In this episode, I share my best network marketing tips that will help you determine how to know when to quit your job and go full-time in your network marketing business, with little to no risk.
Many network marketers start their business as a “side hustle” while still working their full-time jobs.
If you’re one of these people, the time will come when your network marketing business grows large enough for you to consider ditching your J.O.B. altogether.
The excitement and anticipation for the day when we get to quit our job and build our dream business full-time is an exhilarating one.
As you go from dream to reality, there are certain steps to take to make sure you're prepared before the big leap.
If you’re wondering how to know when to quit your job and go full-time in your network marketing business, then you’ll LOVE this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, as I’ll be shedding light on this topic and showing you how to determine if you’re ready to take the plunge.
With every Episode, I like to empower you with a FREE resource that you can download and implement right away.
This week, I created My Network Marketers Go Full-Time Income Planner.
This chart will help you determine if it’s the right time for you to quit your job and go full-time on your entrepreneurial journey with minimal risk and little to no stress.
Just recently I was approached by two different network marketers asking me to share some of my Network Marketing Tips with them on how to know if they were ready to go full time and quit their jobs, so I decided to make this training topic available here on my blog.
Naturally, leaving something steady and predictable is one of the biggest decisions most entrepreneurs face at one point or another… especially if you’re comfy, cozy at a job!
However, before you make any drastic decisions that could seriously affect your family, life and finances, it’s important to have a thoughtful, realistic plan in place for the long term goal of your network marketing success.
As I’ve been down this exact road myself in my entrepreneurial journey, I can speak from experience. I went full-time in 2010 just a year after I started my network marketing career.
I didn’t just dive in headfirst. I had several factors in place before I decided to take the plunge.
Here are my best network marketing tips you can use to help you determine if it’s time to bust a move and ditch your JOB.
Before you even consider taking the plunge and quitting your job, ask yourself the following questions:
Does my network marketing income provide me with a livable salary?
Has it provided me with a monthly livable salary consistently for a minimum of at least six months?
Before giving up a steady paycheck, you should have a steady income from your network marketing business that equals or surpasses the amount you’re currently living from.
Especially in the early phases of your network marketing career where your income can fluctuate, as your honing your skills and learning the ins and outs of your business.
It pays to take your time, get the foundations right, and make the move when you’re completely ready.
Having some money set aside will do more for you and give you the peace of mind that you have a backup in the event that you needed one.
A lot of people ask me how I was able to quit my job just one year after I started my network marketing career.
Aside from having a consistent steady income coming in from my business to cover my living expenses, I also had some savings set aside that could support me.
At the time, I was planning on investing my savings in real estate because that’s what everyone else was doing. Instead, I took a chance and used it to invest in myself and grow my skill sets. Which by the way, is the backbone of building lasting financial security and one of my best networking marketing tips!
Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.
The more you invest in yourself, the more valuable you become and the chances of your business thriving increase dramatically.
With a burning DETERMINATION and an enormous WORK ETHIC that put me in HUSTLE MODE, I was able to see my business thrive after I took the plunge and quit my job back in 2010.
However, I also had to create a fear LARGER than the ones I was experiencing when I first quit my job.
If you didn’t already watch Episode 30 then I highly recommend you watch it, as it will help you better understand this concept.
Basically, this is a strategy that replaces your current fear with the actual consequence of not achieving your goal of staying away from the J.O.B. for good!
I had to do this myself when I retired my job as a finance specialist back in 2010.
Now that I was immersed full-time in my Network Marketing business I felt a lot of pressure to make it work and keep the momentum going in my team.
Yet despite all that pressure and fear that it might not work out, I had an even GREATER fear and it was to have to go back to my J.O.B., with my tail between my legs, admitting to all the haters that the business I ventured into, was a bad idea after all.
That strategy can be used to fuel your determination that there is no other option but to make it work.
Even though going from being a 9-5 employee to full-time entrepreneur makes you irresistible and magnetic, the popular held belief that suddenly prospects from every corner of the world will be knocking on your door with credit card in hand, ready to join you in business because you heroically fired your boss, is simply not true.
Working my business while I was employed full-time made it easier for me to help others realize that if I could build a successful network marketing business while holding a full-time job, they could too.
They could relate to my situation.
However, after I quit my job, I soon discovered that it was harder for people to relate to me because my situation had changed.
So, if you’ve bought into the idea that it’s easier to build a business if you go full-time, it’s time for a reality check. This kind of thinking can backfire on you, if you believe it and use it as motivation to quit your job.
Quitting your job may be one of the scariest things you’ll ever do, but if you take the network marketing tips I’ve given you, you’ll minimize the risk and give your business a better chance to thrive.
However, all this being said, this is still your decision. This is not an end all be all to determining how to know when to quit your job.
I created these network marketing tips to help give you the foundations necessary before taking the plunge of quitting your job for good.
Make sure you wrestle with this decision a little. Don’t take it lightly. Involve others who care for you and genuinely want to see you become successful. Remember, your focus should be on long term, sustainable growth within your business not the short-term relief of quitting a job you may want to break free from.
Now go out and make it happen!
FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.
The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!
Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!
Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.
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