How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas With Amazon Reviews (Build Your Brand & Get RESULTS)

Have you run out of social media content ideas that your audience would find value in?

Effective social media content marketing can be challenging, especially when you feel you are tapped out of content ideas when posting on Facebook, Instagram or any other social network.

Whether you’ve got 0 followers or 10,000, the challenge for fresh new and engaging content will always be there.

However, what I’m going to share with you, will help you keep new ideas flowing to ensure you always share fresh, engaging and interesting content to your audience.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret. I don’t see many people doing this – or even teaching it, so this can give you a little bit of an edge in your marketing plan.

Let’s dive in!

How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas With Amazon Reviews (Build Your Brand & Get RESULTS) – Episode 262

Find Endless Content Ideas For Social Media With This One Killer Tool

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas With Amazon Reviews (Build Your Brand & Get RESULTS)not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

Since we're talking about coming up with social media posting ideas, using Amazon, specifically, with that strategy, I want to leave you with my ‘30 Day Social Media Posting For Profits Planner’ to make sure you’re creating profit producing posts with the strategy I taught you.

Once you have this you’ll be able to come up with your next 30,60,90,and infinity,days of posts for your business.

You can grab this valuable resource that is absolutely FREE by clicking the yellow button above?

How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas

When it comes to posting content on your social media platforms to attract a certain audience, it is very important to remember that you have to post things that they will be very interested in.

It’s not about what YOU think is interesting, it’s all about what THEY find interesting.

There's a marketing phrase that I really like that says:

Join the conversation that's going on in your prospect's head and take them where they want to go.

In Episode 260, I talk about how you can Find Endless Content Ideas for Social Media With One Killer Tool, I show you how you can see what your audience is searching for.

but in this episode, I highlight the importance of knowing how to join the conversation of your target audience to take them where it is they want to go.

but how exactly do you know what conversation you have to join? One way to do it is Amazon.

Yup, you got that right AMAZON!

How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas – Two Ways I Use Amazon

If you want to see me show you how to do this, click on the video above and I will share my screen for you and walk you through the two ways I like to do this (I would recommend watching this video if you enjoy visual instructions)

1.Find The Books That Are In Your Niche

Whatever business it is that you are representing, or you have, you're going to search for books that are written for the same target audience, niche or industry.

Example: Skin Care

  • Search for “Skin care books”;
  • Select a book your believe would be most relevant to your target audience;
  • Check out the Table of Contents and check topics you can cover;
  • Check out the reviews and Q&A sections. Select one that has good reviews and a lot of people who have purchased and loved it.
  • You can spend an hour or two doing this to create a content idea strategy based on what you find.

2. Find Products

Example: Weight Loss

  • Check out similar products to what you have. For example: Weight loss supplements / fat loss products
  • Review Q&A on the product you find and find what is relevant to your product;
  • You can create content around the questions being asked around the product.
  • You can take these Q&A questions and answer them through your content.
  • You can show up as the expert and answer those questions and lead your audience to your product.
  • So this is how you can use Amazon to come up with amazing, valuable, content ideas.

Creating good content is great for your business, but are you creating content that generates profit?

In Closing

Okay so I hope this episode has added value to you.

It can be difficult showing up consistently with content for your audience.

So hopefully strategy can help in making sure your posts generate profits for your business.

Remember, creating good content for your audience is one thing, but creating good profitable content for you, and your business, is a whole nother animal.

So you also want to make sure that you have a call to action, and that you're creating profitable content for your business.

Again, I put together ‘30 Day Social Media Posting For Profits Planner’ to make sure you’re creating profit producing posts with the strategy I taught you.

Once you have this you’ll be able to come up with your next 30,60, 90, and infinity, days of posts for your business.

You can download it right away by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Find Endless Content Ideas For Social Media With This One Killer Tool

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Episode 260 – A Killer Social Media Content Idea Tool That I Found – Read More Here

I’m going to share with you a really quick and awesome way to get endless content ideas so you can captivate your audience and keep them engaged.

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass – Learn More Here 

Come behind-the-scenes of my multi-million dollar business to discover the 3 “Smart Marketing” secrets that help me Attract Perfect Buyers, all day, every day.

Amazon – Learn More Here 

B-LAB – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting, and sales. We do theme days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this strategy?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good training on tools you can use to benefit your business.

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How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas With Amazon Reviews (Build Your Brand & Get RESULTS)

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