5 Social Media Tips That Will Help You Jumpstart Your Business On Social Media

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you 5 social media tips that will help you use social media to grow your business… if you’re new or just getting started.

This is perfect if you want to start leveraging the power of your laptop, so you can take your business around the world with you…. or stay at home and be able to work in your PJ’s.

Just to give you an idea of how powerful this is…. I enrolled 152 new teammates in 90 days, using social media…. soooo yes this does work.

5 Social Media Tips That Will Help You Jumpstart Your Business On Social Media – Episode 195

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With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.Register For The SOcial Marketing Bootcamp

This week, since we’re taking about using Social Media to build your business if you’re just getting started, I’ve got a free training where you can join us and I'll show you exactly how to bring people to you on Social Media AND convert those people once they come to you into sales or new teammates for your business.

Social Media Tip #1 – Pick your platform and stick to it

So tip number one is to pick your platform and stick to it until you master it.

I cannot tell you how many times people come to me and say, “Tanya, do I need to be everywhere? Do I need to be on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook?”

The answer is not when you're just getting started.

You’ll get better and FASTER results if you just pick one platform and master it.

Now, if you're not too sure what platform is best to use for you and your business, I did an episode on what platform to pick that's best for your business so you might want to go and check out that episode after this one, and I'll link to it in the show notes for you.

Social Media Tip #2 – Pick 5 categories of interest to revolve your topics around

Tip number two is to write down five categories of interests that you can revolve your topics around on that Social Media platform.

Now, just to make this fun and easy for you, it doesn't have to revolve around your business. It's just five areas of interest that you may personally have.

Because remember, you have to build a relationship with your people before you're going to make any sales, and so you want to relate to them.

And also you want to show up every day consistently on social media.

You are not going to have a good ol' time doing that unless you are talking about the things that interest you.

And once you do that you'll naturally start attracting people that are similar to you.

So take a piece of paper out right now and write out five different categories or topics of interest that you could talk about.

I'll give you a couple of examples that you can create ideas or topics or posts around:

✓Faith, religion, spirituality
✓Dogs, cats or pets in general
✓Alternative medicine or natural wellness
✓Diets (keto,paleo,whole30)
✓Fitness (yoga,running,pilates) you're into running or yoga

Think of five things that you get excited to talk about, or would get excited to talk about on social media consistently to build a relationship with your audience.

Social Media Tip #3 – Schedule your posts every single week

It’s super important that you schedule out your posts on a weekly basis. This way your posting consistently and your working the algorithm.

It doesn't matter what social media channel you're using, you need to show up consistently every single day with something.

We like to use the built in Facebook scheduler right from Facebook but there’s other tools like Post Planner Pro where you can schedule out your social media posts for the entire week in less than one hour.

So once a week block out some time and sit down and create your seven posts for the week, schedule it all out, and then set it and forget it.

I'll leave a link to Post Planner Pro for you to check out in the show notes below.

Social Media Tip #4 – Do Facebook Lives

Facebook live or Instagram live, whatever platform you've chosen to build and focus on and master when it comes to your business, you have to be showing up at least once a week live.

That's why I do my Tuesday with Tanya live episode on my Facebook page every single week.

Because right now, Facebook, and Instagram are favoring accounts that are doing Lives.

And Facebook wants more and more people to be doing lives.

And so that means that when you go live, Facebook is showing your content and your video out to more cold market audiences for free.

That means they are showing your Facebook lives to people who are most likely to engage with that topic but don't know you.

So make sure you are taking advantage of this incredible free opportunity that we get right now.

If you don't know how to do Facebook lives, or maybe you're a little scared to do them, I'll also leave in the show notes below my Facebook live checklist.

It will show you what to do before, during, and after your Facebook live to get the most engagement and results from the lives that you're doing.

Social Media Tip #5 – Be Consistent no matter what

My last tip is to mentally prepare you for what everyone goes through when they’re first getting started.

If you're brand new be prepared for nobody to pay attention to you.

But if you are consistent and you keep showing up, no matter what, each and every day, you will grow your audience.

People are watching you, so give them something good to watch, but don't feel bad if in the beginning people just aren't showing up or aren't engaging.

I was once there too, where no one was on my lives.

Actually…I think maybe my mom was on my lives… lol

But nonetheless, keep showing up.

It will grow, but you have to be very consistent with it and be prepared to keep showing up even if nobody is showing up for you in the beginning.

So be consistent no matter what.

Social Media Tips – In Closing

Now remember, getting people to get engaged with you and for you to start growing your business online and have people interested in what it is that you're doing is only half the battle.

You've got to know exactly what to do with those people to convert them into a sale for you and your business.

So remember, I’m doing a free training right now where I show you how we're using one simple Facebook group, for free, mind you, to recruit teammates and new customers like clockwork.

Please, if this training is going on when you're watching this video and you can access it, get your hands on it, because it is that powerful for you and your business.

You can save your spot on the training by clicking on the yellow button below.

register for tanya aliza social marketing bootcamp

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass – Learn More Here

Come behind-the-scenes of my multi-million dollar business to discover the
3 “Smart Marketing” secrets that help me Attract Perfect Buyers, all day, every day.

Episode 134 –The Best Social Media Platforms To Prospect, Recruit and Build Your Business – Learn More

Post Planner – Learn More Here

Post Planner is a really cool tool you can use to schedule your posts every week.

Facebook Live Checklist – Learn More

This is my go-to checklist that I’ve been using before, during and after my FB Live broadcasts that have gotten me tens of thousands on eyeballs on my products and services!

It’s no secret that doing FB Lives can bring you a lot of exposure and business, but sometimes it can be exhausting and intimidating to know if you’re doing them right to get people to actually take the next step with you…

Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook (book) – Learn More Here 

This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of Social Media to get it and read it 5 times! It teaches you how to function on Social Media to get the most results.

Hypnotic Writing (book) – Learn More Here

This is one of my favorite books and I recommend it to anyone that wants to master the art of writing and talking to people in a way that gets them excited about what it is they’re selling. It’s my favorite copywriting book… however, copywriting and copy speaking are very important to learn if you want people to take action with you.

The B-L.A.B. – Come Join Us Here

AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for prospecting, recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week, we hold each other accountable and we lift each other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Did you get some value from these Social Media tips?

I hope you did because each week I put my heart into making sure you get some amazing social media tips and strategies to rock it in your business while creating a life you love.

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Each Monday I post a new video training and free resource on my blog.Tanya Aliza

Each Tuesday I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so make sure we’re connected www.facebook.com/tanyaaliza

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You are a Rock Star!

Question of the week: Did you start using social media right away, or did you take a little while to warm up to it?

I’d love to know so please join the conversation below!

I hope you enjoyed these 5 social media tips 😉

2024-05-12T11:21:04-04:00By |Social Media Tips|