Network Marketing Training - How To Respond When Someone Asks ‘What Do You Do’ If You’re In Network Marketing

In this network marketing training, I’ll be sharing with you exactly what to say so you create interest and leave your prospects wanting to know more about what you do.

When someone asks you "what do you do?"…and you’re in Network Marketing…How do you respond?

Do you talk about the products, do you talk about the business?…what’s the best thing to say?

This was something that used to trip me up and put a "deer caught in headlights’" look on my face…but not anymore…

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’ll be sharing with you exactly what to say so you create interest and leave your prospects wanting to know more about what you do.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

Because we are talking about what to say when someone asks, "What do you do?"…I’ve put together My Top 10 Business and Product Introduction Scripts so that when people ask you this question you have several scripts that you can pull from and use so you can get people interested and curious in what it is that you do.

Episode #150 Network Marketing Training - How To Respond When Someone Asks ‘What Do You Do’ If You’re In Network Marketing

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10 Sales Driven Introduction Scripts.
Designed to initiate impactful dialogue by equipping you with the scripts to start intentional conversations that naturally lead to increased interest and sales opportunities.

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Network Marketing Training - Turn this question into the perfect opportunity

So when someone asks you "What do you do?” there are a couple of elements you want to include in your response to have this be a perfect business opportunity conversation for your business.

And to make this the most effective and bring an opportunity to the conversation you have to consider a couple things…

Network Marketing Training - #1 What’s most important to the person asking that question?

The reason you want to know what’s most important to the person asking you this question is because you want to find an angle in which to reply from.

Do you give a response that leans more towards your business or towards your product?

Network Marketing Training - #2 What kind of conversations have you both had in the past?

Your past conversations will be a key indicator as to whether you should direct your response with the business or with the product.

If you‘ve known the person for a while, you’ll know exactly how to direct the conversation.

Or, you can check out what’s currently important to them by heading over to their social media profile and checking it out.

Network Marketing Training - #4 Test a few different things

You have to test a couple of things because depending on the circumstances you might need to customize how you direct the conversation and this way you gather feedback and get more familiar with what works with certain people as well as what doesn’t.

So now let’s look at one of my scripts from this week's free resource so you can see an example of how you would reply to someone, if you were to take the Business direction.

Here’s what I’d say to someone, if they see me as someone of influence and authority:

"I teach Entrepreneurship and I help people start their own businesses in their spare time so they can create financial independence for themselves and their families…do you know of anyone that might be perfect to talk to?”

There’s a formula in this script and I’ll break it down for you so you understand why it works so well.

Here it is:

#1 - It assumes they’re already doing something which is why I say "in your spare time"
#2 - It’s indirectly asking them the question at the end
#3 - It creates curiosity
#4 - Ending with a question gets them engaged

Now I’m going to give you an example of how you would reply to someone, if you were to take the Product direction:

"I do marketing and promotions for a very new and unique weight management program that focuses on natural wellness. (Insert story). Do you know of anyone that has some weight loss or fitness goals right now?”

This script formula is proven to work every time regardless of whether you approach them with the business or the product.

This is just 2 of the 10 scripts I have available for you in My Top 10 Business and Product Introduction Scripts that you can download for free.

So make sure you download it and print it so you can use it every time someone asks you, "what do you do?".

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Beyond Objections | Let’s close more sales & recruit more teammates! Say goodbye to awkward sales conversations and dive into understanding genuine questions, guiding your prospects seamlessly to a positive joining decision.

Book | The Psychology Of Influence | This is an absolute must absorb book if you want to influence people to take action with you (in a positive way of course)!

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