to see if it works.
Well at one of the last events in Florida that I was at called Top Earner Academy I sat with a good friend and super star Leader, Lisa Grossmann, and this lady shared some really powerful ways to get my team moving and motivated.

I’m going to share with you 3 of her Network Marketing tips that she shared with me and when I went home and applied these I noticed an incredible difference in my team’s production.

#1 – Understand that the #1 thing a New Member wants is to make their investment back

If you can help your new rep to make their initial investment back within 7-14 days you’re going to have one motivated and excited new rep spreading the word fast.

We tend to over look the simplicity and power of this because most people say they want to make a big bucks with the opportunity, but big bucks have to start with re-cooping the initial investment and building belief with the new rep that this model works. Once you can establish that, you have a motivated rep.

#2 – Understand that 90% of people have never been Business owners before

If we know and understand this then we’ll also know that asking someone to pitch a business to their friends and family who have never seen them in a business is going to be weird and likely end in a ‘I’ll wait to see how you do first’ scenario. So rather than pitching a business we should be teaching our new rep to pitch their friends and family on the concept of trying product to collect feedback.

Think about it, if your friend came up to you and told you that they started a new business that they’re really passionate about and asked you to support them by buying a months worth of product and trying it out so that it could help you with your marketing, would you be likely to say yes? Of course you would…’re a good friend and you’d try something out for a month to help a friend.

This is going to get more Yes’s for your new rep and it will move lots of product for the first month which will also get their initial investment paid back fast putting their business in profits within the first month.

#3 – Get to the Events

This by far has been one of the best network marketing tips I’ve ever stuck to with my team and I encourage that ‘No Matter What’ this should be an absolute MUST for anyone on your team that wants to make money with your opportunity.

When you bring on a new rep you should be sharing with them the next event date and getting them committed to going. Sometimes you’ll have to push them to go but they’ll be grateful you did after they go.

I just got back from one of our large company events and every time our team and I come back we produce some BIG numbers!

I want to personally thank Lisa for taking the time with me at lunch that day to share her wisdom with me so I can share it with you and if you don’t already know Lisa Grossmann I would encourage looking her up because she is one wise lady in our profession.

If you have any another Network Marketing tips to share on Growing your team that has worked well with you and your team, please share them in the comments section below. I’d to see what’s working for you.

See you on the Next Blog Post Rock Star!

2022-11-04T17:27:08-04:00By |Home Business Training|