Want to know what my favorite holiday marketing plan is?
In this episode, I’m going to share with you my favorite holiday marketing strategy that I use to acquire the most customers over the holidays so you can BOOST your volume and hit a new rank in your company.
We all know that people are in shopping mode so it’s a good idea to take advantage and make the most out of it.
AND…even if it’s not the holidays, these tips I’m going to share with you are going to help you inject a surge of volume into your business.
With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.
Today, since we're talking about creating a surge of sales during the holiday season or any time of the year for that matter…I’m giving you My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist so you know exactly what to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER your Facebook Lives to get the most exposure, eyeballs and profits from your Facebook Lives.
You can download it by clicking below.
If you’ve heard of QVC, then you already know how popular it is.
And if you don't know what QVC is, it's a home shopping channel that’s broadcasted on TV. Millions of dollars are sold through the QVC shopping channel every single day.
Do you know how expensive it is to get a spot on QVC? Very.
Did you know that you have your own free QVC channel through your Facebook profile?
Not sure what I mean? Let me explain.
Facebook Lives which is essentially the same thing as a QVC channel except with the potential for more opportunity is available to everybody that has a Facebook account.
It's basically your free infomercial channel that you get to use, if you use it properly of course.
It's like having your own QVC shopping channel…for Free.
I want to help you use this free tool to get the most exposure in the best way possible for your products and services that you sell.
Yes, you can use this over the holidays which is when most people are shopping and searching for cool gifts.
You can also use this strategy any other time of the year. It doesn't always have to be the holidays.
But because it's the holidays at the time of this training, we're going to use this strategy to inject a surge of sales for your business.
I'm going to give you My 5 step holiday marketing plan and here’s what it’s going to show you:
✓How to maximize this opportunity using Facebook.
✓How to plan and structure them properly so you can get the most sales and profit from your efforts.
✓I’ll also give you an extra boss tip in a minute but this is going to be really cool as well.
Oh and in case you’re wondering why I’m such a fan of doing Facebook Lives…it’s because they work.
I did a Facebook Live last night and it was my 125th Facebook Live…and it continues to help my 7 Figure business grow.
So yes…I’ve learned a thing or two when it comes to making the most out of my Facebook Lives.
Okay, so let's talk about promoting your products and services through your own infomercial channel, your own QVC if you will, using Facebook Lives.
If you’re in a company that promotes products or services, you’ll most likely have some sort of special or promo during the holidays that you get to take advantage of.
Get a pen and paper out right now and write down what your promotions and specials are.
Now, if your company doesn't have any promos or specials, what could you create that could be a special?
Brainstorm and write that down.
I want you to list out what the benefits of your product or service does for people.
Not what it is, no one cares what it is.
What matters is what it does for people.
How is it going to benefit their life, if they consume or use the product or service?
Okay so that’s step two.
Write down what the benefit is to a customer, if they buy the product or service that you're offering.
When you’re doing your Facebook Lives I don't want you to talk about ingredients or what it is or where it comes from.
No one cares. All they care about is what it can do for them.
One of the best ways to do that is to share stories.
It’s the best way to make sales in general, even beyond Facebook Lives.
I want you to write down two or three stories (including your own) and speak about the benefits in your story and share what it’s done for you or others in your Facebook Lives.
When you do your Facebook Lives, let people know that your products or services are an incredible gift idea because everyone's looking for gift ideas. Especially during the holidays.
I have no idea what to get people half the time and if somebody puts a great gift idea in front of me, I would pay attention to it.
You could say, "Hey, this is a great gift idea for your mother, for your daughter, for your wife, or for your husband."
Whomever it serves best so that they tune into the Live and they look at the information from that lens.
Another thing you do, if you want to be very proactive is you could add a bonus to the promotion you're doing.
What kind of extra little thing could you give?
Maybe do a raffle where if someone buys by a certain day they get put in a raffle where they could win something of value that goes along with that you’re initially promoting.
Okay, so obviously you have to go live and make sure you’ve got a plan in place first.
Create notes around the topic, the benefits of your products or service and any promotions you’re offering.
Bonus Boss Tip:
So I said I would give you a boss tip, right?
I have a great Bonus for you that’s going to help you even more with your holiday promotions.
Are you doing Insta-stories yet? If you aren’t, then you might want to start.
Insta-stories are a really great way to get exposure to your products and your services.
I've got a really cool episode which is episode 161 that talks about how to use Insta-stories to specifically promote your products or services.
Everytime I do an Insta-story that piques curiosity to one of my products, I make products sales.
I’m going to share that strategy with you so you can use it as well over the holidays when people are in buying mode so you can get more exposure for your products and services through Instagram (Facebook) stories.
This holiday marketing plan will work really great during the holidays…but they also work any other time of the year as well.
It’s just easier during the holidays because people are spending and buying without thinking twice.
And remember, if you’re wondering how to do a Facebook Live and get the most engagement during and after your Facebook Lives, make sure you download My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist so you know exactly what to do before, during and after your Facebook Live to get the most exposure, eyeballs and profits from your Lives.
FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.
Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.
Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!
Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.
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