My Personal Branding Secrets For 2021 (Profitable or Pretty?)

Everywhere you look in the online business space, people are talking about personal branding.

But back in the day, people weren’t talking about wanting to be an influencer or have their own personal brand.

Personal branding was only for the big giants like Coca Cola or Pepsi.

But TODAY (thanks to social media)… the reality is that you need to have some sort of a personal brand on social media if you want to build an income or sell your products or services.

So in this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I want to share with you my 3-simple steps to properly build a personal brand that people pay attention to and want to buy products and services from you.

So let’s dive in…

My Personal Branding Secrets For 2021 (Profitable or Pretty?) – Episode 245

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results fast in your business.

This week, I’m giving you My Social Media Business Planner & Tracker.

My Social Media Selling Business Planner and Tracker is going to help you with exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.

Following the activities inside the tracker, you should be able to build a thriving business on Social Media in 90 minutes or less a day.

What is a personal brand?

Building out your personal brand is not all about fancy logos or beautiful pictures.

As a matter of fact you don’t need any of it to make money online with your brand.

It’s all about providing value to the people that you serve and helping them with what they need and want help with.

Now, I’m not against having a logo or pretty brand colors. I obviously have all of that. But I didn’t always.

Does it help to have all of that?

Yes it does, but it should NOT be where you put your focus when you’re getting started if you want to build your brand online and take your business to 6-figures.

Here’s 3 easy steps to getting your personal brand off the ground if you're just getting started…

Personal Branding Tip #1 – What are you selling?

Write down what your main money maker is.

What do you sell and what industry does it represent?

Here are some examples:

Are you in health and wellness, finance, real estate? Or are you a course creator, author or coach?

Think about what it is that you represent and then move on to tip number 2.

Personal Branding Tip #2 – Who is your perfect buyer?

Think of who would be your perfect buyer.

And then stretch that a little bit and ask yourself, ‘Who would I enjoy showing up for and providing valuable information for on a daily basis?’

If you’re NOT exactly clear on who your ideal customer is, be sure to check out Episode 240 where I walk you through an exercise that helps you get clear on it.

I’ll link to it in the show notes below ?

Personal Branding Tip #3 – What kind of posts do they enjoy?

Once you understand what it is that you are selling and who you are selling it to, you’ve got to create a content calendar for your people filled with posts that you know they would have an interest in and enjoy.

Every month I build out a mini content calendar and it literally takes me only 90 minutes to create.

This way I know exactly what valuable content I’m posting and helps me stay consistent on social media throughout the month.

In Closing

If you're building out your personal brand you need to remember that your focus should first and foremost be providing value to your people.

Focusing on design and having a beautiful logo is NOT personal branding.

You need to focus on the 4 money making activities that you need to do every single day to grow your brand on social media.

I’ve broken down these steps for you inside My Social Media Business Planner & Tracker.

It’s a free resource that’s going to help you with exactly what you need to do to grow your personal brand on social media in 90 minutes or less a day.

You can download it right away by clicking on the yellow button below?

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

? Episode 240 – I Discovered My Ideal Customer Avatar With 10 Questions ($0 to $2MIL) – Learn More Here 

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to show you a simple exercise that will show you how to discover and understand your ideal customer avatar so you know what content to post that gets them hooked and wanting to know more and buy from you.

? Social Media Selling – Your Daily Social Media Business Plan and 30 Day Tracker – Learn More Here 

My Social Media Selling Business Planner and Tracker is going to help you with exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it. Following the activities inside the tracker, you should be able to build a thriving business on Social Media in 90 minutes or less a day.

? Ultimate Branding Blueprint – Learn More Here

This is my signature course when it comes to building an Influential Brand Online that attracts leads and sales for your business.

? A Brand Called You (Book) – Learn More Here 

This is one of my favorite books on learning about the importance of Branding yourself so you can create a life and business that you love…with leverage! I saw the author speak on stage at an event I was at in Florida and it was the best Keynote speech I have ever heard. His book is equally powerful and amazing and I’m happy to share it with you.

? The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

?Champagne Moment Highlight Member – Mary Stewart – Learn More About Mary Here 

Every week I get messages like these from some amazing humans that implement what I teach in my courses or free trainings. This week we’re putting Mary in the spotlight. Thank you Mary for your hard work and dedication and I’m happy for your success and grateful you sent me this wonderful message.

Did you get some value from this personal branding training?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good personal branding training so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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2024-05-12T11:20:09-04:00By |Home Business Training|