In this episode, you’ll learn some network marketing tips to help you deal with the people in your business who are in the habit of making excuses.
Are you running into prospects and teammates who constantly make excuses, as to why they can’t go after their goals?
Excuses like;
“I don't have the time,” or "I’ve talked to everyone I know,” or "This just isn’t working out for me”.
An excuse is simply a reason, real or imagined, to not do something. To not try. To not rise above your own standards and bring everything you've got to the table.
Excuses will do nothing but hold you back and keep you from achieving all you are meant to achieve in life.
Click play below to watch this week’s episode of Tanya Aliza TV and prepare to learn some network marketing tips that will help you and others banish their excuses and get on the fast-track to success.
With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.
This week, I’m giving you My Excuse Eliminating Scripts. These scripts will help you reframe
people’s mindset when they see an opportunity and their excuses keep them from moving forward.
There’s two types of people in this world. Those who make excuses and those who are solution seekers.
I’ve been in network marketing since 2009 and since then I have found that people spend more time creating excuses than they do creating results.
For this reason, I’ve had to learn how to handle and re-frame my team and my prospects mindset.
In order to gently help people see that what they sometimes think is a legitimate problem or limitation is only an excuse, you’ll need to know how to do this without offending them.
Here are some effective ways to help teammates and prospects give up their excuses so they can move forward in life and towards their goals.
Before you can help someone get past their own excuses, you need to first become the type of person that takes responsibility for every area of your life.
You’ll need to take the position that you always have the power to make things different.
That means giving up all your excuses, all your victim stories, all the reasons why you can’t, and all the blaming on outside circumstances.
You have to give them all up immediately, if you want to help others become leaders and attract leaders to your business.
I’ve met a lot of people that have overcome limitations in their life so it is not the external conditions and circumstances that limit you – it is YOU!
If you have a teammate in your business who comes to you with excuses, you’ll want to learn how to re-frame their mindset.
Reframing someone’s mindset is really the key to helping someone understand that excuses are just stories we tell ourselves when we don’t want to take responsibility for our actions.
Now, you’ve got to really buck up here and not allow yourself to wallow in someone’s excuses. Be compassionate but don’t buy into their excuses.
As real as their conditions or circumstances may be, you have to be a no excuse kind of leader and help them become resourceful and a solution seeker.
One of the best ways to help someone change their story and excuse is to reframe their thinking with a story.
I’ll never forget the day I was at one of my company’s events and a gentleman was called on stage to receive an award for reaching one of the top levels within the company.
May I point out that this gentleman was deaf. Yes, deaf. He had to build his business through sign language.
So, whenever someone gives me an excuse I always share this story with them in order to inspire them and also help them see that their limitations are all in their head.
When you really want to achieve a goal and you want it badly, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it done. You won’t make excuses, you’ll come up with reasons why you have to change your circumstance.
In life, it’s not whether something will work for you, instead, it’s will you make it work.
Being a leader in Network Marketing is all about managing people’s expectations and also inspiring them to be a better version of themselves.
If you want to help your team or your prospects get past their excuses, then pick up My Excuse Eliminating Scripts. I give you examples of the most common excuses that people give in network marketing and what you can say to them to help them get past their excuses.
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