What To do When Your Network Marketing Team Members Quit

In this episode, I share my best network marketing training tips on how to get past the frustration and disappointment that can linger on when someone quits your network marketing team.

What’s your initial reaction when someone in your team decides to quit your network marketing team?

Do you turn around and say, “Have you gone mad?!”  Or do you wish them well and mean it?

Despite your best efforts to coach and support team members, there will always be some that leave.

Everyone has their own theory on why people quit network marketing but, generally, people quit things all the time. They quit their job, their marriage, college, their dreams and every industry imaginable.

It’s a fact of life and it’s inevitable.

However, for most people, this kind of event shakes them up and leaves them feeling frustrated and disappointed. It may have already happened to you and it’ll most certainly happen to all network marketers.

So, if you’re stuck on an emotional roller coaster every time someone in your network marketing team decides to take a hiatus, then this network marketing training is for you.

In this episode, I’ll be sharing some tools and strategies I use that will help you prepare for this type of situation and not allow it to detract you or prevent you from growing your business.

Every week I like to empower you with a free downloadable resource that you can implement and see results with immediately.

This week I’m giving you My Insider Strategies for Generating a Ton of Leads Online so that if someone quits your network marketing team, it won’t detract you because you’ll always have a funnel full of high-quality interested prospects excited to talk to you.

These strategies will help you reach a whole new level of success in your business and won’t allow you to ever linger in the disappointment you might initially feel when a team member quits your business.

In my many years of being in the network marketing industry and growing a huge network marketing team, I’ve learned how to handle departures from team members and not let it affect me at all.

The disappointment around those who quit can be alleviated, if you’ve got the right mindset and strategies in place.

Here are some network marketing training tips to help prepare yourself mentally for the inevitable and ensure that things go as smoothly as possible when that happens.

Episode #40 What To Do When a Network Marketing Team Member Quits

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What To Do When Your Network Marketing Team Quits - Don't Take It Personal

Attrition or quitting is normal in any business. Don’t take it personally. It happens to everyone in network marketing and business in general. Attrition actually works in your favor. It sifts out the people who are committed from those who aren’t.

People quit on all kinds of things and for all kinds of reasons. It could be a personal situation or just bad timing.

Think of the time someone saves you by quitting, if they weren’t going to build the business in the first place. So really, don’t take it personally or let it detract you from your goals.

What To Do When Your Network Marketing Team Quits - Don't Burn Your Bridges

Treating someone badly because they decide to leave your team is immature and selfish.

Don’t burn the bridges with team members who decide to leave your team. Maintain an open door and keep loving on them.

Accept that maybe it’s just bad timing for them, wish them the best, and mean it. You never know what can change in a person’s life.

If down the road your team member decides to come back and pick up where they left off and you’ve done a good job at keeping the relationship in good terms, they’ll feel comfortable knowing that the door is open for them to return, if they choose to.

What To Do When Your Network Marketing Team Quits - Fill In The Gaps

While some of your network marketing team members leaving is inevitable, not every single departure that happens is unavoidable.

I’ve seen reps who are left “up in the air” so to speak. If someone joins you in business and you offer no valuable training or support, they will most likely jump ship.

Think of ways that you can add value to your team.

Maybe your team culture or network marketing training can be improved upon? Maybe you can create a system of accountability between you and your team members?

Think of ways to make it fun too.

It’s critical that we do our best to help our new team members have the best tools and resources available to them so that they have greater chances of being successful.

If you’ve helped them help themselves and they turn around and quit, you won’t take it so personally. Instead, you’ll know they quit on themselves and for reasons outside of your control.

What To Do When Your Network Marketing Team Quits - Keep Calm And Get Your Marketing On

Imagine this, you have an abundance of high qualified leads coming in every day that you can talk to about your business. These people are excited about learning more about you and your business and partnering up with you.

Would you have much time to worry about someone quitting your business?

I don’t think so!

One of the best things you can do as a network marketer is to learn some online marketing strategies that continually bring high quality leads your way, every day.

I share a lot of my online strategies in the free resource that I’ve prepared for you this week. Be sure to dive into that material so that your funnel is always full.

In closing, always focus on raising the vibrational energy of our industry. Remember that building a network marketing team is all about building relationships not tearing them down.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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