9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Saves You Time

Thinking of hiring a virtual assistant to help you grow your business? Managing your social media, engaging with your audience, and tackling your day to day takes time – time you may not have to spare.

Hiring a virtual assistant will not only save you time but also grow a 6-7 figure business.

In this episode, I’m going to share with you some of my top outsourcing secrets that can help you leverage your time and get you better results in your business.

Whether you already work with a Virtual Assistant, you’re looking to hire your first one, or you haven’t even thought about it yet.

This episode is an absolute MUST if you plan to have a 6-7 figure business.

I wish I would have hired my first VA 2 years before I did and I’m going to share with you how this hurt my business…

Let’s dive in!

9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Saves You Time – Episode 261

9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Save You Time

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

This week, since we're talking about virtual assistants, outsourcing, and leveraging your time I put together a resource and created ‘9 Steps To Hiring An Excellent Virtual Assistant + My Best Outsourcing Resources’ and in each step I elaborate and I give you my tools and resources that go along to compliment those steps. 9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Save You Time By Tanya Aliza

Once you have this you’ll have a full, complete, step-by-step guide on how to hire your next virtual assistant, that ends up being excellent for your brand and business.

You can grab this valuable resource that is absolutely FREE by clicking the yellow button above?

9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Save You Time

Because I run a multiple seven figure business, I have had my fair share of hiring, firing and everything in between.

One very important thing that I have learned is that you have to work alongside the best people that share a similar mission and vision that you have for your business and your brand.

This is very important so you can focus on the things that are most important in your business and will contribute to the bottom line.

You may be doing a lot of things that have no impact when it comes to revenue or profits.

Some of these things may be:

  • Checking social media;
  • Commenting back on social media;
  • Checking emails.

Whether you’re at $5 a month in revenue or $500,000 a month in revenue, you need to be focusing on profit producing activities.

One of the first things I want you to consider doing is to get in the mindset of “I need to hire a virtual assistant.” with your tasks.

Whether you’d want a general virtual assistant or specialized virtual assistant even before you need them because by the time you need them, it’s already too late.

There are 3 categories you can follow to get into the mindset of how to come up with tasks and how to delegate it:

  • The things that you love to do in your business;
  • The things or tasks that you don’t love to do in your business;
  • Tasks and things that you should not be doing in your business.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 1 – Make A List of All of The Things You have to Do In Your Business

This might take 3-4 days.

Document everything that you are doing in your business, or the things you have to do in your business.

I like to go through a full day of work, and as I’m doing my tasks I will take inventory of them.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 2 – Take Your List of Tasks And Put them Into One of The 3 Categories

You will want to look at that list of tasks and  categorize them under one of the three categories shared earlier.

The things you shouldn’t be doing are specialized skills that you may not have.

In Episode 250 – How I’m Learning To Stop Being A Control Freak I talk about one of the things I’m learning to overcome.

It is letting my team and my leaders that I’ve hired just do their work.

An example of this would be bookkeeping.

It might be one of the tasks in your business that needs to get implemented but it isn't your specialization.

Instead of doing it yourself, you can hire an expert that can actually have your books done properly.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 3 – Create A Documented Process For Each Task In Your Business

I wish I would have done this a long time ago because it would have saved me a lot of time.

You want to create a process around the tasks and then you want to have the process outsourced later.

If you want something done properly, you have to delegate it properly.

You have to build the expectation on how exactly you want a task done and what your expectations are around those tasks.

You can pick up the list of the resources I use to delegate tasks in the ‘9 Steps To Hiring An Excellent Virtual Assistant + My Best Outsourcing Resources’  in this training episode.

Document each task being done in your business using one of the resources I use in my guide and it will become a process that you can delegate over each time.

The cool thing about this is if it doesn’t work out with somebody, you do not need to re-train them.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 4 – Create A Job Posting to Let Your Network Know You’re Hiring

Once you have the process in place, you can create the job posting.

Again, I'm going to leave my resources in the guide, but my favorite resource is asking my current network for referrals and posting on social media.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 5 – Be Sure to Screen Your Applicants

First thing you need to do is screen your applicants.

The worst thing that you can do is put a lot of time and energy on a bunch of Zoom interviews with the wrong people.

One way to make the entire process of hiring your VA more efficient is to add screening questions.

These questions help weed out the people who are actually going to be a good fit.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 6 – Time to Interview Your Applicants

Once you’ve narrowed it down to two or three really stellar applicants, then you want to get into the interview process.

In the resource that comes with today’s training episode, I leave some of my favorite interview questions so make sure to grab it!

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 7 – Bring On A New Person As A Trial Hire

This is something that I wish I learned instead of just going into hiring.

I always set expectations with a new virtual assistant letting them know that we’re going to try this out for 30 days.

In that 30 days, the new VA must be able to perform all the tasks that are needed in the most efficient manner.

After the 30 days, you can have a review whether or not they are also happy with the role and decide whether to continue being a permanent part of the team.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 8 – Review Their Work And Welcome To The Family

We typically go over a review process.

I’ll leave you with the things I like to review and how we rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 in the resource that comes with today’s episode.

If the virtual assistant is qualified, we go into an official contract with them and welcome them to the rest of the team.

We also welcome them publicly on our social media accounts.

Hiring A Virtual Assistant Step 9 – Review, Train, and Evolve The New Hire

We want to make sure we are constantly reviewing their work and making sure that they’re happy.

We have a performance review quarterly / 90 days.

We ask about the tasks, things they love doing, what they would like to do more of, or if there are any other extra tasks within the company they want to take on.

These reviews give them the opportunity to evolve with the company, and it makes them feel special.

Showing that we care about their happiness with us is going to get them committed to the team.

Pro Tip – Don’t expect it to go all butterflies and rainbows right away.

You might have to go through a couple duds to find your studs.

This is true since I’ve definitely been through my fair share of virtual assistants and I’ve learned a lot along the way on how to screen them better.

In Closing

Okay so I hope this episode has added value to you.

I understand that managing your day to day tasks can be time consuming.

So hopefully these 9 steps can help you find the perfect virtual assistant for your business, so you can finally use your time in revenue producing activities.

Remember, the first thing you have to consider doing is to get in the mindset of “I need to hire a virtual assistant.” then follow the 9 steps in hiring a virtual assistant I shared with you above.

Again, I put together ‘9 Steps To Hiring An Excellent Virtual Assistant + My Best Outsourcing Resources' and in each step I elaborate and I give you my tools and resources that go along to compliment those steps.

Once you have this you’ll have a full, complete, step-by-step guide on how to hire your next virtual assistant, that ends up being excellent for your brand and business.

You can download it right away by clicking on the yellow button below ?

9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Save You Time

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

? Episode 250 – How I’m Learning To Stop Being a Control Freak (My Biggest Leadership Flaw) – Read More Here

If you’re a control freak like me, I can promise you that it’s definitely holding you back in your business. In this episode, I wanna share with you some things that have recently happened in my life that have helped me see how I’m getting in the way of my own business.

? The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass – Learn More Here

Come behind-the-scenes of my multi-million dollar business to discover the
3 “Smart Marketing” secrets that help me Attract Perfect Buyers, all day, every day.

? Eat That Frog Book – Learn More Here

This is one of my favorite books when it comes to learning how to stop procrastinating so you can get the important tasks done first. I read it at least once a year and I’ve found it to be super helpful.

?️ Done 4 You Services – Learn More Here

Let Tanya and her marketing professionals help you with your Brand. Everything from websites, Logos, and Sales Funnels all Done 4 You

?️ Tanya’s Toolkit – Learn More Here

All the things that Tanya loves and uses in her life and business.

? B-LAB – Come Join Us Here – Learn More Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting, and sales. We do theme days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from learning about these 9 steps on hiring a virtual assistant?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good training on tools you can use to benefit your business.

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9 Steps To Hiring A Virtual Assistant That Helps Grow Your Business & Save You Time

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