How To Get Referrals From Your Customers And Turn Them Into Your Best Teammates Or Promoters

Want to learn how to get referrals from your customers and turn them into teammates?

I use a 3-step formula that makes this a no-brainer for my best customers to turn into teammates and makes it a really smooth process for me.

So in this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you how to get referrals with my 3 Step Formula so you can turn your customers into some of your best referrers or teammates without coming across as desperate or salesy.

How To Get Referrals From Your Customers And Turn Them Into Your Best Teammates Or Promoters – Episode 167

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week since we’re talking about how to get referrals from your customers and turning them into raving teammates and referrers, I’m giving you My Customer Follow-Up & Re-Ordering Process so you can get your follow up process dialed in and make it easy to turn customers into raving teammates or promoters.

If you’re serious about learning how to get referrals …one of the first things you’ll want to put in place if you haven’t done so already is to create a follow up process for your customers…. it makes this 3 step formula process go really smooth.

But once you’ve downloaded My Customer Follow-Up & Re-Ordering Process and implemented it, you’ve put yourself in a perfect position to get the most out of this 3 step formula.

Here is my 3-step formula and exactly what it looks like:

How To Get Referrals – Formula #1

I typically wait to ask them this question at least 14 days after they’ve started using their product.

This gives them enough time to receive their product and try it out.

And then what I’ll do is follow-up with them and ask them this question;

‘What do you love about the product so far?’

Note that I don’t ask them if they love the product or what they think about it…I want to know what they’re specifically loving about it so far.

It’s all about asking the right questions…

After you ask them what they love make sure you write it down and then move into step 2 of my 3 step formula.

How To Get Referrals – Formula #2

So after you listen to what they love about the products you’ll want to ask them this next question;

‘Would you like me to share with you a way where you can get your products for free each month?'

If they say yes, and most people will then move on to step 3 of my 3 step formula.

How To Get Referrals – Formula #3

This next step is where you share with them how they are going to be able to get their products by referring their friends as customers and walk them through that process.

With this specific process, I like to do all the work for my customers and help them get their first 5 customers.

So what I do is I like to get a list from them of their top 5 friends that they think would love the products as much as them and I help them connect with their friends and do a product presentation.

We have a process inside of our team that makes this really easy to do.

We keep a good amount of pre-constructed testimonial and product sharing social media posts that we help our customers post in their news feed and we help them manage the comments and interest that comes from those social media posts.

You’re basically doing the work for them and making this as easy as possible for them…but it’s a great way to easily multiply your customers and volume… which means you’re helping MORE people with your products and services and making more Moolah in your bank account too!

How To Get Referrals – In Closing

Keep it light and fun when it comes to my 3-step formula.

I don’t talk about BIG money or the Business too much when I’m going through this process with my customers.

This might make them feel icky and turn them off.

And of course, this Formula works best if you have a follow-up process in place.

So make sure you remember to download My Customer Follow-Up & Re-Ordering Process and get your follow up process dialed in with your customer so it’s easier to take them from just customers to raving teammates.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Send Out Cards – Learn More Here

I absolutely LOVE this service when it comes to staying in touch and top-of-mind with your customers. I send a ‘Thank You’ card to every one of my new customers using this service. It saves me time, money and makes me look like a Rock Star!

Facebook Live Checklist – Learn More

Need to acquire more customers so you can use My 3-step process and turn them into raving fans and teammates?

Doing Facebook Lives is one of the fastest ways to get more customers and teammates into your business.

And to help you with this I’m giving away my go-to checklist that I’ve been using before, during and after my FB Live broadcasts that have gotten me tens of thousands on eyeballs on my products and services!

It’s no secret that doing FB Lives can bring you a lot of exposure and business, but sometimes it can be exhausting and intimidating to know if you’re doing them right to get people to actually take the next step with you…

Beyond Objections – Learn More

Easily handle every objection your prospects give you so you can watch your customer base and volume grow exponentially.

I have a powerful 77 min Audio training and downloadable Cheat Sheet that will equip you to handle any objection or question that your prospect gives you after you share your business with them.

Download the audio to your smartphone, tablet or computer and take it with you on the go, at the gym or in the car and become a professional in closing the sale without being salesy or weird. It’s all about finding out what the REAL questions and objections are and leading them into the direction of a sale or new teammate.

Influence (Book) – Learn More 

Have you ever wondered how some people just have that ‘Magic’ over others? They can go up and talk to people easier, they can command attention and lead people into buying decisions easier…. how do they do it?
Is it just a gift? Nope… it has everything to do with understanding how people operate and how to INFLUENCE them. This is one of my favorite books and if you’re in a position where you collect decisions from people (sales) this is a MUST read!

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this training on learning how to get referrals?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing training on how to get referrals so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Question of The Week: Do you have some good tips that you’d like to share about your amazing customer management process?

Share in the comments section below. I would love to know!

Hope you enjoyed learning my 3 step formula on how to get referrals 🙂

2024-05-12T11:21:19-04:00By |Home Business Training|