Facebook Marketing Tips - How To Use Your Facebook Photo Album To Generate A Flood Of Leads For Your Business

In this episode, I share my best Facebook marketing tips that will help you generate a ton of leads using a simple Facebook photo album strategy.

Does your current Facebook engagement strategy need a little more juice?

What if I told you that your Facebook photo albums can help you generate interest, engagement and leads into your business?

You know, the same photo albums that you have all your wonky family photos in:-)

If you’re using social media to build your business, Facebook photo albums can help you create more interest and traction in whatever it is that you are selling or sharing.

Over the years of building my business primarily on Social Media, I’ve found that using Facebook photo albums is a very effective and simple way to get sales and leads for your business.

Don’t be fooled by how simple this strategy is, sometimes it’s the simple things that can be the most powerful.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’ll be showing you how to make your Facebook photo albums work for you day and night.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL FREE resource that you can download and implement right away.

This week, I put together a Free Resource for you called My 5 Facebook Post Ideas template that will
help you generate more interest and engagement with your social media posts. You can use these templates no matter what company, product or service your promoting.

The majority of content that gets shared on Facebook gets little to no traction.

For this reason, it’s vital that entrepreneurs do whatever they can to actually get their content noticed and read.

I use a really simple strategy with my Facebook albums that gets me leads and sales for my business. I’m all about simple so let’s dive right into some of my sizzling hot tips for making Facebook photo albums work for you and your business.

Episode #47 Facebook Marketing Tips - How To Use Your Facebook Photo Album To Generate A Flood Of Leads For Your Business

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

5 Facebook Posts.
Designed to boost your online interaction and revenue, this guide provides 5 Facebook post ideas crafted to generate more engagement and sales.

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I’m going to say something that might ruffle some feathers.

If you’re in network marketing, you are NOT selling your product or service.

Say what!?

I know, it took me a while to wrap my brain around that concept too.

What you and I are selling is Lifestyle.

Lifestyle is the benefit(s) of your business, service or product.

When your sharing on social media you’ll want to help your audience connect with how it would feel to be living the lifestyle of the benefits of your products, business or service.

Facebook photo albums are a fast and effective way of achieving this.


You may have already heard the importance of storytelling in your marketing, especially when you’re on a social platform like Facebook.

With all the influx of content that’s getting shared on social media, how do you avoid getting buried under all of it?

Stories are a great way to stand out and create interest. People would rather read stories than boring, dry facts and figures about your business, service or products.

Instead of sharing facts about your products or business, share what was going on in your life that led you to start your business or what was going on in your life when you decided to start using your company’s products.

Share stories, anecdotes, and testimonials from your customers or business partners to build trust with your audience.

Infomercials are a great example of the power of testimonials. People don’t buy because infomercials are so great and entertaining, they buy because of the heavy amount of social proof that’s used in infomercials.

In a nutshell, Facebook photo albums are one of the best ways to share both stories and lifestyle.


So how do you create your very own evergreen, story rich, lifestyle photo albums?

Here are some simple steps to follow to get your Facebook photo albums working for you day and night.

First, let's make sure we're all on the same page (hehe, get it?). A Facebook business page is where we should be using this strategy. It’s not the same as your Facebook profile.

If you don’t have a Facebook page then go create one, it’s super simple to do.

However, I’m all about taking action. If you want to use this strategy on a Facebook profile, you can, but I recommend that at some point you create a Facebook page for your business.

Step 1 -Click on your photos tab

You’ll find it at the top, if you’re on your profile. If you’re on your Facebook page, you’ll locate it to the left-hand side.

Step 2 – Click on create a photo album

When you click on photos, you’ll see a couple different options. You have your feed images, images on your wall, photos of you and photos you’ve been tagged in and then you’ll also see your photo albums.

Step 3. Upload an image

Facebook will prompt you to upload an image. Have an image ready to start your photo album with.

Step 4. Add a title and description

Once you’ve uploaded an image you can go ahead and title your album and add a description.

And that’s all there is to it.


Don’t know what types of photo albums to create?

If you’re in network marketing, here are some album ideas you might want to use:

• Adventures and Vacations - think lifestyle, fun, adventure, travel

• My Awesome Team - showcase your fun team culture that others will want to be a part of

• My Freedom Journey - share your milestones and celebrate your success

• Escape the Rat Race - cause who doesn’t want to learn how to escape the 9-5

• Speaking Engagements - if you’re a coach or you train at events you can showcase them here

• Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - great for before and after pictures that speak of the benefits of your products

Once you have a couple of albums created you’ll want to use my favorite tools that will help make this whole process easier.

I use Canva and Wordswag to create my images. Both of these tools are free and easy to use.


So, once you have some images created and you upload them to your photo album, it’s time to get some fans engaged. Here are some strategies that will help you get the most out of your efforts.

1. Post once a week to keep things fresh and people engaged

Staying consistent is the key here. I suggest adding images at least once a week to keep your fans engaged.

2. Ask questions in your posts

Asking questions is a great way to start a conversation and get people engaged. I’ve included some examples and scripts for you in this week’s free resource.

3.Engage with likes and comments

This is super important. Make sure you don’t ignore your fans. If you do, they will most likely stop commenting or liking your photos and posts.

It’s time for you to take some massive action and start implementing these strategies.

Get the most out of these Facebook marketing tips by downloading some examples and scripts I put together for you that will help you create curiosity and interest from your Facebook posts.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Facebook Live Checklist | What to do before, during and after your Facebook Live broadcast to check the most views and engagement.

Book | Jab Jab Jab Right Hook | This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of Social Media! It teaches you how to function on the different Social Media platforms to get the best results.

CanvaEasily create beautiful designs and documents. Canva's drag-and-drop feature and professional layouts will help you create stunning images for your facebook photo albums.

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