How Creating Online Content Helps Build Your Business

Many people wonder why I blog or do videos. They don't quite understand how creating online content helps to build my business, so I thought I'd do a blog post to enlighten you!

See, I'm already using my blog content to educate. Pretty nifty right?

How Creating online content helps build your biz

What is content?

Content can be defined as a blog post, video, podcast, e-book, or pretty much anything that delivers value.

Once I learned the value of content, I quickly came to the realization that your bank account is a direct reflection of the amount of value you put out in the market place, and one of the best ways to get value out, is content.

From Content Consumer to Business Partner

When people find my content online it does a few different things.

#1 – It positions me as the credible expert.

When people view you as a credit expert, you have an easier time influencing them.

#2 – It educates or entertains.

People come online to either get educated or entertained. Remember that and serve that need. I can share information about what I'm selling or offering to the masses verses one-on-one.

#3 – It allows my business to operate on autopilot, even when I'm sleeping!

The internet doesn't sleep and when the other side of the world is engaging with my content, it's an amazing thing!

Always Have a Call-to-Action

When you engage with my content you'll always see that I have some kind of call-to-action. The call-to-action is to help the visitor take the next step. So if they like the content and they want more, tell them how to get more.

This could be, to fill out an application to work with you, to buy something from you or to just connect further.

Whatever action you want them to take next!

That's how you go from content to business.

Obviously if you take the time to create valuable content that people love, you'll get more people taking action with you!

This is key, so don't forget to take the time and produce good valuable content.

Sometimes I sit down and ask myself, ‘what would I like to learn' as a little test to help me to judge good valuable content.

Hope this helped you to understand a little bit more about how online content can help you build your business.

I want you to ponder over one thing right now…. You're on my blog post…. Wouldn't it be cool to have people on YOUR blog, looking at your content and wanting to learn more about working with you in your business?

See it works!

If you'd like to learn a more about establishing a content marketing strategy for your business click the button below and join me on a free webinar I host.

I'll show you how I enrolled over 100 new members, won 4 vacations and became the #3 recruiter in my company, in less than 12 months.

Register for Tanya Aliza's Webinar

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Share a comment below and let me know if you're currently doing any kind of content marketing or if you're looking to start.

See you on the next post! Be Blessed!

2018-03-15T12:23:30-04:00By |Lead Generation|