Tony Robbins Money Master The Game - My Personal Review & How Network Marketing Can Be The Best Investment Plan Of Your Life

In this episode I review and share my opinion on Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game Book and I share how Network Marketing can be the best investment plan of your life.

Want to know how to be a master at managing and investing your network marketing income?

How you manage, invest and spend your income can have a profound impact on your business and life.

Disclaimer: I’m not a financial planner or advisor and I suggest you seek out legal advice on investing your money. This is just a personal review and I share my personal experience and thoughts in this episode.

Some people will choose to spend the money they earn on depreciating assets and accumulate THINGS just for social status.

What you do with your network marketing income, especially in the beginning, determines how you’ll do in business and life.

In today’s episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I want to share with you the BEST things you can do with the money you earn… as well as one of the best investment plans you can make to help you reach your network marketing goals.

In every episode of Tanya Aliza TV I like to empower you with a FREE resource that you can download and implement right away so you can reach your financial goals faster.

This week I created a powerful tool that you can use when your prospecting in your network marketing business.

I created The Investment Retirement Plan vs The Network Marketing Retirement Plan comparison chart.

It gives you a side by side comparison of what it would take to achieve your financial investment goals with a traditional financial investment plan vs a network marketing business.

Let me first preface that I’m not claiming to be a financial expert or adviser, I do, however, earn a substantial income in my business and I’ve invested a lot of money to learn from the experts on how to be wise with the money I earn. My goal is to share that education and knowledge with you.

I just finished reading Tony Robbins latest book, Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.

I’m a big fan of Tony Robbins but I’ll be completely honest, because it’s such a large book, it sat on my nightstand for quite a while. So instead, I ended up listening to it in audio format while I was on vacation in Aruba.

Tony’s a master at teaching things in such a way that ANYONE can understand, which I love.

I’m going to share with you my thoughts on Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game book and why I think it's a must-read for anyone that wants to take their finances to the next level.

Episode #35 Tony Robbins Money Master The Game - My Personal Review & How Network Marketing Can Be The Best Investment Plan Of Your Life

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Investment Plan vs Network Marketing Plan Comparison Chart.
Designed to help you demonstrate the value Network Marketing can bring.

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One of the best things you can do with your network marketing income is to invest a large portion of that money back into your business. Invest in yourself, your education, personal development and in increasing your skills.

Attend company events and trainings, purchase marketing materials, courses and anything that will help you grow your skill set and make you more valuable.

This is one of the best investments you can make because no one can take away your skills. So instead of spending your money foolishly, choose to make a wise investment in yourself.

That’s exactly what I did in my business when I started earning money. I did not go out and buy the fancy stuff UNTIL my business was consistently generating the type of income I wanted it to generate.


There are many variations of financial freedom. There’s the most basic which is financial security, which means being able to cover your basic needs, which would include shelter, food, utilities, clothes and other necessities.

There’s also financial independence which leads you towards going beyond survival and into freedom which is much more than having money. It's the freedom to be who you are and do what you really want in life.

But in order to achieve any level of financial freedom you need to be clear on what your financial goals are and have a plan in place.

Once you have Tony Robbins Money Master the Game book, it allows you to download a really cool app that he created that will help you get the clarity you need to achieve your financial dreams.

This app will help you define and achieve the financial goals that matter to you.

It works like this.

Let’s say that you want to reach the first level of financial freedom which is Financial Security. You would go ahead and plug into the app the dollar amount for your basic monthly living expenses.

The app would then calculate the total amount you would need to have sitting in an investment account, yielding a certain amount of interest to consider yourself financially secure.

The point is this; with the amount it calculates, you now have a clear amount you’ll need in order to reach your financial goals.


I believe network marketing is one of the best investment plans you can add to your portfolio.

Why do I say that?

Here’s why...When I put my monthly basic expenses into Tony Robbin’s financial app it calculated that I would need to have 3.5 million dollars in an investment account, yielding a 5% interest rate compounded annually in order to generate an average of $9600 a month (after fees and taxes) which covers my basic expenses.

How many people do you think have 3.5 million dollars sitting in the bank?

Obviously, investing that amount is out of reach for the majority of the population.

On the other hand, I personally know a lot of people who have invested a small amount of money and time into their network marketing business and earn way more than ten thousand dollars a month in residual income alone.

Network marketing offers a low start-up investment and monthly overhead and entrepreneurs can start part-time, while still employed, and build the business to replace their current job income.

With network marketing, you control the outcome you get from your investments of time and money, if you treat it like a 3.5-million-dollar investment of course. However, you cannot control interest rates or what the stock market will do.

I’m not against traditional investment plans. I’m all about leverage.

Imagine you had both a traditional investment plan and a network marketing plan working in your favor simultaneously?

Holy smacks! That right there is the best investment plan of your life.

Educate yourself properly, don’t give your money away to someone else to invest without first reading Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.

You’ll be glad you did.

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Resources & Links Mentioned:

Book | Tony Robbins – Money Master The Game |When you start making BIG Money, it's important to educate yourself on where to put it to keep it growing.

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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Disclaimer: The discussions and opinions expressed on this website are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Results from the strategies or products mentioned can vary and are not guaranteed. Some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Always conduct your own due diligence before making any financial decisions.