Online Business Tips – How I Decide Where To Put My Focus In The Business: A Quick 2 Min Test

In this episode of the Wired To Crush It Podcast, you will learn some of my best online business tips that will help you focus on what is most important in your business.

Knowing what to focus on in your business is critical, because when you’re working in the right areas of your business, your revenue grows.

I have a formula that helps me evaluate if the task at hand is something that I should be spending my time and focus on.

This formula will help you gain so much clarity on where your business needs you the most.

Because when you’re working in the right areas of your business, your productivity and revenue start to grow.

That’s why In today's episode, I want to share with you a quick formula that tells me exactly where to put my focus in my business so I don't waste time in areas that are unnecessary.

This allows me to focus on exactly where the business needs me that will produce the most revenue for us.

So take notes, and get ready to crush it!

Online Business Tips – How I Decide Where To Put My Focus In The Business: A Quick 2 Min Test – 282

Online Business Tips - How I Decide Where To Put My Focus In

Each week, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the topic, which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your business. Online Business Tips - How I Decide Where To Put My Focus In

Since we’re talking all about my online business tip when it comes to deciding where to put your focus on in your business, I want to share with you the Business Assessment Scorecard – Your cheatsheet for clarity, focus and results.

After Going through this assessment scorecard, you’ll have clarity on where you need to focus on when it comes to your business.

Check out Business Assessment Scorecard by clicking the yellow button above 

Don’t let anybody else tell you where you need to go, as the business owner you should know where you need to go.

I know, I know. So much easier said than done BUT I do have an online business tip that is guaranteed to be a GAME CHANGER.

Podcast – Online Business Tips: A Quick 2 Min Test That Helps Me Decide Where To Put My Focus In

Here are the minute marks that cover hot topics in the podcast you do not want to miss:

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  • [02:21] A quick test you can take so you know where to put your focus on especially in activities that produce the most revenue for the business

I recently talked about this in my last monthly mentoring call sessions called Business Blog Mastery community which we are rebranding to Marketing Mastery live with Tanya each month.

So if you want to be doing monthly mentoring with us – Stay tuned!

Right now, there’s still 80 fantastic sessions of training in there… So… where do you start?

I go over an online business tip in the podcast that you can follow so you know where to put your focus.

It’s VERY important that you have this formula in place so you know EXACTLY where you should be in your business that is going to equate to the most revenue for you… because we need to be focusing on the profit producing money making activities in our business.

  • [03:56] Why I like investing in a coach, mentoring program, or mastermind each year.

Don’t choose one just because it sounds “cool” – I go out and find what my business needs or what I need.

How do I know what the business needs? I base it on the test I talked about earlier.

Here’s another online business tip.. everyone is fighting for your attention and your dollars so that’s why it's important to take the assessment so you don’t end up wasting your money.

In the podcast, I talk about what you’re doing wrong that is causing you to lack what you need to push that needle forward in your business.

I also talk about how this assessment helped me identify an area in my business that I needed most help with.

Identifying this and finally getting help with it has allowed me to level up my business. Would love for you to hear more about it in the podcast.

  • [06:40] Why I chose Momentum by Alex Charfen

I told myself that if I ever wanted to scale this company up, I needed to invest time and money in the area of my business that I needed the most help with.

I was in a conference called “Capitalism Conference” by Ryan Moran where he had a speaker named Alex Charfen who has a podcast called Momentum (LOVE this podcast) .

I highly recommend this Podcast for business owners who want to learn how to run a successful business. It's full of online business tips!

I was a listener of his podcast for about two entire years before I realized, wow, I really need his expertise.

You can listen more about how I ended up working with Alex as well as how this has made a positive impact on my business on the podcast.

  • [08:37] I talk about the 5 Core Business Functions Assessment

Go through the freebie I share in this episode and I might even be able to give you some business tips *wink*

Just make sure to go through it and tag me on my socials. I’m on most platforms and you can find me by using my handle @TanyaAliza

I’m very curious to see where you stand with your business!

I go over (in detail) the 5 Core Business Functions as well as how to rank them on the podcast.

You'll learn how to rank your business when it comes to the 5 money making pillars of our business.

This is VERY important so make sure to give it a listen.

You 5 Core Business Functions:

    • Leads
    • Nurture
    • Conversions
    • Delivery
    • Ascension, Retention, Resell

These 5 Core Business Functions are your key players in making sure you are running a successful business.

What we do here is look at where we rank the lowest – because this is where we should be putting our energy and efforts for the quarter.

If you keep doing this exercise for a full 12 month period (or even 6 months!) you’ll see that they are going to start pulling levers in your business. Each month or quarter, you’ll notice changes in areas you need to focus on because you’ll start crushing it in other areas – it’s amazing to witness!

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A Quick Recap On the Online Business Tips That Helps Me Decide Where To Put My Focus On

This business tip has indeed helped me and I hope you get even better results once you implement it.

  • You have to know where to put your focus on when it comes to your business;
  • Invest in a coach, mentoring program, or mastermind;
  • Make sure you rate your 5 Core Business Functions and focus on where your business scores the lowest.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Wired To Crush It with me and I hope it adds so much value to your business and life.

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I feature community members each week on my Instagram and I’d love to feature YOU next!

I release a new episode each week, so make sure to join me and to share this with your entrepreneur friends.

Tag me on Social Media @tanyaaliza and share what episode you just listened to so we can connect even more!

Again, don’t forget to grab the Business Assessment Scorecard – Your cheatsheet for clarity, focus and results.

After Going through this assessment scorecard, you’ll have clarity on where you need to focus on when it comes to your business.

Online Business Tips - How I Decide Where To Put My Focus In

Resources Mentioned In The Show & More:

Growth Camp – Learn More Here

Want to attract people that actually want to buy from you? (without spending all day on social media doing weird stuff) Yeah… me too! That's why I created Growth Camp. My NEW, 5 Video Crash Course that helps you Create + Promote a Captivating Lead Magnet Giveaway that attracts an Engaged Audience of Perfect Buyers to your Product or Service, 24/7 Even while you sleep!

Momentum by Alex Charfen – Learn More Here

The Momentum Podcast is for those of us who think differently — made especially for empire builders, game-changers, trailblazers, record makers, and creators of all kinds. Those among us who can’t turn it off, and don’t know why anyone would want to. We challenge complacency, destroy apathy, and we are obsessed with creating momentum.

Book – Evergreen – Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving – Learn More Here

This was a book that I read a while ago that taught me the skills to keep customers and to keep them ordering over and over again. I highly recommend this book if you have products and services that you sell.

The Wired To Crush It Community – Join Here

I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

I created this Community to share actionable roadmaps so you can Crush It in business and in life.

So if you’re an ambitious Entrepreneur, the Wired To Crush It community is your weekly dose of profitable steps that will help and inspire you to create the impact, income and life you deserve.

My team and I are inside this community helping you, celebrating you and supporting you through your Entrepreneur journey… along with 37,000+ Entrepreneurs!

Did you get some value from this Podcast Episode?

I hope you did because I put my heart into making sure you get online business tips that help you decide where to put focus on your business.

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