My Scarcity To Abundance Mindset Shift (BROKE to Millionaire)

Do you have an abundance mindset? Is money something you view as evil or as a tool you can use to do amazing things with?

Seriously…what’s the first thing that you feel and think of when you think of money?

Have you ever noticed that the people that view money as evil or bad, typically don’t have alot of it?

I used to be one of those people and I was very BROKE.

I grew up in a VERY frugal household and we didn’t talk about money. So I didn’t grow up to have a great relationship with money.

That changed over time and I was able to go from broke to having a multi-million dollar business after I changed my mindset around money.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you the 3 things I did that helped me:

- Change my views around money
- Create an abundance mentality around money
- Create a better relationship with money

Basically…everything I did to help me go from Broke to earning 7-Figures.

So let’s dive right in!

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week since we’re talking about creating an abundance mindset so you can attract more money into your life, I’m going to give you My Updated Miracle Morning Routine.

These are the exact steps of everything I do every single morning that sets me up for success in my mind, body and business. You can download it right away by clicking below.

This training was birthed after I received a comment from one of my members in my Facebook group.

You can take a look at what she posted right here:

This member’s comment got me thinking about my journey in changing my relationship with money. It’s been quite the journey.

I don’t know about you but I had A LOT of work I needed to do to change my mindset around money.

A LOT of work.

Episode #241 My Scarcity To Abundance Mindset Shift (BROKE To Millionaire)

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My Morning Success Routine.
Designed to streamline your morning and set you up for success, this routine and checklist ensure a productive start to every day.

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It starts by making the decision to change your relationship with money

Yep, it can all change by just making the decision that you WANT to change your mindset and relationship around money.

Because you want to attract more of it right? Yea! We all do and no one should be broke.

There’s so much good in this world that you can do with money.

But without it, your strapped and probably stressed out like crazy.

And you know, there’s always that pivotal moment in life where people decide they need to do something about money (or lack of) and how they view it.

For me, my pain point was that I just got sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck.

I was DONE with that painful cycle.

So I started to look at the people around me or that I was following online that were living the life that I wanted to live.

I noticed a common theme amongst all of them.

They weren’t scared or ashamed to talk about money. It was a freely discussed topic.

This was very uncomfortable for me because I came from an upbringing where you never talked or asked questions around money.

It was kind of a taboo topic.

But in 2014 that all changed.

I wanted to launch a product and I hired a business coach to help me with the launch.

I remember the 1st thing he made me do was set some monetary goals around the amount of money I wanted to bring in from my launch.

He made me create 3 levels of goals around money.

Goal #1 - "This would be nice goal" - this is the goal that would be nice for you but isn’t super duper scary to achieve.

Goal #2 - "This is amazing goal" - this goal is pretty amazing and starts to go outside your comfort zone.

Goal #3 - "Holy Shit goal" - this is the one that would make you scream "holy shit!" LOL

Talking about money and sharing these goals with other people made me feel soooooo uncomfortable.

Today, however, I talk about money very freely.

But this is all because of the mental work I did around money and my relationship to it.

So you’re probably wondering, how and what do you do to change your mindset around money?

As always, I gotchu!

I’m now going to share with you the 3 things I did that helped me:

- Change my views around money
- Create an abundance mentality around money
- Create a better relationship with money

Basically…everything I did to help me go from Broke to 7-Figures.

Let’s dive right in and start with the mindset steps first…

Abundance Mindset Idea #1 - Retrain Your Mind

I retrained my mind to think of money in a positive way by looking at it as a tool that will amplify your true personality.

So basically, if you’re a good person you’ll be able to do more good.

On the flip side, if you’re a crappy ol’ human, then money will allow you to do more crappy things in this world.

So money in and of itself is just a tool that will bring out more of who you really are.

Abundance Mindset Idea #2 - Give More Value

The amount of money in your bank account usually reflects the amount of value that you have been able to offer into the marketplace.

This holds true, especially in the entrepreneur world.

If you’re giving away a lot of value and giving away a lot of good into the marketplace, then that’s deserving of the money going into your bank account.

Abundance Mindset Idea #3 - Shape Your Thoughts For A Positive Outlook

This one struck a chord with me and it’s how I changed my stinking thinking around money.

I said to myself, "If I think of money negatively I’m going to be repelling it away.

Therefore, since I don’t want to be broke, I need to start thinking about money in a positive way."

And I started to re-frame the way I spoke and thought about money.

Okay, so those are the 3 mindset shifts that I made in order to change my relationship with money.

Now let’s dive right into the actions steps I took to get me closer to my financial goals and change my relationship with money.

Abundance Mindset Action Step #1 - Positive Morning Affirmations

You’ll see this in my 7-Figure Morning Routine that you can download with this episode.

Every morning, I read out my positive affirmations.

Without a doubt, these have been a game-changer for me when it comes to how I view money.

Abundance Mindset Action Step #2 - Draw Out Monetary Goals

This stems from that very first coaching session I ever did with a coach.

Every quarter and every year, I draw out my monetary goals.

If you have a business, you should be writing down your monetary goals and sharing them with other people.

Abundance Mindset Action Step #3 - Write Out The Good That You Can Do With The Money

I sat down and wrote out 3-5 things that I know other people or myself have done with their money that has provided a very positive outcome.

Those are the 3 action steps I took that helped me immensely in changing my relationship with money and allowing for an abundance mindset to set in.

Abundance Mindset - In Closing

Always remember that how you view money and the relationship you have with it will dictate how much you have in your bank account.

At any point you can change your mindset around money, but it starts with deciding to do so. It will require you to change your thinking and also some of your habits.

The best place to start is with your morning routine.

Your mind and habits are easier to change and re-wire first thing in the morning.

To help you do this, I’m taking you inside My 7-Figure Morning Routine.

It’s a downloadable guide called My Miracle Morning Routine and inside of it I show you the exact steps of everything I do in the morning that sets me up for success in my mind, body, and business.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

Book | Tax-Free Wealth |How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes

Book | Money Master The GameWhen you start making BIG Money, it's important to educate yourself on where to keep it to keep it growing.

Tanya’s Amazon Shop | Discover a curated collection of my favorite video and camera tools, must-read books, chic fashion, beauty and hair essentials, stylish home décor, and everything your furry friend needs. Each item is handpicked for quality and style, making your shopping experience delightful and inspiring. Dive in and find the perfect pieces to elevate every aspect of your life!

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