My 5 Powerful Trust Building Sales Closing Techniques To Get More Sales

Today’s competitive market makes it difficult to find closing techniques that will actually get you more sales.

BUT if you’re struggling to close sales it might be because you haven't built complete trust with your prospects yet.

In this episode, I want to share with you how I build trust with my prospects lightning fast that leads to closing sales.

Let’s dive in.

My 5 Powerful Trust Building Sales Closing Techniques To Get More Sales – Episode 263

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

Since we're talking about how to build trust fast and get your prospects to buy immediately from you, I wanna invite you to a very special training that I have called ‘Revenue Multiplier Class’ We will talk about building an email list and we pretty much dive deeper into the five steps we talked about in this training episode.

After you attend the class, you’ll know my strategies on building an engaged audience of perfect buyers and how to get them to actually purchase from you.

You can register to this webinar absolutely FREE by clicking the yellow button above?

My 5 Powerful Trust Building Sales Closing Techniques To Get More Sales

Trust NEEDS to be in place before anyone is ever going to make a buying decision with you.

The faster you can build that trust, the faster you can make the sale.

There are many different ways to build trust, and this training resource should not be the end of your training when it comes to building trust with your prospects, but this will make your sales life a whole lot easier

Closing Techniques # 1 – Create Consistent VALUABLE CONTENT for Your Audience

For example, why do I create an episode on Tanya Aliza TV each week?

Why am I consistent in posting on my Instagram feed and stories?

Why do my Facebook posts give value and help my audience?

This is so my audience can see me as a person of value and credibility who always shows up with content that helps them.

You can  Find Endless Content Ideas For Social Media With This One Killer Tool.

On the other hand, if you want more engagement, here is How I Find Engaging Social Media Content Ideas With Amazon Reviews (Build Your Brand & Get RESULTS)

Closing Techniques # 2 – Get People On Your EMAIL LIST

This is very, very important.

It is one of the largest, single most powerful assets that you can have in your business.

It is having a list of people that raise their hand and say, “Yes, I'm interested in that thing.”

The average person needs to be exposed to something 7 to 10 times before they make a buying decision and that statistic is still growing.

When people see something initially, people may still be a little skeptical.

They may need a little more touch points and  you can communicate these with people through your emails by providing valuable content.

You then slowly but consistently move them up your value ladder and get them to make a sale.

It could also be that this list of people just needs a little more information before they “make that move”

This is why it’s VERY important to start building your email list.

If you want to start building your list, you might want to check out my signature program called My List Building Bootcamp.

In this program, I will show you exactly how I’ve been able to grow my email list to over 100,000 subscribers in a fairly short period of time and build a multiple seven-figure business.

Closing Techniques #3 – Share MORE Valuable Content

We are getting people into our world, we want to indoctrinate them into our brand.

We want to show them “Hey, we're not just a one hit wonder with you that's trying to get you to come in and buy, we're here to help support you through the buying process.”

Once someone is on my email list, I still keep delivering more valuable content to them until they make the buying decision with me.

In fact, even when they make the buying decision with me, I keep showing up with more valuable content because I believe that you have to earn somebody’s trust.

On top of delivering a new episode each week, I also do Tuesday with Tanya Live on Facebook, where I give out tips, more value, and help my audience for FREE.

I get in front of them many times with valuable content and a great call to action to help them make their next step.

Closing Techniques #4 – Make RELEVANT offers

Although I’m delivering more value, you’re always going to have your main offer which you put your main focus on as far as sales go.

But then, you might also have secondary offers. I talk more about this in My List Building Bootcamp.

The people that may not be interested in your main offer may be interested in something else that you can recommend to them that is relevant to helping them.

This slowly gets them to open up their wallets to you – I have these as micro purchases.

You can become an Amazon affiliate. You can make relevant offers to things on Amazon and then bring them back to your main offer.

If they don’t bite on your main offer the first time, you can make smaller, micro offers to them so that they warm up to your suggestions and recommendations.

If you’re building your email list, this is definitely something that you can easily do because you can easily communicate to your audience and subscriber list.

Closing Techniques #5 – Invite Your Audience to a LIVE BROADCAST with you

You can do this in the form of a webinar, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or a Zoom call.

Whatever you think is going to be best for your business where you can deliver value.

Make sure that you have a call-to-action so that they know how to take advantage of your main offer or whatever it is that you're selling.

If you’re in front of them again and again, you’re indoctrinating them into your brand, your business, and into what it is that you can do for them.

You are making them excited to be around you

When they feel like they can trust you they’re more likely to take you up on your recommendations and offers.

In Closing

I hope this episode has added value to you.

It can be difficult to gain the trust of your audience so you can close a sale fast.

So hopefully these 5 steps can help you build their trust lightning fast so you can get that sale in the bag.

Remember, it really starts with valuable content, building your email list, providing more valuable content, relevant offers, and then doing a livecast for them so your audience can really dive in.

My secret to success… consistent content through my email list.

Again, don’t forget to register for my Revenue Multiplier Masterclass! Come behind the scenes of my multi-million dollar business & discover how I attract perfect prospects & teammates that WANT to sign up with me without being glued to social media all day. ?

Resources, Links & More That Will Help You

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now – How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Episode 238 Sales Training 101 (My Secret Reframing Method) | I’m going to show you a strategy that I’ve been using for over a decade that works really well at overcoming your prospect’s objections and REFRAMING them to think bigger and inspire them to take action NOW.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

I hope you enjoy this episode of Wired To Crush It with me and I hope it adds so much value to your business and life.

My 5 Powerful Trust Building Sales Closing Techniques To Get More Sales

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of “Wired to Crush It” and you're ready to pull up your sleeves and use these strategies to get more sales. Make sure to share it with us in the community!

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2024-05-14T21:53:29-04:00By |Home Business Training, Lead Generation|