Video Marketing Tips – My 3 Step Video Intro Formula to Capture and Keep Your Audience’s Interest

I’m excited to share these video marketing tips that will help you learn how to capture your viewers attention and keep them coming back.

Wanna hit a home run with your Facebook Lives or Videos?

Then you’ll want to learn how to properly introduce and start your videos properly so that you grab the attention of your viewers and peak their interest enough to stick around to get all of your goodness.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you My Formula on how to start each of your videos so that you gain and keep the most viewers.

Video Marketing Tips – My 3 Step Video Intro Formula to Capture and Keep Your Audience’s Interest – Episode 181

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.Freebie Cover

This week, since we are talking about how to introduce your videos, gain the attention and really dial in that formula for your brand, I want to give you My Video Scripts And Cheat Sheet so you can learn how to grab your audience’s attention quickly using video to grow your brand and business fast.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button above ☝️

If you tune into Tanya Aliza TV each week you’ll notice that I actually implement the same formula that I'm going to teach you in this video.

Why? Because it works.

So I'm going to reveal that in a minute, but for those of you who are not doing video yet, you need to be doing video for your business.

It's one of the most powerful things that you can do to help build your brand and products and make a ton of sales in a leveraged way.

Just think about it…

You’ve probbaly watched my videos from anywhere in the world on any type of device, while I'm somewhere else, right?

✓We're not meeting live
✓I'm not having to set up a scheduled meeting or anything like that

We are building a relationship with each other from anywhere in the world.

It's just so freaking powerful!

So if you're not doing video for your business, definitely check out the resources and show notes section below because I'm going to leave you with a bunch of really cool resources that will help you start doing video or even amplify what you’re already doing if you’re doing videos.

So if you're doing video, you need to know the video marketing formula on how to capture and gain the attention of your viewers, so that you're not just doing video with no end result.

Your ultimate goal should be to get people to stick around, watch and stay engaged with you.

And there’s 3 parts to this formula which I’m going to share with you.

Video Marketing Formula #1 – Start by asking a question

You want to start the video by asking a question that you know is already happening inside of your potential prospect's mind.

Ask yourself, what is my prospect already thinking about? What is top of mind for them?

Your job is to come in and provide a solution or answer to their questions in the form of a video.

Here’s an example:

In some of my videos, when I start, you're going to notice I say something like; “Do you ever wonder how to inject momentum back into your team and fire up everybody so that you can increase your sales?”

So that's a question I know is going through my prospect or customer's mind.

So when my potential prospect sees my videos and they hear my question they're like, “Yes, that's totally me”, and then they want to stick around and get the rest of my goodness through the video.

So that's the first part of the formula. You want to start with a question that’s already inside their mind.

Video Marketing Formula # 2 – Tell them what you’ll deliver

You want to tell them how you are going to deliver and what you're going to deliver in the video that's going to benefit them.

Here’s an example of that:

So typically, I'll say something like, “In this video, I'm going to share with you the video introduction formula so that you can have more people stick around and watch your videos.”

So I'll tell them the benefits they receive if they stick around and invest their time with me.

Cause no ones just going to give you their time freely right?

People are busy and it’s all about what’s in it for them.

Video Marketing Formula #3 – Introduce Yourself

This is where you're going to introduce yourself and shed a little bit of credibility as to why people would want to listen to you.

So that's typically where I will say, “My name's Tanya Aliza and I help entrepreneurs and network marketers create success fast while most importantly designing a lifestyle that they love”.

That’s my name and my tagline and if you watch my videos you’ll notice I say it every time.

Now where most people mess this up, is they introduce themselves at the beginning of the video.

You don't want to do that.

You want to ask a question, capture their attention, then tell them the big benefit they’ll receive if they invest their time watching your video, and then you want to introduce yourself.

Because nobody cares about you. Sounds harsh right?

But they don’t UNTIL they know how you can help them.

Video Marketing Tips – In Closing

So to recap everything I’ve shared so far.

1- There’s a formula to doing videos…learn the formula.
2- Start your video by asking a question your prospect is already asking
3- Tell them what big benefit they’ll get if they stick around
4- Introduce yourself…you earn the right to introduce yourself after you tell them what’s in it for them

If you want to see this in more detail, I've got you covered in My Video Scripts And Cheat Sheet that you can download for free so you can learn how to grab your audience’s attention quickly using video to grow your brand and business fast.

So make sure to download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

Check out the resources in the show notes below for even more amazing resources that go with this episode.

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Episode 29 – How I Attract The Best Network Marketing Leads & Sales Using VIDEO – Learn More

Video Ranking Academy by Sean Cannell – Learn More

If you are already doing videos and posting them on YouTube and you want to learn how to optimize these videos so that you get more views and Rankings, this is one of the best trainings I’ve been through that can help you do this. I’ve been able to rank my videos on the first page of YouTube in 1 day with this training.

No Fear Video Marketing System by Mark Harbert – Learn More

If you are Brand New to video and you’re not a 100% sure if you’re confident enough to bite the bullet, but you know that you SHOULD be doing videos, this is the best training that I can recommend. I’ve been through it and so have a lot of my clients and the feedback is amazing. This training will walk you through getting over your video fear and getting up and running fast with simple strategies!

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint – Learn More Here

This is my signature course when it comes to building an Influential Brand Online that attracts leads and sales for your business.

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from these video marketing tips training?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing video marketing tips so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Each Monday I post a new video training and free resource on my blog.Tanya Aliza

Each Tuesday I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so make sure we’re connected

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Question of The Week: Are you doing videos or lives to help you grow your business? Let me know in the comments section below.

I would love to know!

Hope you enjoyed these video marketing tips:)

2024-05-12T11:21:11-04:00By |Home Business Training|