How To Promote Affiliate Links On Facebook (Look More Professional!)

Today I want to share with you how to promote affiliate links on Facebook or anywhere for that matter.

Typically, affiliate links are long and ugly.

I want to show you how to create affiliate links that make you look like a professional and helps your viewers remember the links you are sharing.

If you’re currently using those long, ugly affiliate links, it’s time to say goodbye to them!

Sharing affiliate links that not only look professional but help your people remember them will ultimately make you more sales in your business.

So let’s dive right in!

How To Promote Affiliate Links On Facebook (Look More Professional!) – Episode 239


With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.FB Live Checklist

This week since we’re talking about sharing your links on Facebook so you can make more sales, I put together a guide called My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist.

I believe Facebook lives are one of the most powerful ways to make sales through a link that you share.

This guide will help you know exactly what to do before, during, and after your Live broadcast to make it the most profitable.

Why it’s important to create your own affiliate links

When using social media to promote your business, products or services, you’ll need to send people somewhere online to get more details on what you’re promoting.

Most affiliate links are long and hard to remember and let’s face it…people aren’t on social media to buy.

So it’s really important to make it SUPER easy for them to check out what you’re promoting.

Here’s an example of how you can use your very own custom affiliate links to make more sales for your business.

Let’s say I'm doing a Facebook Live, and at the end, I want to send my viewers to check out one of my products, I’ll say, “Hey guys, go to”

That will be a really easy link for my people to remember and it brands the link to me.

And most importantly, I can have that link go to my affiliate products that I’m promoting so that when they go there, any sales that are accredited to that click would be attributed to me.

Instead of having my viewers go to a really long, complicated, ugly looking link, I want to have a personally branded link that I use.

But here’s what’s really cool about having your own links that not a lot of people even think about.

When you have a redirect happening on your personal domain, if you happen to switch gears in your business or any of the products that you’re promoting go obsolete, you can just change the path to where that redirect link is going.

Just think about all of the content that you have out on Facebook or social media.

If any of those links ever change, if you don't have a domain redirect happening, you'll have to go and redo all of that content because those links will be obsolete.

Okay, so now that we know why we should have our own links that we use on social media or anywhere else, let’s dive into the steps we need to take to make this happen.

Step 1 – Own your own domain

Step number one is to create your very own domain name.

You may already own your a domain but if you don’t I suggest using your name or a variation for Branding purposes.

For example, I have and I secured that over on

There’s a lot of great domain registrars out there. GoDaddy is not the only one, but it’s the one that I use.

I will leave a link in the show notes below this video in the resources section on anything that I mention to help you set this up.

And just a little pro tip, if you're an influencer or you have a personal brand, I would strongly suggest that you use your name.

This will allow people to make a connection with you as a person online versus some funny name that they don't really have any connection to.

If you have a very common name, like John Smith, maybe that domain will not be available.

In that case, I would just recommend trying to find a variation of your name like JohnSmith or

Step 2 – Pick a slug to use

Once you have your domain name in place it’s time to create the slug.

The slug is what comes after the domain name. So for example /skincare in from my example above.

So the actual word you want to use after the forward-slash at the end of your domain name.

So just think about what it is that you're promoting and pick the end of the slug.

Step 3 – Create the redirection path

If you have a blog and you use WordPress, you can use a plugin called Prettylink. It’s free to use and you can create your links like this.

If you don’t have WordPress, you can redirect right from your domain manager.

Now that you have what you want your branded link to be, we need to go and create it.

We need to create the redirection path so that when somebody goes to your domain name, like for example, they are redirected to the link that you want them to be redirected to.

Now, there are two ways that I like to teach to do this that are simple.

If you have a blog that uses WordPress, you can install a free plugin called Prettylinks and quickly create this redirection path.

But that's only if you have a WordPress installation on your domain.

The other way to do it is right inside of your domain registrars settings for that domain.

But by now you’re probably wondering how to do all of this.

I’m going to walk you step by step on how to do this in the video above right here in this blog post.

So make sure you watch the video above so you can follow along with me.

If you’re reading this right now and you’re not in a position to watch the video, come back to it later and start watching the video at the 5:43 minute mark and you’ll be able to implement this strategy with me.

How To Promote Affiliate Links On Facebook – In Closing

And I’ll leave you with a pro tip that I like to do as a professional influencer that has affiliate links for many different things that I promote.

I keep a Google spreadsheet with a couple of columns that I can always reference back to and see which links are directing where.

This way when I’m on social media and I need to use a link for people to check out what I’m talking about, I always have them on hand and I don't need to remember all of the links that I've created.

So there you have it. Pretty cool, right?

And also, remember to download My Ultimate Facebook Live Checklist.

This guide will help you know exactly what to do before, during, and after your Live broadcast to make it the most profitable.


Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

? – Learn More Here 

My favorite company to find and buy a domain name for my business.

? A Brand Called You – Book – Learn More Here

This is one of my favorite books on learning about the importance of Branding yourself so you can create a life and business that you love…with leverage! I saw the author speak on stage at an event I was at in Florida and it was the best Keynote speech I have ever heard. His book is equally powerful and amazing and I’m happy to share it with you.

? Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Learn More Here 

If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet and you’re looking at all these rock stars with Fan Page and you want one for yourself… Unlimited Fan Page Profits is a training that I put together that will walk you through the steps of building a Profitable Facebook Page and marketing plan to generate leads, build a big audience and make daily sales.

? Facebook Ads Revealed – Learn More Here 

Have you ever wanted to know how to do Facebook Ads properly with knowing exactly how to extract a positive return on investment so you don’t waste your money? This training with show you exactly how I do Facebook Ads for my business. I pull you behind the scenes right into my Ads Manager so you can see exactly how to do it for your business too.

? The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here 

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

?Champagne Moment Highlight Member -Elaine – Learn More About Elaine Here 

Every week I get messages like these from some amazing humans that implement what I teach in my courses or free trainings. This week we’re putting Elaine on the spotlight. Thank you Elaine for your hard work and dedication and I’m happy for your success and grateful you sent me this wonderful message.

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I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some good How To Promote Affiliate Links On Facebook training so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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2024-05-12T11:20:12-04:00By |Social Media Tips|