A Cool Social Media Prospecting Tool To Re-Spark Conversations & Get People Interested

In this episode, I'm sharing one of my favorite social media prospecting tools that has helped me get people re-engaged and interested in my business. Plus… using this tool is a lot of fun!

You're building a business and you have products or services to sell…well you’ve got to have people to talk to right?

I want to share with you a cool feature and tool that Facebook gives us to use for free to spark conversations and to re-engage old contacts that we’d like to expose to our business, products or services.

I LOVE using this tool to genuinely get back on someone’s radar to see if they would be a good fit for my products or business.

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m showing you how I personally use this Facebook feature in my business to get old contacts interested in my business, service or products.

A Cool Social Media Prospecting Tool To Re-Spark Conversations & Get People Interested – Episode 193

My Social Media Scripts That Convert

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.Social Media Scripts That Convert Freebie

Since we're talking about a social media prospecting strategy using the Facebook memories tool, I’m giving you My Social Media Prospecting Scripts That Convert.

It's a three-part formula that I’ve created that has been tried and tested over the years and works quite well.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button above.

One of my favorite Social Media Prospecting tools right now

So, what is this tool or feature that Facebook gives us?

It’s called Facebook Memories.

You’ve probably seen it already.

But if you're not familiar with this tool yet… I’ll explain what it is.

Basically it’s the memory reminders that Facebook shares with you from when you posted something from either a year ago or up to seven years ago, or even longer.

It’s like Facebook going through your photo album and bringing back your own memories to remember and re-share.

If you’d like to find this feature you can go to the explore tab when you're logged into Facebook all the way down on the left hand side of your Facebook homepage.

Now, we all know that Facebook changes their platform all the time.

So if it's not exactly in that area where I show you in the video above then just Google or YouTube where to find your Facebook memories section.

This memory section can be an awesome resource and tool for your prospecting efforts in your business.

How to use this Social Media Prospecting tool

If you want to see the Facebook memories tool you can click the memory section on the left hand side of your Facebook homepage and it'll take you to the spot where you can repost and tag anybody that you've been posted with or tagged in.

Then you can tag and repost and you can start reminiscing on that memory or about that memory with that person.

Great way to re-engage and spark new conversation and interest with the people that you haven't connected with in awhile.

Now, personally for me, whenever somebody shares a memory that I'm in with them I get the warm and fuzzies.

I absolutely love it!

So this is your opportunity to get in your peoples world with that warm and fuzzy feeling and have a conversation with them.

My Social Media prospecting strategy when using this tool

Now, you're probably asking yourself, “Well, Tanya, this is great but how do I re-engage the conversation to have it be about business or the products that I'm selling?”

My answer is, “You've got to have a plan and you've got to be human.”

Those are my two main things when talking to people about my products, service, or business.

Have a plan but be human.

And that’s why you don't really want to use too many scripts.

Instead ask them some questions. Find out what they've been doing lately.

Go and check out their Facebook profile and see some of their relevant posts that maybe you can start a conversation from.

Social Media Prospecting – In Closing

You might still be wondering, “Well we've had a little bit of back and forth conversation. How do I Segway into talking about business, products or services?”

Well, I’ve got a bonus for you because while I don’t recommend using scripts verbatim, I do recommend you have an outline or an idea of what where the conversation should be going and how to get it in the direction you want it to go.

And you’ll learn exactly how to do this with a three-part formula script that I have that has been tried and tested over the years and works really well.

So make sure you download My Social Media Prospecting Scripts That Convert while they're free right now and that way you'll have a plan when you’re having those human interactions  towards business in an authentic way and without being salesy or weird.

You can download it by clicking on the yellow button below ?

My Social Media Scripts That Convert

Check out the resources in the show notes below for even more amazing resources that go with this episode.

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Learn More

If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet and you’re looking at all these rock stars with Fan Page and you want one for yourself… Unlimited Fan Page Profits is a training that I put together that will walk you through the steps of building a Profitable Facebook Page and marketing plan to generate leads, build a big audience and make daily sales.

Social Marketing & Recruiting Bootcamp – Learn More 

This is a free training I’m doing with my good friends John & Nadya Melton and were showing you How We Use 1 Simple Facebook Group To Sell & Recruit New Teammates Like Clockwork In 3 Easy Steps.

If you want to be a great leader and get better at RECRUITING new teammates in a way that duplicates…this training is for you!

Influence (Book) – Learn More

Have you ever wondered how some people just have that ‘Magic’ over others? They can go up and talk to people easier, they can command attention and lead people into buying decisions easier…. how do they do it?

Is it just a gift? Nope… it has everything to do with understanding how people operate and how to INFLUENCE them. This is one of my favorite books and if you’re in a position where you collect decisions from people (sales) this is a MUST read!

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from this social media prospecting training?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing social media prospecting tips so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Each Monday I post a new video training and free resource on my blog.Tanya Aliza

Each Tuesday I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so make sure we’re connected www.facebook.com/tanyaaliza

Stand Out and Stay Connected… drop a comment below.

You are a Rock Star!

Question of The Week: Have you been using this tool yet in your business to stay on people’s radar? Share in the comments section and let me know.

Hope you enjoyed my fave social media prospecting tool 😉

2024-05-12T11:21:05-04:00By |Social Media Tips|