How To Lead & Inspire Your Team To Take Profitable Action | With John Melton

Today I get to share with you a powerful interview that I hosted with my good friend and business associate, John Melton all about how to lead & inspire your team.

Selfishly, I wanted to interview him because on top of the many great skills he has, I believe his TOP skill is his ability to lead a massively successful team.

Leadership… is the word I think about when I think about John Melton.

I’ve worked with John for many years and I get to experience this first-hand.

I wanted to discuss with him his strategies so I could learn some tweaks to uplevel my leadership skills.

John and his lovely wife, Nadya, not only run a Top 50 team in Network Marketing, but they also have a very successful Brand that is managed and run by a team of V.A. ‘s who they have to lead and inspire.

We talked about all aspects of their business and it was such a powerful conversation on leadership.

John and Nadya Melton are:

– Top 50 income earners in the entire Network Marketing profession
– Top 3 in their company
– Member’s of the Network Marketing Hall of Fame
– Produced over $300 million in sales in the last 5 years
– Acquired over 600,000 new customers in the last 5 years
– and soooo much more!

You absolutely want to listen in on this conversation that we had together!

Episode #311 | How To Lead & Inspire Your Team To Take Profitable Action | With John Melton

? Click Here To Listen & Subscribe on iTunes

Highlights of the show that you don’t want to miss:

[12:50] The mindset shift that changed the game for John, and how he was able to build a business without sacrificing his time, and what mattered most.

“I don’t want an ‘or’ life, I want an ‘and’ life. I want to be an awesome dad, I want to be an awesome husband, but I also want to get rich.”

[16:15] The debate as old as time: are leaders born or made? John Melton shares his insights on what it takes to be a successful leader and whether or not it’s a skill that can be taught.

[21:23] Unlocking the secrets of successful leadership, how to lead and inspire your team to take on that leadership role, and grow.

[27:29] The number one thing that motivates people more than money, and how you can use this to drive action, results and longevity with your team.

[35:36] Leader retention: discover the power of building an inspired team with John Melton

[38:55] How to approach coaching moments, and have those tough conversations with your team.

[55:14] Bonus tip: what to do if you’re struggling to come up with content ideas on TikTok, and how one simple video got 800,000 views.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Wired To Crush It with me and I hope it adds so much value to your business and life.

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Again, don’t forget to check out The Millionaire Morning Routine. I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

Recommended Resources & Links Mentioned

Follow John | Reach out to John and let him know what you loved most about his show with us!

Episode 170 | Network Marketing Training – How To Be The Best Upline To Your Team Without Burning Out

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

Tanya Aliza’s Biohacking Kit | All the products, gadgets, supplements and more that Tanya uses and recommends in regards to taking care of your health, energy levels and vitality. This Kit is always updated as Tanya adds new protocols to her life.

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract People on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

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I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It! Tanya Aliza - Inspire your team

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of “Wired to Crush It” and you're ready to pull up your sleeves and implement these strategies to lead & inspire your team to take profitable action. Make sure to share it with us in the community!

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2024-05-12T11:15:37-04:00By |Lead Generation|