How to Get Pumped Up Again When You Feel Like Giving Up In Your Business

In this episode, I share my best entrepreneur tips on how to get excited and pumped up again when you feel like giving up in your business.

Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel and quitting your business?

Do you feel like it’s just too much and you’re not seeing the results you need to keep you moving forward?

Maybe you’ve been putting in crazy long hours doing everything you’ve learned, but your bank account isn’t showing the fruits of your labor.

Maybe your family is wondering if your business will ever produce results because you’re putting in a lot of time and effort and there isn’t much to show for it.

You’ve given up on doing a lot of things you used to enjoy because you know that if you just keep hustling and striving, that one day your business will be producing exactly the way you want it to.

But it’s not working.

And some days it’s just too much. Maybe you’ve even wondered if this entrepreneurial thing just isn’t for you.

If that sounds like you - you are not alone. Every entrepreneur has felt like quitting at some point.

In this episode, I’m going to share with you the real reason most people quit in their business and how to prevent from losing your motivation when you feel like giving up.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL FREE resource that you can download and implement right away.

This week, I put together a Free Resource for you called My 25 Energy Recharging Ideas to keep you fresh in your business and also to inspire creativity and new ideas for your business.

I’ve been using these tips and strategies myself to help me and they will help you when you feel like giving up and saying “adios” to your dreams.

I’ve had days in my business where I’ve just wanted to quit…actually, I’ve wanted to quit multiple times in just one day. I want you to know this is normal.

It happens to all of us. The struggle is a normal part of owning a business.

The key is not letting your thoughts get in the way of where you want to go. The key is staying so focused that nothing can sway you -- including the possibility of failure.

So, whether you’re just getting started in business or you’ve been around for a while, these tips if applied, will help you get back in the game when you feel like giving up.

Let’s dive right in…

Episode #48 How To Get Pumped Up Again When You Feel Like Giving Up In Your Business

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

25 Energy Recharging Ideas.
Designed to help you keep fresh, inspired and motivated in your business.

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A mentor of mine once said, “If you don’t feel like quitting at least two times a week, you are not working hard enough.”

Nevertheless, thinking and acting on your thoughts when you feel like giving up are two different things.

If you actually quit your business - you were never committed in the first place.

That’s usually the underlying reason that most people quit. They were never committed.

The path to success is full of people who are interested in achieving something, but it takes more than interest, or even passion, it takes commitment to be successful.


When you are your own boss, that means you are essentially alone. You can only rely on yourself for motivation, praise, and encouragement.

You don’t have anyone praising you for your efforts or telling you what a good job you’re doing. That can get pretty hard for most people.

We all crave praise. It’s an essential human need. Not one single person I know does not crave praise.

That’s why as an entrepreneur you need to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs and people that praise and support you.

Here are some tips to help you get the praise and support you need.

Join an Entrepreneurial group

Recently I created a Facebook community group where like-minded Entrepreneurs can come together to share ideas, learn from one another and also praise each other for our work and accomplishments.

Definitely come over and join us and be surrounded by other motivated smart entrepreneurs that will help you stay accountable to what you say you want.

Ask family and friends to be a source of support and praise.

Let family and friends know that their support and praise will help you towards reaching your business goals. If you aren’t surrounded by people who want to see you succeed, you’ll have a much harder time achieving your goals and dreams.

If you aren’t surrounded by supportive people, then maybe it’s time to clean house;-)


When nothing in your business is going the way you want it to, you will literally feel like going on a Netflix and pizza binge, and just forget that your business even exists.

However, the worst thing you can do is not move.

So, what do you do when you feel like giving up?


That’s the cure to the “I want to quit” ailment.

Seriously, staying in action will eventually get you out of your funk.

If you’re in a funk here’s my quitting prevention prescription:

• Go make a sale
• Recruit a new teammate
• Get to a training or training event
• Listen to a podcast
• Exercise
• Meditate
• Do Yoga
• Download my 25 Energy Recharging Ideas

The longer you stay inactive the harder it will be to get back in action.

Your life and your dreams are too important for you to quit. Get committed to your dreams and make a decision that no matter how you feel or how many thoughts about quitting you have when you feel like giving up, you will never ever quit on yourself or your dreams.

My gift to you this week is My 25 Energy Recharging Ideas to keep you fresh and excited about your business.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

Episode 27 | How To Re-Launch Your Business

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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