A Complete Breakdown Of My Multi-Million Dollar Content Strategy

I'm about to do a complete reveal of my multi-million dollar content strategy.

So, drop whatever you’re doing and listen up. I’m serious.

If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner or an influencer and you’re trying to build a brand or you’re trying to monetize your brand — this strategy will work for you.

I used to teach this in-depth training, step-by-step, in a very high end mastermind workshop (back when live events were more popular than they are today).

Today, you’re getting this for free, so pay full attention, ‘cause this content strategy helps me make over $2 mill a year.

By the end of this podcast episode, you’ll have learned:

● Why you have to create content on a regular basis

● Optimizing your content for leads and sales

● The Multimillion Dollar Formula: My 5Ps to 7 Figures

A Complete Breakdown Of My Multi-Million Dollar Content Strategy – Episode 285

My Multi Million Dollar Content Strategy

Right now as we hit ‘publish’ on this episode. The doors are OPEN to my signature program called The Ultimate Branding Blueprint.

During this promotional window, I have the program LOADED with bonuses and so much value that you have to check it out if you don’t already have it.

If you’re an Entrepreneur that is growing an online business, this is the foundational part of your entire brand and business.

Check out Growth Camp by clicking the yellow button above 

Podcast – My Multi-Million Dollar Content Strategy

Here are the minute marks that cover hot topics in the episode you do not want to miss:

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  • [8:03] Why you have to create content on a regular basis

The biggest myth you might have heard for content creation is that you have to create content every day.

Trust me you don’t. But I can tell you exactly how to make it “seem” like you’re posting daily.

  • [13:50] Plan to create content that will work with your schedule

I hate having to oblige my VAs to work on weekends, so although our Monday publication day works, it requires a serious amount of work for my team during the weekends.

So when planning your content strategy, always consider the schedules where you are able to commit to get content done.

  • [15:06] Optimize content for the action you want your audience to take

Promote content on social media.

Create micro content.

Post in any form that you can think of, but keep in mind the call to action for that episode.

Do your best to draw people to that piece of content that just got launched, or the latest piece of content that just got launched on the blog and make sure you have enough information about your call to action, which is usually to download something or purchase something.

I discuss this in detail in my program, Ultimate Branding Blueprint, better grab the opportunity now to get started with your million dollar content plan.

  • [16:51] The Formula: 5Ps to 7 Figures
  • [17:24] Plan your content

Remember where I said it’s a myth to create content daily?

Well, yes, because a million dollar content strategy involves batching content every two weeks.

It takes me about an hour or two to plan for content

Keep in mind these questions:

Who’s your audience?
What do they want?
What do they need?
How can you help them?
What content are they already searching for online?

From there, I then ask:

What content should I write?
How can I deliver this message?
What is my CTA?

The more you do this, the better you get, the faster you get as well.

  • [19:05] Produce your content

Time to make your content marketing strategy come alive!

This is the part where you need to sit down and start writing (if you’re producing blogs or articles) or the part where you finally hit the record button (for podcasts or video content).

Again, you can always hire a VA and delegate some of the processes for producing content.

  • [20:11] Publish your content

Typically, since you’ve done all the planning and producing, publishing content will be a breeze for you.

This part of the process is where you can actually check if you got everything in place (especially the call to action!)

  • [20:50] Promote your content

The next challenging part of the content strategy process is promoting content.

You have to identify how to bring people to your content.

What you can do is send out an email blast to your email subscriber list and invite them to check out your new content.

You can also promote via social media.

My suggestion is to redirect them to your website or blog to control traffic.

In my Ultimate Branding Blueprint Program Bonus Section, we have included so much goodness on how to get people to your website and blog!

You’ll never run out of ideas on how to bring people to your content.

  • [28:02] Profit

Last P on our formula is profit.

This part is pretty self-explanatory.

Your content should educate, entertain, show off your credibility and authority.

Your content should move your audience to take action — typically it's to buy your products or your services.

If you think about that time output versus benefit, well, all I can say is, my multiple seven figure brand has thrived because of this strategy.

THIS is exactly how I’ve been able to create multimillion dollar content and leverage my business.

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of Wired To Crush It with me and I hope it adds so much value to your business and life.

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Make sure to Subscribe and Rate & Review the Podcast show on your preferred Podcast platform.

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I release a new episode each week, so make sure to join me and to share this with your entrepreneur friends.

Tag me on Social Media @tanyaaliza and share what episode you just listened to so we can connect even more!

Again, don’t forget to check out The Ultimate Branding Blueprint. Enrollment is coming to a close and I don’t want you to miss out on the incredible offer that we put together for you.

My Multi Million Dollar Content Strategy

Shownotes & Resources Mentioned:

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint – Learn More

If you don’t already have a website or blog (like this one) that is helping to build your authority, your audience, your email list and your sales… this program will give you the templates and instructions you need to have this all in place in one weekend flat!

Fact: people trust and look up to Brands with a website/blog more than Brands that don’t have this in place.

Episode #283 – I Went From Nobody To A Top Producing Influencer After I Launched My Website/Blog… Here’s What I Did – Listen to the Episode

I believe this Episode of Wired To Crush It is one of the most powerful episodes I’ve done, because I share the exact moment it ALL changed for me and WHAT contributed to that change.

Done 4 You Branding Services – Learn More

For my super busy Entrepreneurs out there, I know that you might not have the time to go through the steps of a course or program, and you have the resources to get the experts to do all the work for you. Good news for you… My dedicated internal design team and I can work with you to get your online brand and business all set up. We are marketing experts AND design professionals which makes a big difference when it comes to your Online Brand and attracting leads and sales.

We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, facebook business pages and more!

The Wired To Crush It Community – Join Here

I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business to support your best life… I guess you could say I’m Wired To Crush It!

I created this Community to share actionable roadmaps so you can Crush It in business and in life.

So if you’re an ambitious Entrepreneur, the Wired To Crush It community is your weekly dose of profitable steps that will help and inspire you to create the impact, income and life you deserve.

My team and I are inside this community helping you, celebrating you and supporting you through your Entrepreneur journey… along with 37,000+ Entrepreneurs!

Did you get some value from this Podcast Episode?

I hope you did because I put my heart into making sure you get value packed training on a multi million content strategy.

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