Network Marketing Training - How To Encourage Your Prospects To Join You Faster

I know so many people that need this Network Marketing training to help them get their prospects off the fence.

You know those people that clutter up your network marketing list like the plague and you want to either cross them off with a yes or a no… but you just want to cross them off.

I don’t know about you, but I know for my teammates and I, this is the most frustrating things to deal with as a Network Marketer and I had to do a little network marketing training on this for ya.

I’ve done 1000’s of presentations since 2009 and I’ve learned a lot when it comes to handling this objection and making people feel confident in making a decision.

To help you with handling this situation when it arises, I’ve put together a free network marketing training resource that you’re going to love…. just in case you still get those fence sitters.

Episode #23 Network Marketing Training - How To Encourage Your Prospects To Join You Faster

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5 Decision Making Resources.
Designed to empower and expedite the decision-making process with tools and insights that help your prospects confidently make informed choices, enhancing their experience and increasing sales.

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Network Marketing Training Tip - Facts Tell, Stories Sell

If you have a prospect that's on the fence - let’s say they give you some excuse like "I want to think about it" or "This looks interesting, but..." and you’ve asked them the Closing Questions...

What did you like best about what you saw?

Do you see an opportunity for yourself?

If they say YES to seeing an opportunity for themselves, but they’re still on the fence for some reason, what I like to do is Share a Story with them.

Especially if you’re talking to someone that is going to be joining you as a business builder, you want to let them know the Story that they’re creating in the beginning is the story the will help propel them fast OR slow when they get started in the business.

I like to express to them that they’re always going to be building their story, so here’s how I like to share a story:

“Look, I am here to coach you the best way that I know how to meet your goals and needs out of this Product, Service, or Opportunity that we are promoting. And in doing that, I’m going to share a little story with you. Do you mind if I share a story?”

I always ask for their permission first and they will always say "Yes, what’s the story?"

“Okay, so look - the way you get started is typically the speed of which you propel forward, so what I mean by that is you are going to be sharing this Product, Service, or Opportunity with your friends, your family, and the people we expose this to. Now you’re also gonna have some people that might tell you they want to think about it or they need some time to make a decision which may stall the process of them joining. I want you to be equipped the most powerful story possible."

Your story can go one of 2 ways -

"I felt the same way in the beginning and I thought I should wait, but then I realized I really saw a big opportunity and I didn’t want to miss out. I thought I would wait, but then I thought Heck, it is only a $500 decision. What do I have to lose?"


"I felt the same way in the beginning and I waited 30 days - I did all my research, read all the books, looked at all the websites, and then I made my decision."

Network Marketing Training - You’re creating your story BEFORE you even join or make a decision to buy

I’ll come right out and ask my prospects:

"Do you want a sappy story or do you want it to be really Powerful and inspiring story?"

This is a little bold, but honestly, by being a little more bold and asking the right questions to our prospects, you’ll jolt them off the fence and into making a decision….. this is our job and it’s the best way you can lead your prospects.

To help you with rattling the fence and getting your prospects to make decisions faster with you, pick up this week’s Free Guide - 5 Decision Making Resources To Share With Your Indecisive Prospects To Get Them Off The Fence Faster!

Resources & Links Mentioned:

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Book | The Psychology Of Influence | This is an absolute must absorb book if you want to influence people to take action with you (in a positive way of course)!

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint | If you don’t already have a website or blog that helps to build up your authority, your audience, your email list and your sales… this program will give you the templates and instructions you need to have this all in place in one weekend flat!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

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