How To Promote A Local Event So Lots Of People Show Up

If you’re wanting to learn how to promote a local event so that tons of people show up… then this episode is for you!

If you're holding local events or you want to for your business, there's going to be one thing that you're really going to need to know how to do first…

And that is to fill them with the right people.

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I'm going to share with you one of the most powerful ways that you can fill your event with the right people without leaving the house.

You’ll learn how to do it all from your computer and without spending any money on expensive advertising.

How To Promote A Local Event So Lots Of People Show Up – Episode 196


With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

Since we're talking about using Facebook Lives as part of our strategy…I want to give you My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist. It will show you what to do before, during and after your Facebook Live to get the most engagement and results from your Facebook Live.

I’m going to share with you the idea that stemmed into this Episode because it’s really powerful.

I recently adopted a really cool dog. Her name's Loya and if you follow me on Instagram you'll know exactly who she is.

I adopted her from a really cool rescue shelter in North Myrtle Beach.

Their name is Kind Keepers so if you're in the area, go check them out.

They always have great pets are in need of good homes.

So after I adopted Loya I posted it on Instagram and tagged Kind Keepers.

And then Kind Keepers reached out to me and they said, “Hey, it seems to us that you know what you're doing when it comes to social media. You have a lot of followers on Instagram.

Do you have any tips for us to help us grow our adoption shows or help us to grow our donation bank? Because obviously, we run on full donations and we're always looking for ways to get better homes for our animals.”

So this really hit home with me and I gave them some really good tips over the phone on how they can increase attendance at their local events or the adoption shows that they're doing.

Now this information can definitely be transferred over into any business not just animal shelters.

If you run a network marketing business and you're running local events or hosting shows, you need humans there to grow the business.

You need eyeballs on you, right?

So I gave them some ways that they could get more people to their events because they don't have the funds to spend on expensive advertising like a traditional business would.

And even if a traditional business uses these strategies they would see better results than if they paid for expensive advertising that goes on in local news or spots on TV.

So when I had this conversation with Kind Keepers on the phone, I said, “What are you currently doing on social media?”

And they told me that they were posting very inconsistently on their Instagram and on their Facebook page.

They would also do little videos of the rescues that they had at the shelters and post the videos randomly on their Instagram or their Facebook page.

We really wanted to dial that in because they weren't seeing the results that they wanted to see.

So I talked to them about Facebook Ads and I said, “Are you using Facebook Ads at all?”

They said no because they didn't have a lot of disposable income for Facebook Ads.

So I shared with them a really cool strategy that’s very low cost and that not a lot of people in local communities are doing this which means there is an incredible opportunity with this.

And what’s really cool is you can track this.

So here’s the strategy…

How to promote a local event – Tip #1

The first thing that you want to do is to host a Facebook Live on your Facebook page.

During your Facebook live you're going to explain the details of your local event.

You'll share when and where the event will be and you're going to be very descriptive on what benefit people are going to get if they come.

You would also want to tell them to bring a friend or to share this event or the details with anybody that they know.

The Facebook live doesn’t have to be super long. 5 to 10 minutes is fine.

And here’s a little tip, if you can…bribe them with some food or cookies, donuts or coffee.

How to promote a local event – Tip #2

So once you’re done with your Facebook live you want to pin that post to the top of your page until the event is over.

It’s a good idea to start promoting your event about a week before and have it pinned before and during you're event.

How to promote a local event – Tip #3

When you do the Facebook Live and then you pin it to the top of you're page, make sure to also write a description with your post with the event time, place & date.

Now, this is optional but it will dramatically increase the attendance to your local event.

After your Facebook Live is done and it’s a post on your Facebook page, you want to boost the post with a Facebook Ad and you want to specifically target the people in your local area where that event is being held.

And so you want to do this for about four to five days before the event actually happens.

Doing it too far out might make people forget about the event unless you're building your email list and getting people on a reminder list of some kind.

But if you're not… you don't want people to forget the event when they see it in a Facebook Ad.

So four to five days before the actual event happens run a Facebook Ad and set a budget for about $5 a day for people to learn about the event and ultimately come to the event.

And target people only in that local area that the event is being held.

You'll start to see some incredibly dramatic change in attendance to your local event just by adding that one little boost feature to the Facebook Live that you're already doing.

You'll spend about $20 to maybe $40 doing this over the course of that time… but isn't that better than going out there and getting flyers printed and passing them out or doing local advertising that can get really expensive?

This is a super powerful and inexpensive strategy but also more effective than any other avenue or advertising stream that is out there.

Now, for those of you that don't know how to run Facebook Ads maybe yet, it's really simple.

I'll link to a Facebook Ads mini class that I have where I walk you through the simple process of running your first Facebook Ad the way that I run Facebook Ads for my business as well.

And also remember that I’m giving you My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist. It will show you what to do before, during and after your Facebook Lives to get the most engagement and results from your Facebook Live.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below?


Check out the resources in the show notes below for even more amazing resources that go with this episode.

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Facebook Ads Revealed – Learn More Here

Have you ever wanted to know how to do Facebook Ads properly with knowing exactly how to extract a positive return on investment so you don’t waste your money? This training with show you exactly how I do Facebook Ads for my business. I pull you behind the scenes right into my Ads Manager so you can see exactly how to do it for your business too.

Kind Keepers – Learn More Here

Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Learn More Here

If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet and you’re looking at all these rock stars with Fan Page and you want one for yourself… Unlimited Fan Page Profits is a training that I put together that will walk you through the steps of building a Profitable Facebook Page and marketing plan to generate leads, build a big audience and make daily sales.

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this training on how to promote a local event?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing tips on how how to promote a local event and other great training so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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facebook share 5 social media tips

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Question of The Week: Do you hold local events of any kind? Share what kind of events these are in the comments area below. I’d love to hear about it.

Hope you enjoyed my tips on how to promote a local event 😉

2024-05-12T11:21:04-04:00By |Lead Generation|