My Instagram Growth Secret | How To Read Your Analytics

Want my Instagram Growth Secret that helped me grow a massive audience fast?

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but success on Instagram isn't all that mysterious.

The actual reason some business owners grow their audiences quickly is because they have a strong understanding of their Instagram analytics.

If you want to accelerate your growth on Instagram, you need to tap into the power of Instagrams built-in insights feature.

Insights will show you what works and what doesn’t.

Without it, you’re blind. With it, you’re on the road to 10,000 followers fast.

In this training episode, I want to share with you how to make sense of your Instagram Insights so that you know exactly what your audience wants and desires are.

This way you’re creating content that they’ll want to engage with.

Let’s dive in!

My Instagram Growth Secret | How To Read Your Analytics – Episode 273

With every episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to equip you with a POWERFUL free resource that goes with the episode which you My Instagram Growth Secret | How To Read Your Analyticscan implement right away to create some of the same results, if not better, in your entrepreneurial ventures.

Since in this episode we're talking about amplifying your or Instagram growth I want to give you my 10 Instagram Story Examples For Business Promotion.

After going through these examples, you’ll be able to use Instagram stories for business promotion and brand your business effectively.

You can download the FREE resource by clicking the yellow button above?

My Instagram Growth Secret | How To Read Your Analytics

Viewing and analyzing your Instagram Insights and Analytics are available to you if you have an Instagram Business account or Creator account.

You don’t have to worry If you’re still using a personal Instagram account.

It’s incredibly easy and simple to switch your personal Instagram account to be a Business or Creator account.

With that being said, I recommend switching your account immediately.

Without measuring your data and analytics, you will not be able to track and amplify your results.

Always remember, what you can't measure, you can't improve upon.

My Instagram Growth Secret – Switch to Business or Creator Instagram Account

  1. Go to you Profile
  2. Select the Menu on your profile
  3. Proceed to Settings
  4. Click “Account”
  5. Select “Switch account type”
  6. Select whether to switch to a Business or Creator account

After doing the steps above, you can now see your insights.

My Instagram Growth Secret – Difference of Business and Creator Instagram Account

There definitely are a few differences between the two in terms of functionality.

Hence, doing your own research on which one will best suit you and your business is an absolute must.

On the other hand, you can initially try out the Creator account to see the functions.

Ultimately, I found both of them to be very similar with the exception of a few variances.

My Instagram Growth Secret – What I Look at When it Comes to Insights

I'm going to show you how to navigate through what data is useful for your business.

On your profile, there is a little menu tab at the very top right-hand corner.

Clicking on that will lead you to Insights.

Once you have a Business or Creator account, you will have Complete Account and Post-Specific insights available to you.

  • Accounts Reached
  • Accounts Engaged
  • Total Followers
  • Content You Shared
  • Insights about the content you share (How many people clicked on your call to action button, how many Comments were left, how many follows you received based on that specific content, how many likes, how many saves, how many shares, how many plays. etc.)

Moreover, in the Resources section of this training episode, I’m going to include a link to Instagram’s help file so you can learn more about your insights.

If you’re a business owner or content creator, this will help you really understand how to dive into your insights.

My Instagram Growth Secret – What I Pay MOST Attention To

WHO My Audience Is

This gives you a demographic which tells you who is most engaging with your content.

Why is this important? It allows you to understand who is most resonating with your content.

Knowing this will allow you to adjust the type of content you’re making to suit the right audience.

You want content that serves your demographic.

For example, you would speak to a 19 year old very differently than you would speak to a 55 year old in your content.

WHAT Is My Top Content

What content gets the most engagement (likes, comments, etc.)

Ultimately, you can use that Insight to amplify your Instagram growth by creating more content similar to this.

You can ask yourself “What content is creating the most _____________.”

It could be most followers, most call to action clicks, most comments, most likes, most saves, most follows.

As a content creator or business owner, take a look at your overall goal and review the content that serves your goal most.

Finally, create more content similar to that.

My Instagram Growth Secret – How Often Should You Analyze Insights

Personally, I suggest doing this once a month

Before we go into creating more content, we like to take a look at how our current content is doing,

Because the worst thing to do in business is to operate blindly.

If you want Instagram growth, you have to pay attention to what is working, how it's working, and then model the success paths that come from these insights.

It's not rocket science, but it is very important for your Instagram growth and business.

In Closing

Hopefully, this training on how to use your Insights helps you with your Instagram growth.

Always remember how important it is to read your Instagram Insights because it gives you a high level overview of what you need to pay attention to.

On that note, don’t forget to grab 10 Instagram Story Examples For Business Promotion.

After going through this, you’ll be able to use Instagram stories for business promotion and brand your business effectively.

You can download this FREE resource by clicking the yellow button below ?

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help Rock Your Biz

? How to use Instagram Stories To Grow Your Business – Read More Here

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you why you want to be using Instagram stories and how to use them effectively to get more sales for your business, products, and services.

? My Influencer Marketing Strategy (Grow YOUR Following & Your Bank Account!) – Read More Here

In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to show you what you might be doing that is causing you to lose possible interested prospects, how to remedy this, and what you can do to turn your social media following into sales.

? Instagram’s Help File – Learn More Here

? Tanya Aliza’s Kit – Learn More Here

Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

I update these favorites all the time to make sure that I’m giving you the ‘latest and greatest’ in what I personally use and love.

If you don’t have a KIT that you share with your audience yet… make sure to check out the free training I made for you here →

Kit’s are awesome and a great way to also add an additional revenue stream to your Brand.

?️ Done 4 You Brand Services – Learn More Here

For my super busy Entrepreneurs out there, I know that you might not have the time to go through the steps of a course or program, and you have the resources to get the experts to do all the work for you. Good news for you… My dedicated internal design team and I can work with you to get your online brand and business all set up. We are marketing experts AND design professionals which makes a big difference when it comes to your Online Brand and attracting leads and sales.

We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, facebook business pages and more!

? B-LAB – Come Join Us Here

The B-LAB stands for BUILD LIKE A BOSS! And that’s exactly what you are! You’re the Boss of your business and the BOSS of your life!

However, being the BOSS and carrying the weight of that everyday can get lonely, that’s exactly why I created The B-LAB! This is the place to meet and engage with other Entrepreneurs going through the exact day to day processes as you.

My team and I are inside this community helping you, celebrating you and supporting you through your Entrepreneur journey… along with 37,000+ Entrepreneurs!

Did you get some value from this Instagram Growth tutorial?

I hope you did because I put my heart into making sure you get good training on Instagram strategies.

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