My Profit Producing Social Media Strategy – The ‘CRAVE’ Formula!

If you’re at your wits end trying to figure out a social media strategy that will build your following, attract the right customers, and captivate your audience so they engage with you – then this episode is your gold mine.

I’ve been building my business online since 2010.

Since then, I have created a formula that has led to sooooo much social media success.

It’s my easy to follow, 5 step formula, I call C.R.A.V.E.

Because, who doesn’t want their audience to CRAVE their content, right?

In this episode, you’ll learn to crush it with your social media content strategy by following my C.R.A.V.E social media posting formula.

By following the C.R.A.V.E formula, you’ll be able to maximize the effectiveness of your social media posts so you can start seeing better results from your efforts.

Dive into the episode, my friend, because it’s time to crush it!

My Profit Producing Social Media Strategy – The ‘CRAVE’ Formula! – Episode 279

My Profit Producing Social Media Strategy - The ‘CRAVE’ Formula!
With every episode, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode, which you can implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your business.

My Profit Producing Social Media Strategy - The ‘CRAVE’ Formula!Freebie

Since we’re talking all about social media strategy, I created a fill-in-the-blank, 30-day posting calendar called “My 30 Day Social Media Profit Posting Plan”

After going through this episode and implementing this social media strategy, together with the 30 Day Social Media Profit Posting Plan, you’ll be able to easily create your next 30 days of purpose driven content that actually brings in sales.

Get my posting calendar by clicking the yellow button above ?

If you ask me how I like spending my days… being on my device and managing my social media content, would be the LAST thing I’d say.

Since social media is ever changing, I must admit that I have a love-hate relationship with it and if you let it, it can totally consume your life.

I’m here to make sure this doesn't happen.

I do this by implementing a highly effective social media strategy that takes me less than 90 mins a month.

My Social Media Strategy That Makes Your Audience C.R.A.V.E Your Content

Hot topic highlights of the show and their minute marks (of course listen to the whole thing if you can):

  • [03:15] I show up on social media as a marketer and not a consumer.

When I’m scrolling through social media, only 1% of the time is spent looking at funny dog videos (ok, guilty as charged) and 99% is spent on looking for opportunities I can get ideas from for my business.

Like I said, when I’m on social media, my social media strategy is to be on it as a marketer.

Some examples would be:

    • Implementing strategies such as the ‘Dream 100’ from Russell Brunson’s (Marketing Secrets Podcast).
    • Using Facebook and Instagram “collections” to get inspiration for social media content that captivates and captures the attention of my audience.

If you want to know more about how these strategies work and hear my collection examples… take a listen to the show!

  • [10:02] Engagement Content & Conversion Content… what to use and when.

It’s very important (I can’t stress this enough) to remember that your sole goal as a business owner and entrepreneur is impact and INCOME.

When you’re putting together your social media posting plan, you want to make sure you have purpose driven posts and content that drives business.

There are two types of business content.

(1) Engagement content is your relationship building content where your audience can connect and interact with you. You want to implement this because it helps with algorithms. Aside from that, it allows your audience to relate with you.

(2) Conversion posts. These are posts on social media that are directly going to drive some sort of conversion. Either Leads or SALES.

Listen to some great examples of posts that I use on the podcast.

  • [14:24] A breakdown of my favorite social media strategy called C.R.A.V.E

On the show, I share with you what each letter stands for and why it’s an important element in your strategy.

I highly recommend using this acronym that I share on the show to help you with your entire social media posting strategy.

Hint: you could even write it on a sticky note and stick it to your computer as a reminder

A Quick Recap – How to Use The C.R.A.V.E Formula For Your Social Media Strategy

(1) Remember to show up on social media as a marketer and not a consumer.
(2) Utilize engagement and conversion content to generate revenue in your business
(3) Make sure you remember to incorporate the C.R.A.V.E formula in your social media strategy.
(4) Don’t let social media take over your life… use it strategically for business.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Wired To Crush It with me and I hope it adds so much value to your business and life.

Can I Feature You & Your Business?

Make sure to Subscribe and Rate & Review the Podcast show on your preferred Podcast platform or Apple Podcast here

I feature community members each week on my Instagram and I’d love to feature YOU next!

I release a new episode each week, so make sure to join me and to share this with your entrepreneur friends.

Tag me on Social Media @tanyaaliza and share what episode you just listened to so we can connect even more!

Don’t forget to download “My 30 Day Social Media Profit Posting Plan”

After going through this episode and implementing this social media strategy, together with the 30 Day Social Media Profit Posting Plan, you’ll be able to easily create your next 30 days of purpose driven content that actually brings in sales.

My Profit Producing Social Media Strategy - The ‘CRAVE’ Formula!

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You

Jab Jab Jab Right Hook Book – Learn More Here

This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of Social Media to get it and read it 5 times! It teaches you how to function on Social Media to get the most results.

The Revenue Multiplier Class – Learn More Here 

Free Online Training Class Happening Now – Come behind the scenes of my multi-million dollar business to discover the 3 ‘smart marketing' secrets that help me Attract Perfect Buyers everyday. Finally generate consistent sales with your online business, without spending countless hours on social media.

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint – Learn More Here

If you don’t already have a website or blog (like this one) that is helping to build your authority, your audience, your email list and your sales… this program will give you the templates and instructions you need to have this all in place in one weekend flat!

Fact: people trust and look up to Brands with a website/blog more than Brands that don’t have this in place.

This is your domain to keep the attention of your audience, wow them and lead them to become a buyer of yours.

Social Media is a great place to start the conversation, your website/blog is the place to keep the conversation going and to make your sales.

Don’t get left in the dust without this.

Our Done 4 You Services – Learn More Here

For my super busy Entrepreneurs out there, I know that you might not have the time to go through the steps of a course or program, and you have the resources to get the experts to do all the work for you. Good news for you… My dedicated internal design team and I can work with you to get your online brand and business all set up. We are marketing experts AND design professionals which makes a big difference when it comes to your Online Brand and attracting leads and sales.

We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, facebook business pages and more!

Join the Community – Join Us Here

The B-LAB stands for BUILD LIKE A BOSS! And that’s exactly what you are! You’re the Boss of your business and the BOSS of your life!

However, being the BOSS and carrying the weight of that everyday can get lonely, that’s exactly why I created The B-LAB! This is the place to meet and engage with other Entrepreneurs going through the exact day to day processes as you.

My team and I are inside this community helping you, celebrating you and supporting you through your Entrepreneur journey… along with 37,000+ Entrepreneurs!

Did you get some value from this Podcast Episode?

I hope you did because I put my heart into making sure you get value packed training on how to implement a highly effective and efficient social media strategy.

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Tanya AlizaEach Monday I release training episodes and a free resource. 

Each Tuesday I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so make sure we’re connected

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