The Best Social Media Platforms To Prospect, Recruit And Build Your Business

In this Episode, I’m going to show you what social media platforms you should be focusing on so you can avoid overwhelm and get BIG results in your network marketing business.

We got Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest …. what the heck right?

With so many social media platforms available… Where should you be if you have a business that you want to grow using the internet and where do you put your focus?

Yes, it can be overwhelming sometimes….BUT in this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV I’m going to show you what social media platforms you should be focusing on so you can avoid overwhelm and get BIG results in your business with Social Media.

The Best Social Media Platforms To Prospect, Recruit and Build Your Business – Episode 134

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.Tanya’s 4 Steps To Taking Your Business Online

This week since were talking about where to put your focus when you’re on the internet building your business, I’m giving you My 4 Step Guide To Online Marketing For Your Business.

These are the 4 steps that you’ll want to take to GROW your business online and in the exact order that you need to take those steps.

Finding the best social media platforms has nothing to do with your business

Here’s a fact that’s really important if you want to use social media for your business and get great results for the time and effort you put forth.

Your business is not right for every social media platform out there.

Even if it’s an incredibly popular social media platform with tons of new features.

Every social media platform has a different type of audience.

For example, you’ll find a different type of person hanging out on Snapchat than you do on Linkedin.

And here’s an example from my own personal experience…

Recently, I've been spending more time on Instagram because let’s face it…InstaStories are fun as heck!

But it’s not the platform where the majority of my audience hangs out…at least not yet.

So I’ve learned that even though I enjoy Instagram personally it’s not where I should focus the majority of my time when I’m prospecting and recruiting.

However, your audience might be different and Instagram might be the place where they hang out.

It’s all a matter of really knowing who they are and where they hang out.

To find the best social media platforms you need to know your audience

Before you can determine the best social media platforms for your business you need to know who your ideal customer or teammate is.

Ask yourself this:

✓Who is my tribe?

✓Who is my audience?

✓Who are my peeps?

You need to know WHO your best customer and teammate is because once you know who they are you’ll get a better understanding of where they hang out.

The best social media platforms are where your customers and teammates hang out

Once you figure out who your ideal customer or teammate is you’ll have an easier time finding where they hang out.

And to do this you’ll want to do is take a step back and ask yourself:

✓What do I sell?

✓Who would be interested in my product, service or business?

✓Where out of all the social media platforms are my ideal customers or teammates hanging out?

And then that’s where you want to start putting all of your focus when you're just getting started.

Evaluate the social media platforms you’re currently using

What social media platforms are you currently active on?

Is your ideal audience on that platform? If not, you’ll want to evaluate what platforms you’re on and where you need to focus.

Your focus needs to be where the majority of your audience hangs out.

Should you be on every social media platform?

Clearly, social media is where it’s at and you need to be on social media to grow your business…

But at the same time, don’t think you need to be on every single social media platform to grow your network marketing business.

I suggest that once you find what platform your audience is hanging out in… get really good at prospecting and recruiting on that platform.

And once you get GREAT results from that platform then you can go on to expand to another platform.

Best Social Media Platforms – In Closing

Everyone starts somewhere and if you think you need to be everywhere right from the start you’ll spread yourself thin and get overwhelmed.

Focus on only ONE…. and expand from there…. do not compare yourself to people that have been doing this a really long time…. they’ve had the time to expand once they nailed one platform.

So keep it simple and follow the steps below:

1️⃣Start with 1 platform.
2️⃣Make sure you know who your audience is and where the majority of them hang out.
3️⃣Put ALL of your focus there and get really GREAT results.
4️⃣Then branch out.
5️⃣Rinse and repeat.

Bonus: Want to learn the exact steps I took in order to create a 7-Figure Online Business?

I created a resource that walks you through the exact steps (in order) and shows you how to get started…. avoiding the mistakes I've made and saving you the time and frustrations of trying to figure it out on your own.

You can get access by clicking on the yellow button below:

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Learn More 

If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet and you’re looking at all these rock stars with Fan Page and you want one for yourself… Unlimited Fan Page Profits is a training that I put together that will walk you through the steps of building a Profitable Facebook Page and marketing plan to generate leads, build a big audience and make daily sales.

Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook (book) – Learn More Here 

This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of Social Media to get it and read it 5 times! It teaches you how to function on Social Media to get the most results.

10k Social Media Recruiting Formula – Learn More

This is a training by my good friend Jessica Higdon. Jessica has created a $10,000/mo income in her network marketing company from prospecting and recruiting through Facebook. In this training, she reveals exactly what she’s done to achieve this. It really is a great training for you and your team.

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this network marketing training to help you know the best social media platforms?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing social media and network marketing training to rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Question of the week: Where is your favorite sweet spot? What social media platform are you using right now that’s getting you incredible results?

Share with me in the comments below. I would love to know!

Hope you enjoyed this training on finding the best social media platforms 😉

2024-05-12T11:22:10-04:00By |Home Business Training|