How I Made $250K With My First Online Course – Are You Ready To Create A Course That Sells?

Are you thinking of creating an online course that can add a consistent revenue stream to your business?

If you’re thinking about it or you’ve already created a course but you need to actually get some sales rolling in…this part 1 of 4 series of episodes is for you!

I’m so pumped and excited about this series of Episodes that I’ve spent a good amount of time creating for you.

This is something completely new that I’ve never done before.


First of all, this is different because it’ll be a 4 part series all about creating a successful online course that brings in consistent income.

And #2, I’ve never talked about creating digital courses, although this is how I’ve made almost all my money with my online brand and business since 2014.

In this first part of this series I want to share with you my personal digital course journey with my very first program that I created that made me $250K.

You will learn:

? How I came up with the idea

? How I launched it

? What worked really well

? What didn’t work

? What I recommend if you’re thinking about creating a Digital course or another one if you already have one.

Let’s dive in!

How I Made $250K With My First Online Course – Are You Ready To Create A Course That Sells? – Episode 256

yellow button to take quiz

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

This week, since we are talking about creating a profitable course, I’d like to share a quiz that my good friend Amy Porterfield created called What’s Your Personal Path to Creating a Profitable Digital Course?

This quiz will help you get started on creating your digital course and give you a roadmap to get out of your head and into action.

When you get your results you’ll have the course building action steps you can take… all based on YOUR goals, audience, and business level.

You can take the 2 minute quiz by clicking on the yellow button above ?

My First Online Course – How I came up with the Idea

I didn’t grow up thinking that I would be a digital course creator.

My digital course idea came from a specific result that I had created in my world. Other people then wanted to know what I was doing and how I was yielding these results.

Back in 2010, I discovered affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is where you have the opportunity to sell other people’s products and you earn a commission on the sales.

You don’t have to create your own products and have the responsibility to market them. I was thinking this would be a really cool way to make some money using the internet.

During this time, I was working crazy exhausting hours as a finance specialist. I made good money, but had no time to spend it.

I was trying to find a plan B or other ways to make money and affiliate marketing as well as learning how to market other people’s products online was a business model that attracted me.

One of the things I really invested in was learning how to attract clients or customers that would be perfect for the products and services I was selling as an affiliate.

I learned to attract these eyeballs to me through the method of content creation, specifically, at that time, through blogging. The reason why I still consistently blog to this day is because it works very well.

I designed a process on how to create content that sells products and services.

This process generated results and was making a good amount of sales in my affiliate marketing journey. Because of this, other affiliate marketers wanted to know what I was doing and how I was doing it.

I was hitting top sales ranks, I was winning awards, I was winning vacations, and I was earning car incentives.

Suddenly, all these other affiliate marketers that were marketing the same products said “Tanya, can you show us what you’re doing?”

I started teaching what I was doing for free through weekly webinars to learn what I was doing. I had no idea that I could be charging for this information until I had one of my business coaches tell me that I should – and that was the birth of my very first program called The Ultimate Branding Blueprint.

I’ve sold this program consistently each and every day, like clockwork, since 2014.

We’ve updated it every single year and it is responsible for generating a little over $1 million a year in revenue for the brand.

My First Online Course – How I launched

I want to share with you how I launched my first digital course because this is one of the questions I’m asked all the time.

This video series is going to help you with a lot of the questions you’re asking yourself.

But before we dive in, I want to share with you something special that is going on right now depending on when you’re going through this episode. My good friend Amy Porterfield, for a very short amount of time, has a program called Digital Course Academy.

This program is the best program you could ever go through, if you want to learn how to build a successful digital course from scratch. In fact, in my last digital course that I created, I followed and implemented her program.

Her program was not around when I created my first digital course and I wish that it was.

I implemented it when I created my eighth digital course and we were able to generate $785,000 in revenue in 10 days based on launching it and following her launch plan.

Don’t worry, If you want to learn more about the Digital Course Academy I’ll leave a link in the resources.

If you get the DCA through my link, we have an additional amazing bonus package that you will qualify for as well (so make sure you click my link below to learn more about what we’ve put in store for you.)

Now let’s dive into how I launched my first course that generated $250,000 in revenue in 10 days.

How I wish I would have had a roadmap when I did this back in 2014. Again, Amy wasn’t around yet so I had to figure this out on my own.

Here’s what I did to launch:

  1. I sat down and I worked on creating a framework for what I wanted to teach and in what order.
  2. I filmed the tutorial. Back then it was very simple so I did a lot of screen captures. I went into filming the tutorials to show people how to execute what I was teaching them how to do. Since I have not gone through Amy’s training yet, I built a member’s area for those who purchased the course in the way that I knew how to.Again, Amy goes over the software to be used brilliantly in the Digital Course Academy. Her way is a lot more intuitive because during this time (2014) I was still figuring everything out on my own.
  3. I asked some of my audience to promote it with me. I had a small Facebook group where I asked the most active members whom I thought would have a great audience for what I was creating for their interest in promoting the program. I would give them early access and if they liked what they went through they can give me a good testimonial. This strategy helped me get into other people’s networks with the program that I created.
  4. I planned out a launch with a webinar that shared all the details that sold the program at the end. The sales webinar I did was about 90 minutes long and I literally fumbled my way through it in 2014. On the other hand, Amy does a brilliant job helping you put the sales webinar together.
  5. I made $250,000 in revenue in 10 days with a $297 product. Keep in mind, we weren’t selling things that were thousands of dollars. It was quite inexpensive at $297 and we sold the $250,000 worth of units and one of the most powerful things that I did was create that infor webinar. That webinar really got people interested in the WHAT and WHY, and then sold them the HOW.

My First Online Course – What Worked Really Well

  1. Asking people to go through the course and give me feedback that I could use as testimonials before I launched.
  2. Asking the people who went through my course to promote it. If they went through it, I would give it to them for free and I also asked them if they wanted to promote it to their audience.
  3. Finding my dream affiliate tribe. In the beginning, before my network, my audience was not as big as it is now. When I had a very small audience, I leveraged on other people’s audiences to build up that audience that I needed for a really successful launch,

My First Online Course – What Didn’t Work Well

  1. Naming my course. My course is The Ultimate Branding Blueprint and it doesn’t really explain the benefits of what you’re going to get when you go through it. I should have named it something that explained more of a benefit of what they’re getting – which was building their brand, blog, and creating content that generates leads and sales through that platform.
  2. Taking so long to create the digital course and thinking that it needed to be perfect. I would highly recommend finding someone who has already done it and follow their path. This is why I really enjoy being connected now to Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy, being a student of it, having a great success story going through it, and now being able to recommend it to my tribe and audience.

My First Online Course – What I recommend

If you’re thinking about creating a digital course, find a coach that can walk you through the steps so you don’t waste time and money.

There is a program that’s perfectly situated out there that is ready for you to go through and actually implement in bite size step-by-step pieces. In the resource section below, I’m going to link Amy’s Digital Course Academy with our special bonus package. If you want to check this out, you get an additional $2,000 worth of value in the bonus that we’re giving.

In the next series, I’m going to be sharing with you three steps to a profitable digital course.

It’s been one of the best things that I’ve ever done in my business and in my brand.

It has contributed to millions and millions of dollars in profits and has helped so many people and impacted their lives because of the systems and processes that my audience needs in their world.

You don’t want to be guessing if your digital course is going to be profitable and I have a three-step process on how to do that.

In Closing

I hope the first episode of this 4 part series helped show you how I was able to successfully earn $250,000 in my first digital course.

Just remember, if you’re thinking about creating a digital course, find a coach that can walk you through what you need to do so you don’t waste time and money.

Depending on when you’re watching this as well, I want to invite you to my girl Amy Porterfield’s FREE Masterclass called “5 Little-Known Mistakes *Most * Course Creators Make (+ What to Do Instead).

You can expect to walk away from Amy’s masterclass with a full breakdown detailing how just ONE course can add $100k per year to your bottom line — no huge audience or ads budget necessary!

I would also suggest taking Amy’s quiz on ‘What’s Your Personal Path to Creating a Profitable Digital Course?’

This quiz will help you get started on creating your digital course and give you a roadmap to get out of your head and into action.

When you get your results you’ll have the course building action steps you can take… all based on YOUR goals, audience, and business level.

You can take the 2 minute quiz by clicking on the yellow button below ?

yellow button to take quiz

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Digital Course Academy  

Doors to Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy are now closed. While you wait, come behind-the-scenes of my multi-million dollar business to discover the
3 “Smart Marketing” secrets that help me Attract Perfect Buyers, all day, every day with my simple freebie funnel formula. This training is free and it's the perfect way to build a list of highly engaged and interested leads that will want to buy your program, course or services. You can get registered here:

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint – Learn More Here

This is my signature course when it comes to building an Influential Brand Online that attracts leads and sales for your business.

My List Building Bootcamp – Learn More Here 

This is my signature course when it comes to generating high quality leads for your business and building a 6-7 figure email list of highly engaged buyers.

Tanya Aliza’s Toolkit – Learn More Here

All the things that Tanya loves and uses in her life and business. From video and camera equipment, favorite books, wellness solutions and more.

Tanya’s Done 4 You Brand Services – Learn More Here

Let Tanya and her marketing professionals help you with your Brand. Everything from websites, Logos, and Sales Funnels all Done 4 You

B-LAB – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting, and sales. We do theme days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from the story of my personal online course creation journey?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good training on creating an online course so you can create consistent income in your business.

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How I Made $250K With My First Online Course - Are You Ready To Create A Course That Sells?

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