I Stopped Taking Myself Seriously & I Make More Sales

Today, I'm bringing something a little different to our show.

It's all about a little experiment I tried that had some pretty unexpected results.

It’s all about how I stopped taking myself so seriously and started to make more sales… pretty quickly too!

Yes, it sounds a bit out there, but stick with me. This isn't your typical sales strategy talk; it's about the vibe we bring to our conversations and how it can surprisingly help us make more sales.

Have you ever found yourself in a sales conversation, feeling the tension rise with every objection or tricky question thrown your way?

I've been there more times than I can count.

But here's a fascinating twist I discovered: the moment I stopped taking myself too seriously and approached these interactions with a lighter heart, everything changed.

Today, I'm excited to share with you 6 ways you can shift your prospecting process and how it not only transformed the energy of my sales conversations but also led to more prospects signing up, and yes, helped me make more sales.

Episode #342 | I Stopped Taking Myself Seriously & I Make More Sales


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Highlights of the show that you don’t want to miss:

[3:33] Stuck in a rut trying to figure out how to start those conversations with potential customers? I’m sharing 6 ways to make sales more fun and effective!

[4:49] The more pressure you put on the sale the more pushback you’re going to get from your prospects. Learn how to lighten the mood, and make more sales.

[6:51] I have a story for you! Four years ago, I ran this crazy fun experiment with my team. We used only GIFs to recruit new members, and here’s how it went!

[8:04] Your prospects might not say it out loud, but they're secretly sizing up your whole process. They're thinking, “Can I actually replicate this?

[9:50] People buy from people they like, and guess what makes people like you? Laughter! Learn how you can sprinkle some stories into your conversations with prospects.

[10:29] Most people don't need (or want!) to be overloaded. They want the big picture, the “what's in it for me?” Here’s what I have learned works better.

Again, don’t forget to download my 10 Sales Driven Introduction Scripts to get people interested in your business and spark conversations! ?

Recommended Resources & Links Mentioned

Sales Training 101 – The FASTEST Way To Close A Sale (My Secret Re-Framing Method) – Episode 238

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Beyond Objections | Let’s close more sales & recruit more teammates! Say goodbye to awkward sales conversations and dive into understanding genuine questions, guiding your prospects seamlessly to a positive joining decision.

My Favorite Clarity, Focus & Energy Booting Coffee | Get $10 Off your first order. Supports healthy mood, boosts attention and focus, aids memory and learning, assists the production of neuroprotein BDNF for healthy brain aging, plays a role in neuron maintenance, learning, memory, and higher thinking, increases alpha waves in the brain for a relaxed mental state without drowsiness, and supports healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints.

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

Tanya Aliza - Make More Sales

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of “Wired to Crush It” and you're ready to pull up your sleeves and make more sales by shifting your prospecting process. Make sure to share it with us in the community!

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Crush Your Week!


2024-05-12T11:16:49-04:00By |Home Business Training|