Social Media Marketing Tips - How To Sell More Products On Social Media Using Demo Posts

These Social Media Marketing Tips will help you increase your sales fast with a simple type of post that's working like crazy right now.

If you’ve been following me for a while…you’ve heard me talk a lot about what to post on social media to stir up more business.

But today I’m going to show you one post type that’s working really well right now.

I call this social media post type a demo post and they are super HOT right now…especially on Instagram.

But you gotta do it right!

If you can do this the right way you can drum up a lot of business volume.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to show you…

✓What a Social Media Demo Post is

✓What it looks like

✓How to create a Social Media demo post

✓How to make sure you do it right so it works for your specific business

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week since we’re talking about using Demo Posts on Social Media to sell more products…I’m giving you 5 Demo Post Examples. These will help you see this in action so you can model it and it’s easy for you to use in your business. You can download these by clicking below.

Episode #174 Social Media Marketing Tips - How To Sell More Products On Social Media Using Demo Posts

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

5 Demo Social Media Post Examples.
Designed to vividly demonstrate your product's value and functionality by offering compelling templates that illustrate the benefits of your offerings, enticing more people to make a purchase.

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Social Media Marketing Tips - What exactly is this Social Media Post type I call Demo Post?

If you’re on Instagram, I’m sure you’ve seen them. They’re also on Facebook but they’re pretty much everywhere on Insta.

I bet that if you scroll your Instagram feed right now you’ll see at least one right away.

And the reason they’re everywhere is that they’re working like gangbusters!

A demo post is YOU sharing with people how to use your product AND what benefits they’ll get from using your products.

The cool thing is that you can get really creative with this and use it with every product or service that you’re currently selling.

Social Media Marketing Tips - An important principle you want to know about

Here’s a foundational piece of marketing advice that you want to learn and understand so you can become better at marketing your products or services.

I learned this a long time ago and it changed my business.

It’s not about what your product or service is…it’s about what it does for people.

You want to take your prospects on a before and after journey.

How exactly do you do this?

Ask yourself some of these questions…

- What are some of their struggles?

- Where are they stuck?

This is before they start using your products or services.

Now let’s say they start using your products or services.

- What is life like after they’ve been using your products or services?

You’ll want to get really good at painting that picture and help them visualize themselves with the benefits they’ll receive after using your products or services.

This can be beautifully done in a social media demo post and I’m going to give you a couple of examples so you can better understand how to do them for your business.

Social Media Marketing Tips - Demo Posts Example #1

Let’s take a weight loss product and use it as an example.

What was life like before?

Here are some possible answers…

- Lack of energy
- Loss of confidence
- Feeling tired all the time
- Medical conditions brought on by weight gain
- No energy to keep up with the kids
- Don’t feel attractive

Now let’s say they start taking your products and using them correctly.

What’s life look like after your products?

Here are some possible answers…

- Feel energized
- Feeling confident
- Feeling attractive
- Able to keep up with the kids and all of life’s demands
- They feel healthier

So here’s what this would look like, if you were doing a post.

Let’s say you have some shakes or a 3 step system for weight loss.

You can shoot a short demo video of your before picture and then have someone take a video of you using the products in the morning and demonstrating how easy it is and you having fun with it.

And then share your results afterward either in the video or in the post.

Social Media Marketing Tips - Demo Posts Example #2

Another great example is with a skincare regime or makeup regime.

Before and after pictures work great with skincare or makeup.

Demo how easy it is is to use your skincare products and how great your skin feels.

Share how your skin felt or looked before using the products and how they feel now.

Social Media Marketing Tips - Demo Posts Example #3

Let’s say you offer a service and not a physical product.

Let’s use travel as an example.

Paint the picture of what travel costs were before your services.

Share how much money you’re saving now that you use your service.

Or, share about the hassles you had to go through to book travel and how easy it is for you now.

You can also share pictures of your travels and how much fun you’re having.

These are just a few examples…but if you want to dive deeper and see actual images of Demo posts, make sure you pick up the free resource that goes with this Episode. I’m giving you 5 Demo Post Examples. These will help you see Demo posts in action so you can model it and start selling more products through Social Media.

Social Media Marketing Tips - In Closing

Remember the marketing principle I shared with you earlier in this post?

It’s not about what your product or service is…it’s about what it does for people.

Keep this top of mind as you do all of your Demo Posts or any other Social Media post that you create to get people interested in your products or services.

Get really good at painting a before and after picture for people so they can visualize themselves on that journey and want to learn more about your products or services.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

My Complete Social Media Sales Blueprint | Free Masterclass Showing How I Attract 12-23 New Buyers a Week From Just One Piece Of Content That I Create! Let’s Stop Spinning Our Wheels On Social Media Doing Weird Stuff That Takes Too Long.

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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