One of the Best Prospecting Trainers I Know

Bold title right?

If you’re looking for some good prospecting training then there’s no one better at this art than Cesar Rodriguez!

Okay, I know what you’re thinking….

“Tanya, of course you’re gonna say that, Cesar’s your future Husband!”

And YES you’re right. Of course I’d say nice things about Cesar all day long, but the truth is


And he really is the BEST at prospecting.

Not to mention that we have the numbers behind us to prove it. We’re the #3 Recruiters in our company out of 316,000 active members!

best Prospecting Trainers

4 Things That Make Cesar the Best Prospecting Trainer I Know & How You Can Copy These Traits

#1 – He Doesn’t Care What People Think

I still haven’t completely mastered this art myself, but Cesar has taken me a long way since I met him.

The biggest tip I got from Cesar, was if I get into a uncomfortable prospecting situation, remind myself that other people don’t pay my bills or build my dream lifestyle.

Who cares what they think!

So when I start a conversion, I now think about what I’m really working for instead of worrying about what the other person is possibly thinking of me.

#2 – He Doesn’t Think of Prospecting as Prospecting

Cesar loves to make new friends and that’s how he views prospecting! Sometimes we put a meaning on something that can trigger certain emotions or fear.

What if you changed the meaning of prospecting to ‘Making New Friends’?

#3 – He TRULY Believes He Has Something That Can Help People

When I see Cesar prospect and talk to people, he has a tremendous amount of confidence that he has is the Golden Ticket!

You have to have that BELIEF or you’re shooting blanks.

What ever you need to do to get your belief up…. DO IT FAST.

#4 – He has a No-Fail Prospecting Formula

He actually shares this with our team, but it works like gang busters! It’s a simple 6 Step-Checklist and he makes sure to hit each step in each conversation.

If your prospecting conversation didn’t go well, you can look at the 6 Steps and see which one you missed and nail down where you need to improve.

It’s genius and it WORKS.

It’s cool to see him train on it, but it’s even cooler to see him in action.

Cesar doesn’t release this formula outside of our team often, but if you want to see one of the best prospecting trainings you’ll see this year, you can hop on the live webinar that he’s doing by clicking the link below.

Cesar Rodriguez Prospecting Training


I'm seriously honored to know Cesar and to be able to spend everyday with him and see him in action.

I contribute a lot of my prospecting and closing skills to him!

Thank You Cesar for all you’ve done for me and this entire profession. You are one of the Best Prospecting trainers I know.

I’ll leave a link to Cesar’s Blog so you can check him out more –
Cesar Rodriguez Blog


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See you on the Next Post Rock Star!

2024-05-12T11:26:14-04:00By |Home Business Training|