Network Marketing Success – How I Use The Holidays To Enroll New Business Builders

In this episode I’m going to share my best network marketing success tips to help you acquire some amazing business builders in your network marketing company over the holiday season.

Typically, most leaders and trainers will train you on how to use the holidays to sell more product, which is great, but I want you to also experience leverage in your business and you do that by acquiring business builders.

So, in this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you how to use the holidays to acquire some amazing business builders in your network marketing company so that your business speeds up instead of slowing down.

Network Marketing Success – How I Use The Holidays To Enroll New Business Builders – Episode 189

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

Today, since we're talking about how to maximize the holidays when it comes to your prospecting and business building, I want to give you My Top 20 Prospecting Questions that you should use when you meet a new prospect to get them interested in your product, service, or business.

These are super amazing. They've helped me a ton in my career and I’m going to give them to you absolutely free.

You can download my by clicking on the yellow button above ☝️

Network Marketing Success – This problem is your opportunity during the holidays

What are the two things that people say typically around the holidays?

#1– I don't have time.

#2 – I wish I had some more money.

#3 – These damn holidays can be so expensive.

Now I want you to think about what you have your hands on.

You literally have the solution to both of those problems right in your hand, right?

Also, I want you to think about all of the parents that specifically go out and get second jobs so that they get some extra cash to be able to give their kids the best holiday experience.

Or think of the men that want to be the best boyfriends or the best husbands and be able to totally splurge and spoil their significant other.

And it takes money, especially around the holidays to sometimes do that.

Network Marketing Success – Holiday strategy #1

So I want to share with you two ways that you can maximize this opportunity around the holidays and help a lot of people along the way.

The first thing that I want you to start doing immediately, especially if you're watching this around the holidays is to start posting on social media that you're excited about not having to go out and get a second job to be able to give your friends and family all that they deserve around the holidays.

What that's going to do is it's going to start peaking curiosity…

Especially to those people who are already thinking they need to get a second job to be able to give their family and friends everything that they deserve.

A good strategy is to post twice or three times a week something along those lines of being so grateful that you don't have to go out and get a second job to help make the holidays some of the best experiences for you and your family.

Network Marketing Success – Holiday strategy #2

I want you to heighten your awareness around the holidays.

What I mean by this is that as you’re doing your shopping for the holidays or groceries I want you to notice there’s lots of people in the service industry that are hired or working just for the holidays.

I want you to become aware of people that are extremely friendly and personable.

If you come across somebody that helps you at a makeup counter, or the jewelry counter, or the grocery store, I want you to use some of these scripts and you can make them your own and have some fun.

But I want you to start a conversation with them and ask yourself this…

Do you think they would be somebody you would enjoy working with?

Maybe they've given you really great service and you really like their attitude and you were like,

“Man, I really think that this person would be an incredible business partner and asset to what it is that we're doing. I want to talk with them and find out if they're open.”

Network Marketing Success – My holiday prospecting scripts

So now I'll share with you a couple of ways to start the conversation.

Let’s say you're out and about, you get amazing service.

First thing that you want to do is compliment them.

Something that you should probably be doing anyways, right?

Here’s how I would do it. If I met somebody, I would say,

“Hey, I just want to take a minute and thank you for your amazing service today. I truly appreciate it. This might sound like a weird question because you probably don’t get asked this a lot but the company that I work for is always looking for great talent and I think that you were really good at what you did today so I was just wondering, do you at all keep your options open to other opportunities if something crossed your path and it looked exciting to you?”

Now, most often if you compliment them and you're super nice, they're going to say,

“Yeah, I'm curious. Tell me about it.” And they might even ask, “What is it?”

They'll probably ask questions and you don't want to be put on the spot.

So if that happens I'll say;

“Hey listen, right now isn't the time or place to get into those details, but I would love the opportunity to share some information with you and see if what we're doing is a good fit for you and vice versa.

Let’s exchange contact details and I'll send you a text or we can make a phone call happen and I'll share some details with you that I think you're going to get pretty excited about.”

That's how I would Segway and then just set the appointment because the goal isn't to verbally vomit all over people with details about your business.

The goal is to find the talent and then book the appointment for your business presentation.

Then after I get their contact info I like to compliment them one last time.

I like to give people the warm and fuzzy as much as possible because then they'll be more inclined to answer your phone call or answer your text when you do that.

So I'll say something like, “And thank you again. I truly appreciate your service today. It was impeccable.

And I'll be genuine of course and you’ll want to as well.

I mean if you got crappy service, you wouldn't tell someone they were amazing just to prospect them, right? Not at all.

And you probably won't want to work with them anyways.

Network Marketing Success – In Closing

Your business doesn't have to slow down because of the holidays…quite the opposite. You can double the growth and find amazing business builders.

And remember that I have a resource for you that will help you even more with building your business during the holidays.

I’m giving you My 20 Prospecting Questions that will help you ask the right questions to recruit like crazy instead of slowing down during the holidays.

You can get registered by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Check out the resources in the show notes below for even more amazing resources that go with this episode.

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Beyond Objections – Learn More

In this powerful 77 min Audio training and downloadable Cheat Sheet you will be equipped to handle any objection or question that your prospect gives you after you share your business with them.

Download the audio to your smart phone, tablet or computer and take it with you on the go, at the gym or in the car and become a professional in closing the sale without being salesy or weird.

It’s all about finding out what the REAL questions and objections are and leading them into the direction of a sale or new teammate.

Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Learn More Here

This is a free training I’m doing with my good friends John & Nadya Melton and were showing you How We Use 1 Simple Facebook Group To Sell & Recruit New Teammates Like Clockwork In 3 Easy Steps.

If you want to be a great leader and get better at RECRUITING new teammates in a way that duplicates…this training is for you!

Book – Get Over Your Damn Self – Romi Neustadt – Learn More Here

The No B.S. Blueprint to building a life changing business. This is one of the best books I’ve read when it comes to learning how to talk to prospects and transition the conversations, naturally, into business. I bought the audio book, listened to it twice, then bought the paperback because I wanted to highlight the scripts she gives… they are THAT good. This is a book that I highly recommend everyone in Network Marketing to get. For the guys… this is a really feminine read, but still highly worth it.

Facebook Live Checklist – Learn More

This is my go-to checklist that I’ve been using before, during and after my FB Live broadcasts that have gotten me tens of thousands on eyeballs on my products and services!

It’s no secret that doing FB Lives can bring you a lot of exposure and business, but sometimes it can be exhausting and intimidating to know if you’re doing them right to get people to actually take the next step with you…

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing network marketing success training so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Question of The Week: What’s your next 30-day goal? How many new teammates do you want to help and bring on board?

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Hope you enjoyed this network marketing success training ?

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