How To Posture Up In Your Prospecting & Recruiting Process for Network Marketing Success

Nothing will slow down your network marketing success as much as not being able to lead your prospects to make a faster decision when looking at your business, service or products.

And who likes having prospects lingering on our list right?’s time-consuming and not good for growing your business.

So in this episode of Tanya AlizaTV, I’m going to show you how to have posture in your sales process (even if you’re shy or timid) so you can get your prospects to take you and your business seriously.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

And today since we're talking about posturing up and getting committed to your business, I’ve put together a free resource for you called Inviting, Presenting and Closing Like A BOSS.

With this guide,  you’ll learn how to effectively invite, present and close like a professional network marketer so you can make more sales in your business.

When I first got started in my business, I was so shy to say certain things to my prospects during my recruiting efforts that I let my prospects walk all over me and my sales process…

And guess where that took me and my business?

Not far!

That’s when I knew I needed to develop posture with my prospects.

So here’s what I did to learn how to posture up:

Episode #138 How To Posture Up In Your Prospecting & Recruiting Process For Network Marketing Success

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

How To Invite, Present & Close Like a Boss.
Designed to give you my full prospecting process that I've used to become a top earner.

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Network Marketing Success - I got committed to my process

The first step I took is getting committed to the process we had in place that was proven to work.

You probably have a recruiting process in place that's already proven to work and if you’re deviating away from it, then you really need to get committed to it again.

I know for me…I knew we had a plan in place that was proven to work and for some reason I deviated away from that plan…by changing it and making it my own.

And that didn’t work so I had to come back to the fundamentals and get re-committed to the proven plan we had in place until it worked.

Network Marketing Success - I got serious about my business

The second thing I did is I got really serious about my business.

The first year in my business I was getting average results but about after a year of going to my company events I got really frustrated with my results.

That’s when I decided to get really serious about my business and I started to carve out time every day to work on the proven plan that my team already had in place.

And I did nothing but business activities during that time.

I stopped working on my business whenever I could fit it into my busy life and instead MADE the time and committed to it.

I went from treating my business like a hobby to treating it like a 6-figure income business and my results started to change.

Network Marketing Success - I decided NOT to let my prospects break this serious commitment

When I first got started in my business I would always feel horrible if someone rejected me or gave me lots of objections or a hard time with my sales process.

But then I decided I wasn’t going to let this break my commitment to my business.

So if this is happening to you, prepare for it mentally and know its normal especially in the beginning and don’t let it beat you down or make you feel defeated.

If your prospects feel and sense that you have an unwavering belief in what you do…there’s almost nothing that they can say or do that can waiver your beliefs in yourself and your business.

And they will also respect you more and see what you’re doing as a big opportunity.

Network Marketing Success - My script when approaching someone with my business

I want to share with you an example of how I used posture to recruit one of my rockstar teammates on my team cause I think examples are a really powerful way to learn.

So I called up my really good friend Lauren who used to be my neighbor at the time and I said this to her:

"Hey Lauren, something crossed my desk and got me really excited. I think you’re going to want to take a look at this as well. By the way it has everything to do with business and I’m going to be tearing this thing up and take it to the moon and back and I’d love to share this with you because I think we would work really well together and I think there is an incredible opportunity here that you might not want to miss out on."

You see how postured this sounds?

Also, as you’ll see in the free resource I’m giving you that I also do a takeaway…so I’m never being pushy or trying to convince my prospects into doing anything.

In fact, I take it away by making them qualify themselves for the opportunity to work with me.

And to do this you can use phrases like; “Hey this may or may not be for you…but here’s why I thought you would absolutely crush it.”

You can also say; "Hey I’m going to the moon and back with this and I’m doing it with or without you but I would love to do it with you."

Network Marketing Success - Getting your prospects to commit to the process

So one of the things that happened with my friend Lauren is that she was being a little flaky with nailing down a commitment time and I know this is something that happens to a lot of people.

So if this happens to you rather than letting them walk all over your process…let them know that you don’t want to waste their time or yours but that you are super busy and can’t keep calling to follow up so if they can please commit to a time and stick to it, that would be awesome.

By doing this they will see how serious you are about your business and take you more seriously.

Network Marketing Success - Call out the elephant in the room

Don’t be afraid to call out the elephant in the room. This is when you call out what’s really happening but you’re afraid of saying it and sounding rude.

"Calling out the elephant in the room" is what I call a strategy I use when people are giving me the run around or not allowing me to have control of the sales process.

So when someone asks me, "Hey Tanya, what do you say when a prospect says this or does that etc…?"

I ask them this question, "What are you thinking when they say that or do that and what do you really want to say?"

And they’ll tell me what’s on their mind and I say to them, "Just say some version of that but in a nice way or say it in a playful and funny way".

So if they’re being flaky just tell them that…but in a nice, postured and playful way.

Just make sure you control your sales process and you’ll start to get better results and they’ll respect you more for it.

Network Marketing Success - In closing

It all starts with making a commitment to your business. Once you do that it becomes easier to stick to the proven process that you already have in place.

And never allow a prospect's reaction or objections break you away from your commitment or bring you down.

When you have a strong belief in what you’re doing people will be more likely to take you seriously and respect you.

Don’t be afraid to call out the elephant in the room. You can do it in a playful, kind way and people will take you seriously and you’ll get fast network marketing success.

And remember if you want my proven strategies for inviting, presenting and closing, than grab my free guide called Inviting, Presenting and Closing Like A BOSSIt will walk you through how to effectively invite, present and close like a professional network marketer so you can make more sales in your business.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

My Complete Social Media Sales Blueprint | Free Masterclass Showing How I Attract 12-23 New Buyers a Week From Just One Piece Of Content That I Create! Let’s Stop Spinning Our Wheels On Social Media Doing Weird Stuff That Takes Too Long.

Beyond Objections | Let’s close more sales & recruit more teammates! Say goodbye to awkward sales conversations and dive into understanding genuine questions, guiding your prospects seamlessly to a positive joining decision.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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