Network Marketing Business Plan – How To Launch Your Business

In this episode I’m going to give you an actionable Network Marketing Business plan so you know how to launch your business most effectively and you can create some massive momentum with your team. I’m also going to be sharing with you my exact Network Marketing Business Plan Template.

As a Network Marketing Professional, I am always creating ways to Launch and Re-launch my business with incentives to hit different goals and to help our team hit new goals too.

It’s also really important to draw out your Network Marketing Business Plan so that you know exactly what you need to do to reach your goals. I know it’s easier to get someone in activity mode if they know WHAT they have to do.

So what is a Business Launch?

A business launch is a period of time where you buckle down and you just Get eR Done!

There’s usually a specific goal you’re trying to hit or you just started your business and you want to do something like a business launch party where you expose a large number of people to your business in a very compressed amount of time.

In this episode, I’m going to help you draw out a Network Marketing business plan and I’m going to show you how to launch your business whether you’ve been in business for a while or you’re just getting started.

This process will help you define you Launch dates, your end goal, and the reward when you’ve hit these goals.

Let’s rock this!

Network Marketing Business Plan – How To Launch Your Business – Episode 27

First things first – You’ll need an a Launch Planner

Good thing for you, with every episode, I equip you with a FREE resource that you can download and immediately implement inside your business and start seeing results.

This week, I put together A Business Launch Planner – Your Schedule & Calendar!

This the perfect planner to map out your Network Marketing Business Plan and to create massive momentum inside your business.

Print it out, follow along in the video and apply your goals and incentives… then use this resource to work off of to help you reach the Next Level in your Network Marketing business.

How to Launch Your Business In 8 Simple Steps

(Download, print out the planner and follow along)

Step #1. Commit To Your Business Launch

Success loves speed, so when rocking out with your Network Marketing business plan – it’s honestly just little consistent stints of your time.

Carve out a season to commit to making it happen and dedicate yourself to hitting your goals. You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish in a 30-60 day window with consistent effort.

There’s a spot for you to write out your Affirmation Commitment on the FREE Launch Planner, so take a minute to write it out now.

For example, “I commit to doing the activity that I know is necessary for this Business Launch.”

Tell your sponsor, your team, and your family, and tell them you’re running your business All-Out commitment for 30-60 days and tell them why you’re doing it and what the reward is at the end of this business launch.

Step #2. Set Your Business Launch Goal

What’s your goal for this business Launch?

If you don’t have a goal or plan when you start this run, you’re bound to end up somewhere else.

You have to have a SPECIFIC launch goal in place.

Often times, I see people say “I just want to be successful.”

This is NOT a goal because it’s not specific enough.

Instead, have a goal that clearly defines what it is you’re going to accomplish.

For example, “I want to personally enroll 10 new customers/members in the next 30 days and help 2 of my team members rank advance.”

Take a minute and write down your business launch goal in Your Business Launch Planner

Step #3. Set Your Business Launch Date

When’s the start date of your business Launch?

Write it down in Your Business Launch Planner. Then, write down your end date.

My tip to you is to select a Launch Period that’s between 30-60 days. I’ve found this to be the perfect amount of time to go all-in and have massive action for a short period time and see results.

Step #4. Pick Your Incentive

Most companies have many different incentives – trip incentives, car bonus, cash bonuses, etc. Figure out what current promotions your company currently has going on and set a goal to hit a specific Incentive by the end of your launch.

For example, we’re running for a promotion right now inside our company and the next rank advancement for us includes a superiorly-exclusive vacation.

So, pick your Incentive that you’re going to get when you hit this outta the park at the end of your Launch and write it on Your Business Launch Planner.

Step #5. Pick Your Reward

This is a big important part of your network marketing business plan, you HAVE to reward yourself at the end of your business launch for the activities that you did inside your business – whether you hit your end goal or not.

IF, of course, you feel you truly did the activity and you tried your best, REWARD yourself!

Also, if you have a spouse or kids that are on this journey with you, make sure that they’re part of the reward. Let them know that you’re putting 100% into your business during your run, but at the end of it, there is this awesome reward that everyone can enjoy.

Think FUN… it could be going on vacation, or maybe a stay-cation, going camping, going to the beach, going to Disneyland – whatever the reward is, pick one and write it on Your Business Launch Planner.

Step #6. Build Your Business Launch List

With Your Business Launch Planner download, I’ve attached a List Builder for your launch list. You want to make sure you re-build your list and know who you’re going to be contacting inside your launch dates.

Take everyone off of your old list and create a whole new list called your Launch List. This list is who you’re going to be contacting, setting appointments with, and presenting to during your Launch.

This list should be perfectly in-line with your launch goal – if you have big goals, you need a BIG list.

***Do this activity. Please don’t go to your old list to start this Launch. Take some time and re-build your list so that when you’re in full Launch mode, you can work straight through each person and maximize your time and overall results.

Step #7. Get To Work

Every day during your Launch, you need to set yourself an Exposure Goal (product or business) to at least 3 prospects a day. 3 presentations a day should be on your schedule 7 days a week inside of your Business Launch period.

Close your eyes and picture the fruits of your labor after the short 30-60 day commitment!!

Step #8. Celebrate Your Business Launch

I love to Celebrate! This is so important. We’ve already touched on the reward at the end of your Launch to help you celebrate, but you can also celebrate during the times you’re doing activity.

This helps to prevent you getting burnt out.

Pat yourself on the back and celebrate the small wins – if you got your 3 presentations today, say “I’m so pumped! I got my 3 presentations done today. That’s awesome!”

Tell yourself you’re doing a good job. We are entrepreneurs and often times, most of your work is done independently. You don’t necessarily have someone with you all the time telling you you’re doing a great job, so I give you full permission to tell yourself!

If you haven’t done so already, go print off Your Business Launch Planner and follow the 8 Steps as you Launch or Re-Launch your Business!

This FREE download is the perfect tool to create massive Momentum inside your business. Print it out, apply your Goals and Incentives, and then use this resource to work off of and help you reach your Next Level in your Network Marketing business. And remember, this tool can also help your team get them in Momentum and running with you so be sure to share this free resource with them as well.

Some Awesome Resources That Will Help You Even More

Beyond ObjectionsLearn More

In this powerful 77 min Audio training and downloadable Cheat Sheet you will be equipped to handle any objection or question that your prospect gives you after you share your business with them. Download the audio to your smart phone, tablet or computer and take it with you on the go, at the gym or in the car and become a professional in closing the sale without being salesy or weird. It’s all about finding out what the REAL questions and objections are and leading them into the direction of a sale or new teammate.

Your First 90 DaysLearn More

This is one of my favorite resources and trainings when it comes to understanding how to start or re-start your business the Right Way. I share this training with many of my new teammates and I encourage them to go through it multiple times…it’s that good.

Influence (Book)Learn More

Have you ever wondered how some people just have that ‘Magic’ over others? They can go up and talk to people easier, they can command attention and lead people into buying decisions easier…. how do they do it? Is it just a gift? Nope… it has everything to do with understanding how people operate and how to INFLUENCE them. This is one of my favorite books and if you’re in a position where you collect decisions from people (sales) this is a MUST read!

Did you get some value?

I hope you did, because each week I put my heart into making sure you get amazing tips and strategies to rock it in your business work while creating a life you love.

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You are a Rock Star!

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