My Secret Instagram Story Highlight Strategy To Get More People To See Your Posts

Today I want to share with you why using the Instagram Story Highlight feature is an incredible tool that will help you get massive exposure for your product, service, or business.

Now I know what you might be thinking IF you already use Instagram… ‘I already know what I’m doing and I’ve heard it all!'

Well, I thought I did too… until I thought of this Instagram Story Highlight strategy that’s super awesome.

AND…not many people are talking about… or sharing this.

So in this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’ll be sharing what this little known strategy is all about and how you can use it to get more of your posts seen which in turn will help you generate more sales for your business.

My Secret Instagram Story Highlight Strategy To Get More People To See Your Posts – Episode 236

Marina Simone's Training-Yellow Button

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week since we’re talking about generating sales for your business using Instagram, my good friend and Instagram expert Marina Simone, has created a mini-training for you.

Her free mini-training is called Learn How To Prospect On Instagram To Grow Your Business.

This mini-training she put together will show you how to prospect on Instagram using the same methods she uses to get her leads and sales every single week for her network marketing business.

What are Instagram Instagram Story Highlights?

Before we dive into the strategy of Instagram highlights, let’s first cover what they are.

Highlights are those little circles that you see underneath somebody's profile and there's many of them that you can create and categorize.

Highlights are Instagram stories that you can feature and organize for your viewers and get more exposure for the best content that you have.

Most importantly for businesses, this is where you can get more eyeballs on the products and services that you sell.

Why use Instagram Story Highlights?

If you’re familiar with Instagram stories then you already know that they disappear after 24 hours.

Because Instagram stories disappear after 24 hours, it’s a great idea to add them to your highlights.

That becomes a problem when we create value driven stories that we want people to keep seeing when they find you through Instagram.

The same can be said about posts or IGTV’S.

As time goes by what tends to happen is it will shuffle down to the very bottom and it loses exposure.

So all those great posts and IGTV’s you created no longer have the exposure they once did.

That’s where Instagram highlights come into play.

So what you can actually do is you can take your best posts, IGTV’s and stories and add them to your highlights and continue to get eyeballs on them.

After all, if you’re in business, you want all the eyeballs and exposure for your products and services as you can get!

Instagram Story Highlight PRO TIP #1 – Create 5 categories that help your ideal customer

Now keep in mind that in the video above that goes with this blog post, I’ve included a step by step visual where I show you how to add a story or post to an Instagram highlight.

I recommend you watch it after you’re done reading these strategies because it’s a very visual process.

I want to give you some PRO TIPS when it comes to putting together your highlights.

Think about the top five categories that you typically revolve your posts around that help your potential new customers or clients.

These would be the things that they are already needing help with so think of the benefits of your products or services.

If you look at mine you'll see that some of them are very business-related where I'm talking about the benefits of what my products or services do, but I also have some in there that are personal.

Here are some of mine to help you generate some ideas:

•FREE Training
•D4Y Tutorials
•Insta Tips
•Sales Tips
•Team Aliza

These are categories or topics that my ideal customer would be interested in diving into.

There is no limit to how many highlight categories you can create but don’t go crazy creating a ton of them that will only confuse people…make sure they are topics or categories that your ideal prospect or customer would love to dive into.

And as you can see, I let people into my personal life, not just business.

I’ve created highlights to feature my adorable dog Loya and my family.

The reason for that is if you're on social media, you really want people to build a relationship with you so that they can trust you and they feel comfortable with buying or joining your business or buying the products that you offer.

BOSS TIP: Keep your titles short. You have limited space when creating your category titles so make sure you keep them short or else they will get cut off.

Instagram Story Highlight PRO TIP #2 – Have a call to action

Another pro tip is if you're doing a story or you're doing a highlight that you want your audience to take action on, make sure that you tell them what to do next with you.

Whether it’s to visit your website or send you a DM…whatever it is make sure you let them know how to take the next step with you.

This is very important because it will help you generate leads and sales from your stories or posts.

Instagram Story Highlight PRO TIP #3 – Add new content to your highlights

Another thing I like to do is to keep my highlights fresh.

I like to add a new piece of content to my highlight reels to keep it fresh for my people.

This way they keep coming back for all the new posts and content that I create on a weekly basis.

Instagram Story Highlight – In Closing

Social media is a great place to generate new business but most people don’t know how to use it properly.

You are now armed with a strategy that if implemented can bring you results.

I hope this strategy was valuable and that you’ll pencil it into your calendar this week to actually implement it.

Also, make sure to download this week’s free resource that goes really well with this training.

It’s called Learn How To Prospect On Instagram To Grow Your Business.

It’s a mini-training put together by my good friend and Instagram expert Marina Simone. She shows you how to prospect on Instagram using the same methods she uses to get her leads and sales every single week for her network marketing business.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Marina Simone's Training-Yellow Button

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

? Jab Jab Jab Right Hook (Book) – Learn More Here

This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of Social Media to get it and read it 5 times! It teaches you how to function on Social Media to get the most results.

? Beyond Objections – Learn More Here

In this powerful 77 min Audio training and downloadable Cheat Sheet you will be equipped to handle any objection or question that your prospect gives you after you share your business with them. Download the audio to your smart phone, tablet or computer and take it with you on the go, at the gym or in the car and become a professional in closing the sale without being salesy or weird. It’s all about finding out what the REAL questions and objections are and leading them into the direction of a sale or new teammate.

Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Learn More Here 

How would you like to becoming a Network Marketing Top Earner Lightning Fast? How about some amazing leverage and automation in your business? What if you could learn from 3 multi 7-figure earners and have them walk you through the exact steps they implement in their business daily, to build a thriving network marketing team that duplicates? That’s exactly what the Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp is!

? The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here 

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

? Champagne Moment Highlight Member -Kim Barr – Learn More About Kim Barr Here

Every week I get messages like these from some amazing humans that implement what I teach in my courses or free trainings. This week we’re putting Kim Barr on the spotlight. Thank you Kim for your hard work and dedication and I’m happy for your success and grateful you sent me this wonderful message.

Champagne moment imgae - Kim Barr

Did you get some value from this training to help you get more of your posts seen using Instagram story highlights?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good training on Instagram story highlights so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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If you’re loving this post or have any questions about this training, I’d love to hear about it! Share in my Facebook group or tag me on Instagram, and make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to get even more of these free trainings!

2024-05-12T11:20:13-04:00By |Home Business Training|