How I Attract The Best Network Marketing Leads & Sales Using VIDEO

In this Episode I’m going to share with you how I attract the best Network Marketing leads and sales using video, it’s going to be exciting so let’s dive in.

If you've been following my blog for some time now, you know I'm a big FAN of doing videos.

I started creating videos back in 2010 to help me build my network marketing business, and I can't emphasize enough the POWER and LEVERAGE that it can create when learning how to generate Network Marketing leads.

It's one of the tools that I used in order to become a top recruiter in my Network Marketing company and also to create a 7-figure business online.

Stop and imagine for a second that every day you wake up and find your email or text messages full of network marketing leads and people asking you to share more details about your business with them. How awesome would that be?

“But Tanya, I'm afraid of doing videos.”

I hear this all the time and I totally get it, but to be totally honest with you, the faster you get over the fear of doing videos, the faster you'll move into some pretty significant profits in your business, if you do it right.

In today's episode I'm going to empower you with some simple, yet powerful ways to create videos that will help you overcome your fear of doing videos and in turn help you generate more network marketing leads and more growth in your network marketing business.

How I Attract The Best Network Marketing Leads & Sales Using VIDEO – Episode 29

Because I'm obsessed with helping you crush it in your Network marketing business I've put together a FREE resource that you can download and how-i-attract-the-best-network-marketing-leads-sales-using-videoimplement inside of your business and start seeing results with.

I'm giving you my 5 Point Video Checklist that will show you exactly how to produce amazing videos. I'm also including a BONUS in that download of examples of videos that are already producing results for others right now in the network marketing space.

Grab this week’s Free Resource and start producing videos that will kick your video marketing results into high gear and help you with your Network Marketing leads!

SO LET’S DIVE RIGHT INTO IT – Unlimited Network Marketing Leads

In order to get more leverage in your business you're going to want to learn how to do videos the right way so you can get the best results. I'm going to break it down into 3 simple steps.

#1 List the top 5 benefits that your product, service or business provides

Grab a pen and paper and start a list of the top 5 major benefits that your product, service or business provides to the marketplace.

For example, if it's a weight loss product, the benefits could be feeling more energetic, younger, more attractive, more confident and healthier.
The benefits of your product or service is not what it does or what it is but how it benefits the consumer.

It's important to get clear on what exactly your selling because so many people get this wrong and focus on selling the facts and not the benefits.

Depending on your product, service or business the end result can be one or all of the following; younger looking skin, more money, more health, more time freedom and feeling more confident.

Once you clearly understand this then you can go ahead and decide what platform you will use to share your video with the world. This platform is going to contribute to the majority of your network marketing leads.

#2 Decide what platform you will use to post your video

There's a lot of great platforms that you can use to get massive exposure for your video. Just to name a few, we have Facebook, Facebook Live, Periscope, Instagram stories, Snapchat and then of course my all-time favorite Youtube.

Go ahead and decide where you’re going to post your next awesome video and follow through on your decision.

#3 Decide on a topic for your video

Next, sit down and decide what topic your video will be about.

One of the things I recommend you share in your videos is personal stories. Share an experience you've had in your business or with one of your products or services.

A personal experience is a lot more powerful and exciting than sharing facts, statistics or ingredients of your product, service or business.

Here is an example of how you would share a personal story in a video.

Let's say your company is in the skin care industry and you have an eye cream that helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles under your eyes.

You can take that product and create a quick two-minute video sharing your excitement about your results with the product and create a call to action that will encourage them to contact you if they too would like to experience the same benefits you have.

Another powerful video you can do is to share a third party story. You can share someone else’s story yourself or you can take it one step further and interview them. This is a great video idea especially if you’re just getting started in network marketing and you don't have your own personal story to share yet.

Are you ready to do your Video?

I know, it can be a challenge, but I will promise you that if you take this challenge on and you do it right following my 5 Point Video Checklist you can build a strong stream of Network Marketing leads that want to learn more about what you have to offer!

I’m going to share with you my most trusted and used Video Marketing training resources below if you want to dive deeper into using video in your business. I hope you enjoy!

Some Awesome RESOURCES That Will Help You

3 Minute Expert by Ray HigdonLearn More

Ray is the Bomb dot com when it comes to video and he’s built a wildly successful business through doing short 3 minute videos to promote he’s Brand and Products. Based on his success with this strategy, he’s put together this amazing training and if you’re looking to do video for your business, this is a much see.

Video Ranking Academy by Sean CannellLearn More

If you are already doing videos and posting them on YouTube and you want to learn how to optimize these videos so that you get more views and Rankings, this is one of the best trainings I’ve been through that can help you do this. I’ve been able to rank my videos on the first page of YouTube in 1 day with this training.

No Fear Video Marketing System by Mark HarbertLearn More

If you are Brand New to video and you’re not a 100% sure if you’re confident enough to bite the bullet, but you know that you SHOULD be doing videos, this is the best training that I can recommend. I’ve been through it and so have a lot of my clients and the feedback is amazing. This training will walk you through getting over your video fear and getting up and running fast with simple strategies!

Did you get some value?

I hope you did, because each week I put my heart into making sure you get amazing tips and strategies to rock it in your business work while creating a life you love.

Wanna Share This Training With Your Peeps?

How I Attract The Best Network Marketing Leads & Sales Using VIDEO

Each Monday I post a new video training and free resource on my blogtanya aliza - How I Attract The Best Network Marketing Leads & Sales Using Video

Each Tuesday I do a Live Q&A training on Periscope so make sure we’re connect on Periscope. Download the free app on your phone and follow me @tanyaaliza or go to

If you have any questions or you want to connect more about generating some of the best Network Marketing leads, please stay connected and drop a comment below.

You are a Rock Star!

2024-05-12T11:25:24-04:00By |Lead Generation|