How Running Facebook Group Challenges Got Us 42 New Customers In 7 Days – All The Steps Revealed

I want to share with you some really cool Facebook group challenges that we started doing in our network marketing team that drives a lot of volume and acquires a lot of new customers FAST.

This strategy revolves around running free 7 day Facebook group challenge through a Facebook ‘Pop Up’ group.

The first one we did… which wasn’t perfect at all… acquired 42 new customers in 7 days with a group of about 10 of us in my team doing this challenge.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I want to share with you the steps of what we did and how we did it, so you can model this in your business and grow your team and customer base FAST.

How Running Facebook Group Challenges Got Us 42 New Customers In 7 Days – All The Steps Revealed – Episode 222

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

This week, since we’re talking about Facebook communities, I’ve created a FREE guide for you called My 7-Day Facebook Group Challenge Guide to learn how to grow your team volume exponentially.

Why You Should Run Facebook Group Challenges to Acquire New Customers

I want to give you an overview of why we decided to this 7-Day challenge.

We wanted to create buzz and awareness around what we were selling.

Since we’re in a network company and we have lots of things to sell, we picked our weight-loss program.

We really wanted to get more exposure for this program, and we wanted to create awareness with the people who would be interested specifically in losing weight.

We don’t want to talk to just anybody about the product.

We want to talk to the people who are interested in what our product can do for them.

We want to talk to the right people, create awareness, and deliver value before they make a decision to buy.

So we created a Facebook group where they can post results of the 7-day challenge we created.

The goal was to create a fun community and to give them a result by doing something they can easily fit in their day-to-day.

At the end of the 7 days, before we gave the prize to the challenge, we did a pitch for our weight-loss product which they have to buy.

We’ve had a few glitches and kinks when we started, but this has been a successful run and generated sales, and you can also do the same!

Facebook Group Challenges – Tips on How to Run a 7-Day Challenge

First of all, think about what your goal is. What do you want to sell?

When you’ve figured out the goal, think about what you can offer for 7-days which they can do for free.

Make sure that the challenge is congruent to the product you want to sell.

Now the fun part…

Pick a name for your challenge and timeline!

From here on, then you can pick a price to give to the winner of the challenge.

It doesn’t have to be an expensive price.

To run a successful campaign, I recommend that you pool a prize together with your teammates so it’s something people want to win.

Now this is where you have to get creative: what is your tagline and what are the benefits?

Make sure that you tell those who are joining the challenge what benefits they can get from joining. Make it catchy!

Facebook Group Challenges – Moving from the 7-Day to the 30-Day Challenge

While running a second Facebook group is optional, we encourage you to do so, because this is where you can really convert your engagement.

And don’t worry, Facebook groups are free.

We recommend having 2 Facebook groups, one for the challenge, and another group for all those who want to continue on with the challenge and buy your products.

For those who want to continue on with our 7-day challenge, we invited them to our 30-day challenge.

This is where they buy our product and where we continue to share results with each other.

It’s optional to have a customer group, but it’s a great way to convert your buyers from those who joined your free Facebook group challenge.

Remember that for both groups, you have to make sure to brand your challenge.

Facebook Group Challenges – Adding Bonus Stacks for Your 30-Day Challenge

When you do your 30-day challenge, think about what you can bonus-stack to entice people to buy.

Think about what you can give them on top of what they will buy from you if they join your 30-day challenge.

For example, for our weight-loss 30-day challenge, we will give them grocery lists to help them trim up, meal plans, motivational videos, and fitness tips and ideas.

We built a business package and put a retail value on it so they know how much additional bonus they’re gonna get if they buy our product and join the weight-loss challenge.

When they see the bonuses they get when they join the 30-day challenge, it becomes more enticing to them to purchase it.

If you don’t know how to create a value stack, I have a great video on how to do this and I’ll put the link in the show notes below.

Facebook Group Challenges – Setting up the Facebook groups

If you’ve watched our previous videos on how to create engaging groups, you’ll see that I always encourage my viewers to add welcome videos, so don’t forget to add welcome videos to both your groups.

After doing so, get your team on board and let them know how it works, so you can share it to other people and build the group up.

Make sure that you have at least 7 days to do promotion for your challenge.

Promote anywhere you possibly can – on Facebook, Instagram, do lives, and whatever it takes to get the word out.

Facebook Group Challenges – In Closing

It’s your time to shine! Be active in the group daily, even twice a day!

Post videos, make it interactive. Chances are, after the 7-day challenge, they’re gonna want to take the opportunity when you pitch to them, so make an impression!

If you want to know and understand these tips in detail, I highly recommend downloading the FREEBIE I have for you so you can be successful in running your challenge, and converting those to sales!

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Episode 221 – My 5 Best Content Ideas To Get More Sales From Your Facebook Group – Learn More Here 

In this episode I show you what content to post inside your Facebook group so you can get more sales and create one of the best communities that people want to be a part of.

FREE TRAINING How We Use 1 Simple Facebook Group To Gain New Teammates & Customers In 3 Easy Steps – Learn More Here

Come and join us on this FREE training on how we've been using 1 simple Facebook Group to endlessly enroll new customers and teammates like clockwork. This is one very powerful strategy that we use and if you can learn how we do this and start using this with your team, you could experience some very explosive results in your team duplication.

Facebook Ads Revealed Mini Course – Learn More Here 

Have you ever wanted to know how to do Facebook Ads properly with knowing exactly how to extract a positive return on investment so you don’t waste your money? This training with show you exactly how I do Facebook Ads for my business. I pull you behind the scenes right into my Ads Manager so you can see exactly how to do it for your business too.

Episode 66 – How to Motivate Your Team & Get Them Excited To Work – Learn More Here 

In this episode you’ll learn how to get your team motivated and fired up with team contests so that the majority are participating and winning inside of your team.

Episode 122 – Sales Techniques To Close More Sales Faster Without Silly Price Objections #ValueStack – Learn More Here

If you’ve been looking for a way to stand out and make it SUPER irresistible for your prospects to join or buy from you…then you’re going to love this Episode!

In this episode I share my personal sales techniques that will make it irresistible for your prospects to want to join your team or buy your products.

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here 

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this training on running Facebook group challenges?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing Facebook group challenges so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Question of The Week: Have you ran a Facebook challenge to create product awareness?

If so, let me know in the comments section below!

I would love to know!

Hope you enjoyed this training on running Facebook group challenges 🙂

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