My Goal Setting Plan That Almost Doubles My Income Each Year

Goal setting and planning is one of the foundational keys to success.

Without a plan you will be aimlessly wandering around without the results that you are wanting.

And trust me…I know there’s a ton of goal setting books and training out there…But trust me when I say…

This goal setting training is going to actually help you stick to your goals so that you actually achieve them.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I'm going to share with you the actual strategy that I use twice a year to plan my business goals and how I’ve double my income each year with this plan.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

And today since we are talking about goal setting for your business I’m giving you My Goal Planning Tracker & Template so you can see how I set my goals and reverse engineer them and have a template to use that can do the same for your business.

Episode #142 My Goal Setting Plan That Almost Doubles My Income Each Year

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

My Goal Planning Template & Tracker.
Designed to map out your ambitions and track progress by offering a structured approach to setting, pursuing, and achieving your goals, ensuring you stay motivated and aligned with your long-term vision for success.

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Plan Your Goal Setting Session

Every year my team and I plan to get together twice a year to do our six month yearly planning. We used to do it once a year but we found that a lot can change in six months so breaking it down to six months has given us the ability to stay on track and make additional plans should life get in the way, as it typically can.

Unplugging for a whole day to get your game plan together for the next six months can be the difference between reaching every single one of your goals or falling short.

So if you haven’t done so already, you’re not too late to get your strategy ironed out.

So what we do is we come together as a team and we ask ourselves:

✓“What do we want to accomplish this year?”
✓“How many people do we want to impact and inspire this year?”
✓“What’s our mission statement?”
✓“What kind of income/profit goals do we have within the company?”

If we know what our targets are we can reverse engineer everything that we need to do task wise so we can hit our targets.

This will work for you no matter what type of business you’re building.

I’m going to give you a couple of examples so you can easily see how this goal setting strategy works and you can implement it in your business so you can hit your goals in your business.

Start your goal setting session with 3 Income Goals

When I was working with my very first business coach back in 2014 he made me write 3 income goals down.

✓ He asked me to write my first annual income goal based on a number that allowed me to feel that I had made a big accomplishment in my business.

✓ Then I had to write down a secondary annual income goal that was more like a WOW goal. Something that would be totally incredible for you.

✓ The 3rd income goal was a Holy $h&! income goal.

This 3rd goal just blows you away and you believe it’s impossible. It’s an annual income goal that stretches your mind to the next level.

So this is the first step I want you to do in your goal setting planning session and then we’re going to reverse engineer it so you have a plan in place for the next six months.

Keep in mind that this is Step 1…there is no point in planning activities for the next six months of your business, if you don’t know what your income target is.

So grab a notepad or journal and write your 3 income goals down.

Goal Setting - List out the income producing activities

Now that we know what our income targets are we can make a plan on how we are going to get there.

List out what your income producing activities are.

You can do this with a business partner, an upline or maybe even someone on your team.

You need to figure out what your specific money making activities are that will help you hit your goal.

So for example, if your in network marketing, it might be figuring out how many people you need to connect with or do a presentation with on a daily basis.

Or how many customers you need to enroll and with what package you need to enroll them with every day or every week.

And then from there you want to reverse engineer what you need to do to get there.

So for example, if you know you need to sell 5 product packages a week to hit your annual income goal, then you need to figure out how many people you need to talk to to be able to do a presentation.

You need to factor in your ratios as well.

So if you know you close 1 out of every 5 people you do a presentation for, you’ll be able to reverse engineer this and write down how many presentations you’ll need to do every week to hit your goals.

When you go through My Goal Planning Tracker & Template sheet you are going to see an example and a breakdown of how to make that possible and fill in the blanks with your specific information based on your business model and personal business goals.

When Goal Setting remember to reward yourself

I’m guilty of working, working, working and not rewarding myself for my efforts and hard work.

So I highly encourage you to reward yourself for your hard work and efforts as well. I'm definitely learning to get better at this and it is super important and that's why I've included a section for it in My Goal Planning Tracker & Template worksheet.

In the template that I’m giving you with this episode I want you to write down what you’ll reward yourself with after hitting your benchmarks.

This is really important cause why the heck would we be doing the work, if there’s no reward, right?

Goal Setting example of how to reverse engineer an income goal

I’m going to show you below an example of how you would do this, if you are in network marketing and you have a team that you can huddle to set goals with.

So let’s say your goal is to hit the "Elite Galactic Level" in your company in the next 90 days.

Here’s a breakdown of the goal reverse engineered:

1. What it will take to get there in points or dollar amount - 400,000

And let’s say you now take a snapshot of where you’re at as far as points or dollar amount and figure out how much more you’ll need

2. What more is needed for your team - 200,000

Then figure out what the average points/volume are for every package sold

3. Average pack sold = 500 points/volume

4. Need to sell 400 packs

So basically you now know you’ll need to sell 400 packs to hit that volume benchmark

And if you’re in network marketing, you now know that you can map out how your team will impact you reaching this goal. The beauty of network marketing is that you’re not running alone.

5. So now you can figure out who’s running with you? - Let’s say you have 10 Leaders + Yourself = 11

6. Each of you have to do 37 packs within 90 days

7. That’s 2.43 packs each day for the next 90 days

That’s how I would reverse engineer this goal and the template I’m giving you will help you do this as well.

Product launches are done the same way.

Goal Setting - In Conclusion

And just remember that Goal setting and planning is one of the foundational keys to success.

You need to know where your going or else you’ll go nowhere.

So start off by blocking out a day that you and your team, business partner or upline can start a goal setting session and plan your next 6 months.

And remember to use My Goal Planning Tracker & Template so you can see how I set my goals and reverse engineer and have a template to do the same for your business.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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