Network Marketing Tips - How To Share Your Love For Your Business Without Being Weird or Salesy [Bonus FB Live Challenge]

In this Episode, I'm sharing my best network marketing tips to help you share your love and excitement for your network marketing Company and products without being weird or salesy with your prospects.

There’s a right and a wrong way to share your passion for your network marketing business or products.

Do it wrong and you’ll end up with people avoiding you like the plague…

Do it right… and you’ll have people excited to learn more about your products, business or service.

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to teach you how to share your love and excitement for your network marketing Company and products with your prospects without sounding weird, obnoxious or salesy.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

And today since we're talking about sharing your passion points and your passion stems from your personal story…I’ve put together a guide called Your Power Story Template & Worksheet which will help you to articulate your story to your prospects so they can relate to your story and your passion points and get excited about your products or business.

Ok…so this training episode is interactive and will require your participation to get the most out of it.

I’m going to walk you through some exercises so go grab a pen and paper and come right back…

Ok, you ready? Here’s what I want you to do:

I want you to take out a piece of paper and I want you to write down and list out 5 to 8 reasons "we'll call these passion points” on why you started building your network marketing business or using the products.

It could be a mix of both so don’t feel like it only has to be your passion for your business or products… it can be both.

For example, here were a couple of mine to help you see how this works:

1 - I wanted to have a family one day and be 100% present & involved
2 - I wanted to have a way for my friends to make some additional income to go on cool experiences with me
3 - I wanted to travel the world without a time or money limit
4 - I wanted options so I didn't have to work 12 hour days anymore…but still make the money I was used to making as a finance specialist

After you have these passion points listed out, I want you to practice saying them out loud so when you share them with your prospects they sound natural.

I took it as far as standing in front of the mirror and practiced saying them out loud so I sounded natural and flowed when talking to my prospects.

You have to really get connected with these passion points…If you can get connected to them…You'll be able to get your prospects to connect with them as well.

I know it sounds cheesy, but hey, it works and I was dead serious about using these as an asset to build my business.

So even if at first you find it silly to stand in front of a mirror, do it anyways!

Episode #140 Network Marketing Tips - How To Share Your Love For Your Business Without Being Weird Or Salesy [Bonus FB Live Challenge]

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

Your Power Story Template & Worksheet.
Designed to craft compelling narratives that resonate deeply your audience, Create an impactful personal story that enhances your brand's appeal and fosters meaningful connections.

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Network Marketing Tips - Your passion points on steroids

Ok, now we're going to kick it up a notch with the results you're going to get from these passion points.

Here’s a strategy that will get you amazing results using these passion points.

Each one of your passion points can be turned into a Facebook Live…Yes! each one of them.

It is so powerful to use each one of these passion points in a Facebook Live…

I know this might scare some you so I’ll include a free guide below to help you what to do before, during and after a Facebook Live so make sure you download that as well…it’s absolutely free.

If you’re already doing Facebook Lives, take each passion point and turn it into a Facebook live video with a call to action for people to reach out to you to learn more about what you've been able to find.

Having a call to action is really important here…you gotta tell people what the next step is so they know how to get more information and learn more about what you're sharing.

Network Marketing Tips - Facts tell…. Stories sell

I say this all the time! Facts tell…Stories sell.

In Network Marketing this couldn’t be more true.

You want to get really good at first knowing what your passion points are.

Then, being able to articulate and share your story and passion points so people feel your passion and excitement and they get curious and excited as well.

This will help your prospects feel connected to why it is what you're doing…not what "it is" that you're doing.

People are only interested in what something will do for THEM not what you’re doing and if they see and identify with your story and passion points you’ve ignited a fire that was already in them.

Network Marketing Tips - [Bonus Facebook Live Challenge]

You're ready to get results and I want to see you succeed. So I have a challenge for you, as I want this episode to be something you implement right away and get results fast!

Challenge: Turn each one of your passion points into a Facebook Live and talk about it…you will start to relate to your audience and you'll get some good engagement doing this. If you are new to Facebook Lives and you need some coaching on what to do before, during and after...I have a free downloadable resource that will help you and you can find it here My Ultimate Guide To Facebook Lives.

IMPORTANT: This is the ONE thing you must learn to master when doing a Facebook Live.

You must have a call to action!

This is how people will take the next step with you.

Don’t do a Facebook live and then peace out…no no no…you want to tell your people what the next step is for them to take to get more info or learn more.

It's go time!

Network Marketing Tips - In Conclusion

1. Write down 5-8 passion points that got you started in your business or with your products or both
2. Practice, practice, practice sharing them
3. Put your passion points on steroids by turning each one into Facebook Lives
4. Always have a call to action
5. And remember, I’ve got that template and worksheet ready for you to help you articulate your story

Resources & Links Mentioned:

My Complete Social Media Sales Blueprint | Free Masterclass Showing How I Attract 12-23 New Buyers a Week From Just One Piece Of Content That I Create! Let’s Stop Spinning Our Wheels On Social Media Doing Weird Stuff That Takes Too Long.

Beyond Objections | Let’s close more sales & recruit more teammates! Say goodbye to awkward sales conversations and dive into understanding genuine questions, guiding your prospects seamlessly to a positive joining decision.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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