Affiliate Marketing – Don’t Make THIS Expensive MISTAKE!

If you’re currently doing affiliate marketing and selling other people’s products or services, you might be making this HUGE mistake.

Don’t worry!

I was doing this too, but hopefully you can learn from my mistake and course correct as fast as possible.

Let's dive in.

Affiliate Marketing – Don't Make THIS Expensive MISTAKE! – Episode 268

Revenue Multiplier Class

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if Affiliate Marketing - Don't Make THIS Expensive MISTAKE! not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

Since we’re talking about how to avoid the biggest mistake most affiliate marketers are committing, I want to share with you a FREE webinar I am hosting that is going on right now called “Revenue Multiplier Class”

After attending this webclass, you will learn how to utilize a strategy that will blow up results in your business when referring out your affiliate products.

You can register for this class absolutely FREE by clicking the yellow button above?

Affiliate Marketing – Don't Make THIS Expensive MISTAKE!

Here’s what typically happens in affiliate marketing:

You sign up to sell other company’s products or services.

Consequently, you get on social media and tell everyone how great they are.

As a result, you get so excited to tell the world how great the products are and send them to a link to get the product.

Whereas, you send all your traffic to someone else before collecting their information.

Affiliate Marketing – What Happens When You Don’t Collect Audience Information?

  1. You have no idea who might be interested in the products and services you are recommending and you have no way to follow up.
  2. Most people need 8 to 10 touches before they make a buying decision. If you don’t have their information, how are you ever going to create another touchpoint?
  3. Sending all your hard earned traffic to someone else without building your OWN database.
  4. You’re losing a TON of money.
  5. Constantly having to create new content for new promotions. You’re going to have to go to the cold market everytime there is a new affiliate offer you want to promote.

Affiliate Marketing – What Is the Solution?

Collect your viewers information using a freebie and get them on your email list.

Affiliate Marketing – Benefits of Building an Email List

  1. You have a follow up mechanism in place.
  2. More touches and higher conversions. There are more opportunities to make sales. You will have a database where you can continuously make offers to!
  3. Multiple Revenue Opportunities.
  4. You're building a real asset in your business. You have an email list that you own and control.
  5. You make MORE Money.

Affiliate Marketing – Example of Setting Up A Freebie

Setting up a freebie works fot all professionals, all industries, all niches across the board.

For that reason, it doesn't matter if you're selling peanut butter or rocket ships, this will work for you.

Example: Selling hair care products with really great ingredients in them that make them stand out from other hair care products.

  1. Create a great FREE giveaway such as “10 ingredients you must avoid in hair care products so that you don't damage your hair.”
    • This way, you will know that the people who will sign up for this freebie are interested in nice beautiful hair.
  2. Have an opt in form where they put their information (name and email) so they can get the freebie.
  3. The information they put in the opt in form will help you build your email list.
    • You now know that this email database is full of people interested in healthier hair – which is exactly what you’re offering with your affiliate products!
  4. When they request access to the freebie, you’re going to make an offer to check out your products.
    • You already know they are interested in what ingredients to avoid, you can now offer them an easy solution to avoid all the ingredients – i.e buy from you.

In conclusion, If you’ve set this funnel up properly, some people are going to buy the product right away.

But there will be individuals who will not take you up on your offer right away – that’s okay, because now you have their contact information.

In either case, you can now can send them follow up emails and even drip in testimonials to move them closer to making a buying decision with you.

Now, these people are most likely to buy from you because you've delivered value, and you've positioned yourself as a credible authority that cares about helping them before just taking their money and making a sale.

In Closing

Hopefully, this training episode will help you avoid making the biggest mistake most affiliate marketers are committing.

Remember never to send your traffic to someone else and to collect your viewers information before sending them off to another source.

Also, do not forget to register for my upcoming webclass where I’m going to show you how you can implement this strategy in your business and how you can sell more of your affiliate products.

After attending the webinar, you’ll be able to see how freebie funnels work.

You can register for this class absolutely FREE by clicking the yellow button below ?

Revenue Multiplier Class

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Episode 267 – Free Affiliate Marketing Website Using (Make More Money) – Read More Here

If you have affiliate products or services that you want to share with your audience, THIS tool is an absolute MUST in your world.

Stay with me throughout this episode as I show you how I use this tool in my world.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit – Learn More Here

Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

I update these favorites all the time to make sure that I’m giving you the ‘latest and greatest’ in what I personally use and love.

If you don’t have a KIT that you share with your audience yet… make sure to check out the free training I made for you here →

Kit’s are awesome and a great way to also add an additional revenue stream to your Brand.

Done 4 You Brand Services – Learn More Here

For my super busy Entrepreneurs out there, I know that you might not have the time to go through the steps of a course or program, and you have the resources to get the experts to do all the work for you. Good news for you… My dedicated internal design team and I can work with you to get your online brand and business all set up. We are marketing experts AND design professionals which makes a big difference when it comes to your Online Brand and attracting leads and sales.

We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, facebook business pages and more!

B-LAB – Come Join Us Here

The B-LAB stands for BUILD LIKE A BOSS! And that’s exactly what you are! You’re the Boss of your business and the BOSS of your life!

However, being the BOSS and carrying the weight of that everyday can get lonely, that’s exactly why I created The B-LAB! This is the place to meet and engage with other Entrepreneurs going through the exact day to day processes as you.

My team and I are inside this community helping you, celebrating you and supporting you through your Entrepreneur journey… along with 37,000+ Entrepreneurs!

Did you get some value from this affiliate marketing training?

I hope you did because I put my heart into making sure you get good training on how you can increase sales for your business..

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2024-05-12T11:19:18-04:00By |Home Business Training|