5 Network Marketing Tips To Help You Move Past People’s Judgement Or Criticism In Your Business

I’m sharing my best network marketing tips to help you overcome other people’s judgements and criticism towards you and your business.

Are the constant doubts and judgemental comments from people close to you getting to you?

Comments like…

✓You’ll never make that work.
✓Making money online is a scam.
✓You’re in one of those businesses?
✓Oh… you haven’t created success yet?

Yup… I got all of the above in my business when I first got started and today I’m going to help you learn how to overcome this.

Even if some of your doubters and critics are the people closest to you.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to help you move past any judgement or criticism that you might be getting from the people around you right now.

5 Network Marketing Tips To Help You Move Past People's Judgement Or Criticism In Your Business – Episode 210

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.10 Daily Activities To Increase Your Influence & Credibility

This week since we're talking about learning how to move past judgment or criticism, I created a free resource for you called My 10 Daily Activities To Increase Your Influence & Credibility. These are 10 things that you can immediately implement to help increase your credibility, influence and authority with the people around you.

It'll also help you to avoid and repel that dang criticism and judgment that might be coming your way.

Anytime you stand out from the crowd and you do something different…there are going to be haters, or people who don’t support you.

This has happened to me and it's happened to every single successful business owner or person on planet Earth that I know.

So we gotta just shift our mindset and realize that this is just normal.

And yes I get it…it’s not easy.

It can really hurt, right?

It can hurt to your absolute core…especially if this is coming from some of the closest people in your life.

So how do we rise above this and not let it detract us from our goals?

Over time, I found ways to help me overcome this and I’ve narrowed it down to 5 really great ways to overcome feeling defeated from all the criticism.

So let’s dive in…

Network Marketing Tip #1 – Block it out

Immediately erase or block any negativity or negative people in your world.

If you're experiencing anything negative on social media just block it out.

Create a block party.

Now, I know that this can be difficult if some of the closest people to you who you can't block out of your life are criticizing you or judging you.

But the people that you can block out, block them out.

I will give you another little tip for the people who are closest to you who maybe you can't erase, delete or block.

Network Marketing Tip #2 – Prove them wrong

I love it when people tell me that I can't do something because it motivates the heck out of me to go out there and do it.

It makes me wanna prove them wrong and give them something good to watch.

The best thing that you can do is to take what they're saying you can’t do and put all your energy into making it happen and prove them wrong.

Go out there and create a success story that they are going to eat their words with.

Network Marketing Tip #3 – Practice gratitude

If we practice gratitude and focus on gratitude we attract more things to be grateful for.

I know it's really hard when we have one bad apple, it can negate all of the other people that are sitting there cheering us on and that one person brings that whole vibrational energy down.

I've experienced this myself in my business.

We have hundreds of amazing client success stories and testimonials and we will sometimes have one person we can’t make happy no matter how hard we try.

Even if we went over to their house and gave them a pedicure and a manicure and massaged them and gave them a facial and took them out for dinner and bought a $100 bottle of wine for them, they still would not be happy.

We would never be able to please them no matter what we did.

There are people out there that we just cannot please no matter what.

Don't let those people negate all of the other goodness going on around you.

What we want to do is we want to focus on all of the goodness because if we focus on all of the goodness, we'll get more goodness.

Network Marketing Tip #4 – Share success stories and testimonials on your social media

Sometimes people don’t understand what it is that you’re doing.

If you've got people judging or criticizing you, I want you to show them what it is that you're doing.

For me, people criticized me when I quit my finance job to go full-time in network marketing.

I was making a very healthy income, and people thought I was crazy.

What I started to do is I actually started to show them what it was that I was leaving to go and do, because they just didn't understand it.

The best thing that I did was share testimonials and success stories of people using our products and people that were having success with the business opportunity.

I would share their stories on my social media platforms so that people could actually understand what it was that I was doing.

And it worked.

People were less judgemental because sometimes judgment and criticism comes from a place of not being aware or educated.

So the best thing that you can do is share testimonials and success stories on what it is that you're doing and promoting to help with that.

Network Marketing Tip #5 – Treat your business like a business

I remember when I started going full-time people would be like, “That work from home thing, or ‘that little side thing.”

So I decided that I was going to treat my business like a business and people actually started to see me as a business owner versus a hobby enthusiast.

I started showing up consistently.

I was planning my social media content. I was doing videos. I was showing up consistently for my business and I was treating it like a business.

When I was talking to prospects and I was putting them through the process, I was very serious with my process and with my business.

If you want people to view you and what you’re doing differently, show up like a business owner.

Network Marketing Tips – In Closing

Ok so these are my five ways to help you combat judgment or criticism that you might be getting in your business.

If this is currently something you’re going through, I'm really sorry that you are.

It’s part of what we do.

I always say that dogs do not bark at parked cars and you don't want to be a parked car.

You want to be moving, shaking and creating massive results in your business.

And remember to help you with this I’m giving you My 10 Daily Activities To Increase Your Influence & Credibility. These are 10 things that you can immediately implement to help increase your credibility, influence and authority with the people around you.

It'll also help you to avoid and repel that dang criticism and judgment that might be coming your way.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Learn More Here

Come and join us on this FREE training on how we've been using 1 simple Facebook Group to endlessly enroll new customers and teammates like clockwork. This is one very powerful strategy that we use and if you can learn how we do this and start using this with your team, you could experience some very explosive results in your team duplication.

Free Online Training Class – How I Enroll 2-5 New Teammates Per Week Using This Social Media Blueprint – Learn More Here

Come join me on this exciting training class that I’m hosting where I’m going to share with you my Social Media Prospecting Blueprint. This is a perfect way to leverage your time and build your business from anywhere in the World via your computer. I’ll also share with you how to Attract Leaders and High Volume Producers to your business.

Influence (Book) – Learn More 

Have you ever wondered how some people just have that ‘Magic’ over others? They can go up and talk to people easier, they can command attention and lead people into buying decisions easier…. how do they do it?

Is it just a gift? Nope… it has everything to do with understanding how people operate and how to INFLUENCE them. This is one of my favorite books and if you’re in a position where you collect decisions from people (sales) this is a MUST read!

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from these network marketing tips?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing network marketing tips so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Question of The Week: Do you have a judgement to prove them wrong success story?

Share in the comments section below. I would love to know!

Hope you enjoyed these network marketing tips 🙂

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