Network Marketing Tips - How To Switch And Restart Your Business With A New Network Marketing Company

Need some network marketing tips to help you make the switch to a new company and effectively re-start your business without looking like a flake?

If you’re with a new company and promoting a new product line and you’re afraid of what people might think of you…then this episode is just for you!

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to show you how to effectively re-start your business and promote your new products without coming across as a flake or being worried about what people will think of you.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

This week, since we’re talking about building a stronger online brand, I’ve created a resource for you called My 5 Steps To Building An Online Brand Properly.

If you follow the 5 steps that are outlined in this resource, you’ll learn exactly how to create a successful brand online even if you’re brand new and not considered an expert yet.

Episode #227 Network Marketing Tips - How To Switch And Restart Your Business With A New Network Marketing Company

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5 Steps To Building a Profitable Online Brand.
Designed to help you understand the importance and steps of building an online brand to attract quality leads and sales.

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Network Marketing Tips - Starting with the Ugly

Be prepared for criticisms!

There will be criticisms from people; from upline leadership, from people outside looking in, and from anybody who want to cast that negative energy. Be prepared for it.

If you have a great supportive upline - great for you!

Be prepared anyway and know this: they don’t pay your bills and in a couple of months they’re going to move over to the next thing that they can cast their negative energy on to.

And side note: don’t be that kind of upline/leader. Support people, as you should always want to keep an open door in case they want to come back home.

Network Marketing Tips - Knowing the Bad

Most people who start a new business are really scared of what others will think of them because they’re promoting something else.

They’re worried people will think poorly of them because they didn’t stick to their original company or product.

Here’s the reality: people don’t care about you that much (at least not with things like this).

What they do care about is themselves and how you can help them and what it is you or your products can do for them.

So don’t worry about what people will think, because you’re a business owner.

Just think of yourself as a general store or brand that promotes multiple products that serve and help other people.

You don’t have to promote just one product.

Network Marketing Tips - Looking Forward to The Good

First, when you want to restart a business, you have to understand that it has nothing to do with the company or product that you’re promoting.

It has everything to do with you, the influencer. You are the voice of these companies and products.

If you do it right, you can insert multiple things in your brand and help people with multiple things.

It’s all about building your brand equity and attracting the right people into your brand.

If you find something more exciting and it gets you excited to share what you have with the world, then that is a really really good thing!

So don’t let anybody steal that joy from you, as you have full control over your decisions and goals.

Network Marketing Tips on Navigating to A New Business

There is a proper way to pivoting to a new business or product. Here's the right way to do it:

1. Don’t badmouth anybody or anything, no matter what your experience was.

2. Don’t cross recruit. It’s not ethical and it won’t make you look good.

If you don’t know what cross recruiting is, it’s when you physically go into a previous team or company and try to poach people from there and bring them over to you. Don’t do this.

If they come to you, say because of your posts on social media, then that’s okay.

3. Be sensitive with your team. Communicate with them and be honest with your decision without badmouthing anyone.

Personally, it wasn’t a big deal for me when I made a pivot and the reason for that was because I didn’t brand as my company name or product on the front end of what I was doing in social media or messaging.

I was building my brand and giving value and on the back end, I was making recommendations and suggestions into my products and services.

When I did the pivot, I just re-adjusted my recommendations.

It’s because I understood the value of building my brand.

Network Marketing Tips - In Closing

Now that you know the right way to pivot and restart a business, you now have a better understanding of how important building your brand is.

Recommendations and suggestions will change over the years, but you will not. You will stay you.

Remember I put together My 5 Steps To Building An Online Brand Properly. If you follow the 5 steps that are outlined in this resource, you’ll learn exactly how to create a successful brand online even if you’re brand new and not considered an expert yet.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Book | A Brand Called You | This is one of my favorite books on learning about the importance of Branding yourself so you can create a life and business that you love…with leverage! I saw the author speak on stage at an event I was at in Florida and it was the best Keynote speech I have ever heard.

Tanya’s Amazon Shop | Discover a curated collection of my favorite video and camera tools, must-read books, chic fashion, beauty and hair essentials, stylish home décor, and everything your furry friend needs. Each item is handpicked for quality and style, making your shopping experience delightful and inspiring. Dive in and find the perfect pieces to elevate every aspect of your life!

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