Network Marketing Events - Create Massive Duplication With My Pre-Event Campaign & Contest Process

In this episode, I’ll be sharing my best network marketing training tips on how to get more people in your team to show up to your network marketing events.

Yep…it’s true, making the investment with your time, money, and energy to attend networking marketing events can prove to be the best thing you can do, if you’re really serious about creating network marketing duplication in your business.

Network marketing events are the backbone of our profession and while we know the business is built in homes, small meetings, social media, personal and zoom calls across the globe, we also know that massive duplication is built and lives are changed at events.

In today’s episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m revealing to you exactly how we get our team to all our network marketing events.

So, if you’re ready to take your “someday” hopes and dreams into a “right here, right now” reality then be sure to watch the video below.

Every week I like to put together a FREE resource that can help you create massive success in your network marketing business. You can download this resource and implement it right away and start seeing massive duplication in your business.

This week I’ve put together My Pre-Event Campaign and Contest Plan that will reveal to you the inner details of how I create a lot of volume in my team through incentives and contests before and after events.

The majority of network marketers who haven’t experienced a moderate level of success in their business, tend to find ways to justify not going to events.

However, others might not completely understand the impact these events will have in their business and just need a bit of motivation.

Let’s explore 5 proven strategies I use to get my team to show up at our company’s network marketing events.

Episode #34 Network Marketing Events - Create Massive Duplication With My Pre-Event Campaign & Contest Process

Get My Episode Exclusive Resource

Network Marketing Pre-Event Campaign.
Designed to help you with promoting you next company event.

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Great leaders understand that they must lead by example.

You need to be willing to do what you must do to get yourself to every event, if you want your network marketing team to do the same.

Without exception, Cesar and I make it a point to get to every network marketing event our company holds. It’s on our schedule and everything else gets planned around it.

Duplication is key in this industry and events play a huge role in creating the network marketing duplication that you want to see in your business.


In our 20 years of combined experience in network marketing, we’ve been able to see many ebbs and flows in network marketing and one of the biggest contributors to momentum and duplication occurs before and after the events.

For this reason, we’ve designed a pre-event campaign for our team that includes holding contests and exciting promotions to make it fun for everyone who participates.

Who doesn’t love a little fun in their business, right?


When a new business partner joins my team, I’m responsible for getting them off to a great start.

For this reason, I like to set the proper expectations.

If their goals are to make a full-time income in their business, then I have them pull out their calendar and schedule in our next company event.

Here’s the deal... Saying you want to go full time in network marketing is cool, but If someone is not willing to get to the company events, then it tells me they’re not serious about going full-time.


I keep my leaders in the loop about company events by using a free group texting app. This offers a more personal style of communication and allows my leaders to stay informed before, throughout and after the network marketing events. I also use it to stay in touch on a regular basis.

This is just another way we foster community and encourage our team to act towards purchasing their event tickets and making hotel reservations for our upcoming company events.


Putting together a conference call for your team can play a big part in getting them to company events. You can use services like Skype, Zoom, conference calling, webinar platforms and a host of other services that are free to plan and schedule team calls.

You can use these calls to talk about upcoming events and what your team needs to do in order to prepare to be at the events.

Another powerful strategy is to invite team members that have been attendees at past company events be a guest on your call and share testimonials of how their lives and businesses were changed by the company event.

It’s a proven fact that the majority of our decisions are largely influenced by social proof. Having social proof that lives are changed by attending network marketing events can help many of your team members decide they need to go to the events.

The network marketing industry is an industry that provides a lifestyle and income potential like no other.

So, think of it this way, if you had to attend conferences and seminars for a job, you wouldn't even bat an eyelid.

So, if you're serious about crushing it in your network marketing business then you’ll be sure to get yourself and your team to every company event.

Make sure to pick up this Episode's Free Resource that I put together for you. I reveal my exact Pre-Event Campaign and Contest Plan... you can copy and model it with your team.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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