Network Marketing Training - Should You Wait To Have Your Own Testimonial Before Building Your Business?

In this Episode, I’m going to share my best network marketing training to help you properly share 3rd party stories so you can crush it in your business without having your own personal testimonial.

Are you thinking it’s best to wait until you have a testimonial of your own before building your business or promoting your products?

You probably already know how powerful testimonials are…

But you don’t need to wait until you have one to build a BIG business fast.

In this Episode, I’m going to be sharing with you:

- What I did when I first got started in my business
- Why I did not wait to have a personal testimonial of my own
- And how it affected my business

This Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, is going to help you get more business, if you're in Network Marketing or if you have products or services that you sell.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week, I’m giving you My 3rd Party Script & Social Media Post Ideas That You Can Use To Crush It In Your Business.

This resource will help you articulate some 3rd party stories so every time you talk to a prospect you're confident, powerful and your prospect can relate and get excited about the vision.

Episode #110 Network Marketing Training - Should You Wait To Have Your Own Testimonial Before Building Your Business?

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

3rd Party Power Story Template & Worksheet.
Designed to harness the persuasive impact of endorsements and provide you with the tools to create compelling narratives that showcase the success stories of others, boosting credibility and attracting more prospects to your business.

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Network Marketing Training - If you don’t have a testimonial of your own...that’s okay

I know you feel that urgency to create your personal powerful testimonial so you can go around sharing it when you are prospecting.

Here’s why I think your own testimonial isn’t what you need right out of the gate.

When your prospecting someone and your sharing your business or products they are most likely thinking;

“Well, of course, your going to say all these great things about your product or business…you have a vested interest in selling that product or service.”

And quite honestly…your personal testimonial isn’t what’s going to propel your business forward.

Now don’t get me wrong…

A personal testimonial when you have one is great and will serve its purpose but it’s not the foundation in which your business will grow on.

If there’s already proof that your products or business has created powerful change for others, then that’s all you need when you first get started.

But make sure that when you do have a testimonial of your share it in the form of a story and leave out product ingredients, facts & figures, as your prospects initially don't really care about any of that.

I have a whole Episode devoted to showing you how to craft a powerful story or elevator pitch. You can continue to that Episode here: Episode 109

Network Marketing Training - 3rd party stories are your best friend in business

Even if you have your own amazing testimonial…you’ll want to learn how to write 3rd party stories.


Because they are POWERFUL and can help you grow your business even FASTER.

And still today I love sharing 3rd party stories from my teammates because they are so POWERFUL and my prospects can relate to them and it removes me from the equation which is what you want to be doing anyway.

But there’s some science behind how you want to share these 3rd party stories so you can capture your prospects attention and get them interested in what you have to say.

Network Marketing Training - 5 elements that you’ll need in a powerful 3rd party story

1. Who are they & how do you know each other

2. What do they do for a living or what did they do for a living before Network Marketing

3. What life was like before the product or business

4. What life was like after the product or the business

5. What you personally thought after you heard their story

You’ll want to hit all these 5 elements when sharing a 3rd party story so you can peek the interest of your prospect and have their full attention.

These all tie in together in a way where your prospects will be able to relate to the story and get a picture in their mind of the powerful benefits of your product or business.

Here’s a great idea you might want to start.

I have what I call a story bank and it’s just a collection of powerful 3rd party stories and testimonials that I write down and keep them together.

So when I’m talking to someone on social media I just pull out my story bank and share their story with them.

I like to share other people's story a lot more than my own because I think it’s much more relatable than my own.

Network Marketing Training - In Closing

I want you to take action on this step right away. It’s that important.

Action Step: I want you to write down all the reason why you said yes to starting your business.

This could be the situation you are in that motivated you to make a change in your life.

Also, include who you're working with and what motivated you to want to work with them.

And make sure you pickup the free resource that goes with this episode because the last thing you want is to be tripping over your words when talking to a prospect.

You’ll want to know exactly how to articulate these 3rd party stories so you’re prospects are engaged and interested in what you’re sharing.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Beyond Objections | Let’s close more sales & recruit more teammates! Say goodbye to awkward sales conversations and dive into understanding genuine questions, guiding your prospects seamlessly to a positive joining decision.

Book | The Psychology Of Influence | This is an absolute must absorb book if you want to influence people to take action with you (in a positive way of course)!

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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