My Network Marketing Daily Schedule To Hit Top Earner Status Fast

In this Episode, I share my network marketing daily schedule to help you get more money making activities done in your day so you can hit top earner status fast.

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed and scattered in your business right now?

Like there’s too much to do and too little time?

Yep…I totally get it.

You’re super busy and not sure how to fit your network marketing business into you’re already busy life.

No need to throw in the towel because I have good news for you…

The key to success is not in having MORE hours in your day…

…but in taking action on the RIGHT activities in your Network Marketing business.

This is best done by having a daily method of operation that you commit to and follow.

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you my daily method of operation, so you can free up some of your time, have a life and still hit top earner status in your business FAST.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week, since we’re talking about a network marketing daily schedule to help you get the RIGHT income producing activities done in a limited amount of time…I’m giving you My Daily Method of Operation For Network Marketers.

It’s a free resource I created just for you to help you focus on the RIGHT activities that dial the needle closer to where you want to go.

Episode #118 My Network Marketing Daily Schedule To Hit Top Earner Status Fast

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

Daily Method Of Operation For Network Marketers.
Designed to optimize your daily activities for maximum efficiency and results. This lays out a structured routine that ensures you focus on the most impactful tasks, driving consistent growth & success.

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Why create a network marketing daily schedule?

Time management…

There are endless amounts of books and trainings on the subject.

But while time management tips are very helpful… we all know you can’t really manage time…

You’ll never get more than 24 hours in 1 day…

…but what you CAN do is learn how to manage YOURSELF in those 24 hours.

I learned this while I was working 12-hour days in my Finance job 6 days a week AND I was still able to build a successful network marketing business on the side.

I was working an outrageous amount of hours and I wanted more TIME FREEDOM so I had to figure out a way to work my business into my already crazy busy schedule.

Now…my network marketing dmo (daily method of operation) has changed over the years.

But I’m going to share with you what I do right now…and I’ll also share what I did back then when I was working at a job that demanded so much of my time.

Create a network marketing daily schedule that you commit to

First 60 minutes of my day I’m focusing on only money making activities like adding 3-5 new people to my list.

Then I work on doing a curiosity post on Facebook that gets people engaged and messaging me.

And then in the evening I also block out 60 minutes for my income producing activities.

To see in detail exactly what I do in the morning and in the evening that gets me the most results you can download Daily Method of Operation For Network Marketers.

Inside that resource, you'll see exactly what my time blocks and activities normally look like.

How to stay committed to your network marketing daily schedule

Here's what I recommend:

- Put a sock on that door

- Put a sign on it that says do not interrupt

- Do whatever you gotta do to make sure you don’t get interrupted

And the only thing you’re doing during these 60 minutes is exactly what’s on your list.

Here’s what you are NOT doing:

- Watching funny cat videos
- Listening to training
- Reading a book

Your network marketing daily schedule helps you be pro-active instead of reactive

When I’m working my business I’m not like Netflix “on demand” type of girl.

What do I mean by that?

I don’t move on demand with my team and I don’t sit around all day long waiting to see, if people reply to my post or messages.

I do my morning activities on social media and I move on with my day.

But I will come back later in the evening to check if anyone’s replied or to follow up with anyone that has commented on my posts.

Your network marketing daily schedule when life is hectic, or you have a job

It can be challenging to build your business on the side when you have a job or you’re raising a family.

That type of demand requires commitment and focus so you can later have the freedom and time that you desire.

And it was much harder back then to build a business…definitely more time-consuming.

We didn’t have social media or group presentations that we could do online.

Everything had to be done in person.

So there’s really ZERO excuses for not being able to build your business on the side today.

So how did I do it?

During my lunch break, I would literally be eating my lunch and making calls.

I would wake up one hour earlier every day to make sure I had organized exactly what I needed to be doing that day to get my money making activities done.

I found the time and made no excuses.

Network Marketing Daily Schedule - In closing

Adding more work to an already busy day seems counter-intuitive.

But it really is just a temporary sacrifice that you’re making in order to live a better life with more freedom and time built into it.

It will be hard but I can promise you it will be worth it.

If you need even more help with getting your money making activities done every single day…then grab My Daily Method of Operation For Network Marketers.

It’s a free resource I created just for you to help you focus on the RIGHT activities that dial the needle closer to where you want to go.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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