Facebook Live Tips - How To Do One Facebook Live A Week & Still Get Massive Sales In Your Business

I’m going to share with you some very powerful Facebook Live tips that will help you create amazing results in your business with doing just one Facebook Live a week.

Each week I do a very strategic Facebook Live Broadcast that brings me HOT prospects and sales… consistently!

Notice I didn’t say "I go Live every single day"…. Just once a week!

This also works, if you’re going Live on Instagram too….

So would you like to know how to go Live strategically once a week and still crush it in your sales and recruiting?

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to reveal some of my processes so you can go Live less, but still create amazing results in your business.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

As we are talking about doing Facebook Lives for your business…I created a checklist for you so that you know exactly what to do before, during and after your Live broadcast to make it the most profitable.

It’s called The Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist and you can download it below.

Episode #151 Facebook Live Tips - How To Do One Facebook Live A Week & Still Get Massive Sales In Your Business

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Designed to optimize every stage of your live broadcast and outlines critical actions to take before, during, and after your stream, ensuring you engage your audience effectively, maximize viewer interaction, and capitalize on your efforts.

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Facebook Live Tips - My Process & Strategy

Okay, so if you’re a busy person or you don’t LOVE going Live too much, but you still want to make that impact in your business, this is going to be an amazing training for you to dive into and share with your peeps.

See, I personally believe we should all work smarter, not harder.

Especially, if you want to avoid burnout and grow your business in a way that’s sustainable for the long term.

My process & strategy when doing Facebook or Instagram Lives is all about working smart not hard.

If you want results with leverage, you'll love these Facebook Live tips I'm going to be sharing with you.

Facebook Live Tips - Condition Your Audience

This is one of my favorite Facebook Live tips....its getting your audience conditioned to when you're going live.

This is so important.

I’ve gotten really good at doing this and it's a strategy that brings amazing results.

So basically, everyone knows I put out a brand new Blog Episode each and every Monday and on Tuesdays I go Live on Facebook for what I call Tuesdays With Tanya.

So pick a day that works for you and make a commitment and declare it to your audience.

Let them know when your going to show up, where you are going to show up, how your going to show up, and what they’re going to get out of the content that you’re going to deliver.

Conditioning your audience and being very consistent with a smaller amount of content will help you create the results that you are looking for.

But the key TAKEAWAY here is that you have to be consistent (that's where the magic happens).

Facebook Live Tips - The 80/20 rule

My entire business model is based on the 80/20 rule.

80% of my time is spent promoting my content and 20% of my time goes into creating content.

I’m now going to give you what I call "my 4 P’s to success" in doing your Facebook Lives or any content that you produce.

And you can use this formula on Instagram or any other platform your going Live or delivering content on.

Okay so here are the 4 P’s to Success:

Facebook Live Tips - #1 You’ve got to PLAN

You have to know exactly what you’re going to say on your Facebook Live and how you’re going to segway to your call to action for people to take the next step with you.

That just takes a little bit of planning.

I carve out at least 15 minutes before I go Live and plan how I’m going to deliver the content and how I’m going to segway into a call to action.

So that's my first P to success in doing Facebook Lives...now let's move on to P#2.

Facebook Live Tips - #2 You’ve got to PRODUCE

When you are producing your content through a Live broadcast or doing video make sure you are in an area that is distraction free so people can focus on the content your giving them.

A couple of tips: Make sure that your audio and lighting is good.

The best kind of light is natural light. So if you can use the natural light, take advantage of it.

Also, invest in a little microphone for your iPhone or camera so that your audience can hear you well. Audio quality is so important and in my opinion much more important than good lighting.

There’ some good ones out there and check out this link to the one I use and other equipment I recommend.

Facebook Live Tips - #3 You’ve got to PROMOTE

Once you’ve got it produced you’ve got to promote it right?

Producing it is half the battle…now you gotta promote it.

Just remember the 80/20 rule.

But you might be wondering, "Where the heck do I promote it?"

In My Facebook live checklist I share with you exactly how to promote your Facebook Lives or any content so that you get the most eyeballs on it.

Facebook Live Tips - #4 You’ve got to PROFIT

This my friends is my favorite one…lol and probably yours too.

Obviously you’ve got to convert people.

In my Facebook Live checklist you’ll see a couple of things that you can do after your Facebook Live to convert people into becoming customers or teammates for your business.

There's no point in doing all the work and not converting people.

You want to be doing everything in a strategic manner that will result in the most profits for you.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

My Complete Social Media Sales Blueprint | Free Masterclass Showing How I Attract 12-23 New Buyers a Week From Just One Piece Of Content That I Create! Let’s Stop Spinning Our Wheels On Social Media Doing Weird Stuff That Takes Too Long.

Smart Paid Traffic | Learn how to run Facebook Ads for any business.

Book | A Brand Called You | This is one of my favorite books on learning about the importance of Branding yourself so you can create a life and business that you love…with leverage! I saw the author speak on stage at an event I was at in Florida and it was the best Keynote speech I have ever heard.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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