I Made a Huge Mistake With My Network Marketing Niche [Not Easy To Share]

Have you ever felt unfulfilled in what you were doing?

How about unmotivated?

This is exactly how I’ve been feeling for a little over 2 years now. For the longest time I had no idea why… but over the last 8 months of soul searching, I finally figured out that I made a huge mistake with my network marketing niche. In this episode I am going to share with you some BIG changes that are happening over here on the show.

By sharing this, I hope to motivate and inspire you… and some of what I’m about to share is extremely humbling… and quite frankly, not easy to share.

I made a few big mistakes that have cost me a lot, and I want to share exactly what happened with you so you can have insight for your own business and brand.

Let’s do it…

Episode #327 | I Made a Huge Mistake With My Network Marketing Niche [Not Easy To Share]

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Highlights of the show that you don’t want to miss:

[1:09] The evolution of my journey, from joining a network marketing company in 2009 to retiring from my finance job in 2010, to now teaching my strategies and creating paid training programs

[3:02] What I believe contributed to my network marketing business completely skyrocketing

[5:00] The challenges that I faced when I made the decision to broaden my niche in 2021, and what I learned

[7:41] During some of the most challenging moments in my life, I truly missed two aspects within the network marketing niche. Learn why I am now choosing to pivot and embrace them wholeheartedly

[9:08] Brace yourself for an exciting announcement, big changes are coming

“I'm going to show up for you bigger, and better than ever.”

[10:52] Ready to get results? Introducing my “grow, scale, and diversify” formula designed to take you from zero to six figures and six figures beyond in a leveraged way

[14:46] I’m sharing something deeply personal and humbling, but here is the reason behind my shift of focus back to the network marketing niche

[15:43] Two lessons I've learned from my niche pivot that have the power to transform your own journey

Suggested Action Steps:

  1. Subscribe to the channel and share this episode with others
  2. Download my free resource, the network marketers roadmap to six figures
  3. Take action and implement the steps

Again, don’t forget to download my ‘6-Figure Network Marketing Roadmap’ and learn the top activities that you should be doing to create 6-figure habits in your business ?

Resources, Links & More That Will Help You

My Complete Social Media Sales Blueprint | Free Masterclass Showing How I Attract 12-23 New Buyers a Week From Just One Piece Of Content That I Create!
Let’s Stop Spinning Our Wheels On Social Media Doing Weird Stuff That Takes Too Long

My Facebook Recruiting Secret | How I Used FB Messenger To Enroll 52 New Teammates Last Month

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract People on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

Can I Feature You & Your Business?

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

Tanya Aliza - Network Marketing Niche

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of “Wired to Crush It” and you're ready to pull up your sleeves and learn from my huge mistake I made with my network marketing niche. Make sure to share it with us in the community!

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Crush Your Week!


2024-05-12T11:17:03-04:00By |Lead Generation|